Status: For Nano Wrimo, finished November 28, 2012 at 51,214 words

The New Queen

Her Reign Isn't Over

You see, in England a queen’s reign doesn’t end until she dies. Take a look at the current queen, Elizabeth II. Her son Phillip won’t take the thrown until she dies. When she dies, he will take over at the king of England.
Anna lost her thrown the same way. Someone would have to better her achievements. Winning five medals is very hard at the Olympics. Even harder would be beating Anna’s guiness world record. Kohei and Anna did a once in the lifetime thing. It would take years maybe even decades for someone to come close to all their achievements. Until someone did, Anna was forever the undeclared queen of gymnastics.
We have a very long way to go before we can see the next queen. Although Anna has retired, her reign is far from over.

Anna got into Michigan with Mikhail. They both agree they would start in the fall. Oleg, who was almost 18 could start college a year late like Mikhail did. Eventually they would all get the education their mother wanted for them.
Anna had much to do before she could leave for America. She felt bad retiring without really explaining it to Maria first. They were roommates since the beginning of this crazy adventure.
She hung out with Maria the day before she was supposed to leave for America. They spent the whole day shopping and that night they met up with more friends
“I hope you have fun in America” Pavel said. “Though I’m still sad you retired” Anna shrugged.
“If any of us were going to get out of this town…it was Anna” Emin said. “Here’s too happy endings for all of us” they all held their glasses up.
“To new beginings” Aliya said. She put her arm around Anna.
“To new beginnings”

Mikhail and Anna flew to America a week before September begun. They were both really excited about going to college. Mikhail had been to a normal school while Anna was home schooled and taught at Lake Krugloe most of her life. She forgot what normal schools were life.
Adnan came with them for the first few days to help them settle in to their dorms. Anna got her own apartment on campus. She was sick of sharing rooms with people. She spent all her time a Lake Krugloe sharing a room.
For the first few weeks she was there she loved it. Michigan was really beautiful. She met a lot of new friends and even felt like her english was good enough to rival with natives. She even met up with Sam Mikulak a few times. She could feel like Sam took an interest in her. They became very close very fast.
Sam liked who Anna was sought out to be. Sam saw an interview with Anna about what kind of person she was….
“She’s so energetic and electric” Viktoria started. “Everyone knows her, how can you not?” the girls giggled. “I remember having interviews in Rio…everyone stood up to talk to her” she continued. “Shes like this…hybrid…this mix of a girl who can’t ontain herself. But I always got the sense that she became torn between being a good gymnast and missing out on all the opportunities that life had to offer a girl as magnificent as her. I understand her” she said. Anna smiled. “I’m so proud of her”
Sam remembered the interview really well. That was the deciding factor. He wanted to be with this girl. She fit the description of the girl he was looking for. He might have gotten his hopes up though…