Something in the Mist


My footsteps echoed as I walked down the empty street.
I weaved around the abandoned cars and stepped over decaying corpses.
It was 12:30 in the afternoon and it was dark due to the thick black fog that hung in the sky.
I haven't seen the sun, moon or stars in almost 2 years.
Not since the commit collided with earth.
That commit destroyed everything.
The impact of the commit caused a chain of natural disasters around the world.
But worse was the virus. When the scientists decided to crack it open, a deadly virus seep into the air.
Anyone who breathed it in, died. Every human, every animal. Even the plants died.

The world is no longer inhabitable for humans, well those who are left.
Which is not many. Only 10% of the human race is alive.
How you many ask?
When word got out about the virus, many fled into underground shelters.

This world is empty and dark.
Those who are left fend for themselves. They trust no one.
Food and supplies are limited and people will kill for them.

But its not just the humans you have to look out for.
As I found out a few nights after entering the new world there is also creatures of the dark.
Vampires, werewolves and recently skinwalkers. Not to mention many others that I haven't identified.
They roam the streets, taking what they can get.
Now that the world has gone to hell, they don't bother hiding.
There just isn't a point.
And its because of this that you NEVER go out at night, ever.
If you do. You likely never to see morning.


I had been surveilling the area, as I do every couple of days. Something I had become accustomed to doing.
Basically I just walk the streets, looking for any evidence of someone living near by. Usually I find the odd corpse. Drained of blood or ripped apart.

But today there was nothing. Not a thing.
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The first chapter to my first story on this site :) i hope it was alright and that you liked it! It was short i know but there is more to come. It would be lovely to hear what you think of it :D