Status: May not update often, but I'm working on it. Lots going on.

Life Note


Darkness.... It’s everywhere. Why can’t I see anything? Wait, what’s that...? It’s so... so... bright. Oh, God! What is that terrible noise?! It almost sounds like a torture chamber! Gah! My hand! It burns! Oh, God, it burns! Why is this happening to me?!
Who’s there?! Show yourself!
“Come back, lighto... You have unfinished business to attend to...”
Who are you? How do you know my name?! What unfinished business?
“The world is still rotten... Worms are making their way through its core, making it decay ever-faster...”
Those words... They seem so familiar... Why can’t I place them?!
“Liiiiiightooo.... Come back, Lighto-Kun. We need you.”
My lungs... I can’t breathe! What’s happening? Am I dying? Gah! My entire body is burning! What’s going o--?!

I sit up with a start, my breath coming in a loud wheeze There’s a sudden, sharp pain in the front of my head, and a staccato thunk! registers somewhere in the recesses of my mind. My throat feels dry and scratchy, as if I haven’t spoken in weeks, of if I’d spoken too much. I can’t see a thing, so I bring my hands up to my eyes to see if they’re even open, because I swear they are. As I lift my arms I can feel a soft fabric, like satin, on my sides---very close---and what feels like painted wood a few inches above my nose.
My eyes are open.
So why can’t I see? I wonder.
My knees feel like they’re beginning to cramp up, so I try to raise them, forgetting about the hard surface just above me. The air around my head has begun to feel thick and warm, like the sensation that you get when you stick your head underneath a blanket for too long. I suck in a deep breath and my lungs feel like they’re burning. My head begins to pound and I try to sit up once more, and once more forget about the hard surface above my head.
That’s when I remember.
Everything comes back to me in a sudden flood of memories. I scream in pain and anger, screaming as loud as I can. “Near...” I growl. Rage takes over me and I feel my hands begin to shake. I roll onto my side, my shoulder pressing up against the hard surface above me, and punch out as hard as I can. This did not turn out very well. Seeing as the sides of the apparent box were very close together, I couldn’t get my arm back far enough to make a good punch, ending in a very sore shoulder on my part.
Wait. I think, at last putting two and two together. Box. I appear to be in a box. Well... What the hell.
I close my eyes again, trying to gather my surroundings, both in and outside of the box. I can vaguely hear birds chirping, and know that, obviously, those would be outside of this small box. There’s a sound like someone sifting through paper, and I take it that that is the sound of leaves in the wind; the box that I’m in is outside.
Then it hits me, like a slap in the face.
Coffin. I’m in a coffin.
Did I... die? Was that what that darkness was...? Oh my god, who could have---Matsuda.
Everything came back to me; the Death Note, Ryuk, L, Misa, L’s death, the team, helping them with an extremely important case---Kira.
I began to laugh. They couldn’t kill me! I was God! I am God! There is nothing they could ever do to get rid of me!
Hold on... How do I get out of here? I asked myself, suddenly remembering my predicament.
I rolled my eyes. Of course! And I began to rock myself side to side. I could feel the coffin swaying with me, moving back and forth, back and forth.... And then it fell. I stomach was jammed to the side along with the rest of my intestines, and I felt my heart squeeze as if in fear. The breath was knocked out of me when I hit the ground. The coffin shattered. Cheap.
I stood up, wiping debris off of my suit and walking casually away from the mess. Someone would come along soon to clean it up. I looked around me. No one in sight.
I smirked and continued walking.
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Thanks for reading ((: I didn't work very hard on this, but it's been sitting in my Google Docs forever so I figured I'd submit it xD