Status: For Nano Wrimo, finished November 28, 2012 at 51,214 words

The New Queen

Team Rivalry

“Come on Vika, we’re best friends!” Aliya exclaimed. Vika shook her head. They headed downstairs for breakfast. “c’mon!”
“I can’t tell you!” Vika said. “I promised her”
“Is Pavel cheating on me?” Aliya asked.
“Of course not, I would tell you if he was” Vika said. “This is confidential. I don’t know what you heard but the girl doesn’t want anyone to know”
“I know someone has a crush on him and I want to know” Aliya said. “He’s my boyfriend, im entitled to know don’t you think?”
“Not really”
“Am I friends with this girl?”
“Do I know her”
“Is she hotter than me?”
“I don’t know!” Vika exclaimed. They got into the cafeteria. “Leave me alone”
“Is she a senior gymnast?”
“Is she…” she looked at the girls around the room. She saw Anna talking with Pavel. They were sitting at the same table giggling. “Is it Anna?” Aliya asked. Vika didn’t respond. Aliya walked to the other side of the cafeteria, swining her hips, with an evil look on her face.
She got to Pavel and Anna and sat on the table between them. She kissed Pavel. “Hey honey, can I have a word with Anna?”
“Ok, sure” Pavel got up and walked to another table with other male gymnasts. Aliya turned and smirked deviously at Anna, Anna faked a smile back.
“I know you like Pavel” she said
“Who told—no I don’t” Anna laughed it off like it was nothing. “Who’d you hear that from?”
“I have a hunch” Aliya got off the table. “Just know one thing—he’s mine, and if I ever see you talking with him again. I will destroy you” Aliya smirked and walked away. Anna was shocked. She got up from the table and found Maria. Anna put her head down on the table.
“Ok Aliya might know you like Pavel” Vika said.
“That’s the least of my problems” she said.

Anna avoided Pavel since her little…run in with Aliya. Pavel still tried to talk to her during rehab but she kept the conversations very short. She didn’t want trouble. She was barely a senior gymnast yet.
Her first competition would be at Europeans in a few weeks, she was far from being ready. She didn’t have enough of her skills back on floor to compete all around. Evgeny and Anna put together final and complete difficulty routines on bars and beam, she could do one out of her two vaults and she would not compete on floor at all.
Anna was the first person chosen for the European team. Next was Aliya and Vika, then Ksenia and lastly Grishina. They would use her on all three events she would be doing. They could benefit from her beam, but they REALLY needed her on floor.

Within the first week of training for Europeans she met a TON of new people. A lot of people heard about her huge win from the American Cup and demanded to meet her.
Larisa Iordache and Diana Bullimar introduced themselves first. Larisa was only like a year and a half older than Anna. They both have had injuries that were very unexpected and out of the blue, so they talked about that.
She had a lot of fun before the competition started, but during the competition wasn’t that great.

“I can’t stand her” Aliya said. “She gets all this undeserved attention” she said. They were getting ready in the back gym. Right before the team final. “How is she so special?”
“Aliya, Anna is the best all around gymnast Russia has ever had” Vika said. “Can you imagine finally having a Russian all around champion to break the American streak?” she asked.
“Why can’t we do it?”
“Anna has a better shot” Vika said. “You know she’s stronger on all four events. As long as she doesn’t have a major injury she’ll dominate”
“But how do you know? Jordyn Wieber was supposed to dominate, I was supposed to dominate” Vika shrugged.
“I can feel it. I can see it happening”
Anna walked up to them. “Alexandrov said good luck” she said.
“Lovely” Aliya said. Anna could feel the hatred towards her, like they were just talking about her.
“Im going to go over there now” Anna walked away.
“I like Anna” Vika said. “She’s a friend and like you were welcomed by Kurbatova, Semenova and Afanaseyva your first year, Anna deserves to be welcomed too” Vika walked over to Anna.
Aliya rolled her eyes. She just felt hatred towards Anna because she was jealous. Pavel looked happy talking to Anna. Anna got everything easy, Aliya wanted to make things hard on her. She needs to struggle.

The Russian team finishes second like the year before. Anna contributed the highest beam score of the night. They had a fall on beam by Aliya.
During the event finals Anna took second on beam and then third on bars. It was a good stepping stone to worlds.