Status: For Nano Wrimo, finished November 28, 2012 at 51,214 words

The New Queen

Gangnam Style

At Worlds Anna submitted her one skill. A straddled stalder in a backward grip with 1.5 turns. It was a skill she hadn’t seen anyone do and Evgeny thought they would add it in to help boost her bar D-score.
So by the new year she officialy had a move on bars, her weakest event, rated at an E. It was all pretty exciting. Her next move would be a double scorpion turn on floor that she would submit at next years worlds.

She wanted a new start in 2015. She got a new floor routine that was a lot different to her other routines. Her routine in years past had been very fun and playful, this year she had a more serious routine using Aliya Mustafina’s old music from 2011. She loved the music and Aliya signed off on it.
Ever since Aliya left Pavel she’s becoming more chill but it’s only when Pavel and Anna aren’t seen together. They weren’t going to be friends any day soon, but day by day they were getting more civil with each other. She was realizing that eventually and hopefully they would be Olympic team mates and they needed to get along.
The new year was great though, Pavel and Anna were doing great. They had an on/off type relationship. They didn’t hang out constantly, they went to each other maybe every other day on a less stressful day to talk and most of the times they made out. Pavel didn’t want to get serious until she turned 18. Spoiler alert they wouldn’t be together when she turned 18.

“Oppa gangnam style” Anna ran on the treadmill singing an old K-Pop hit. “Oh-oh-oh-oh Oppan Gangnam style!” she started doing the dance on the treadmill but then slipped and fell back and rolled off the treadmill.
VIka head the noise coming from the other room and ran in. “Whoa are you okay?” she akssed.
“Im fine” Anna said. “Just getting too hardcore”
Vika helped her up and took her iPod. “Gangnam style? No way! You like K-Pop!”
“Of course” they did the gangnam style together.