Status: I'll try to be quick

Kendall Schmidt Daddy Story

Where's Daddy?!

I go downstairs and find my 3 year old daughter playing in the toy room and I smile. She asks "When is daddy coming back?" My smile fades away "I don't know sweetheart." She stops smiling too "Where is he?" I say "I told you, he has to work. He goes around the world to sing to everyone." She asks "Did he sing to you?" I smile and sit next to her "Ofcourse he did. Remember he sings to you too?" She nods energetically. I laugh and say "Time to go to the store" She starts crying "I don't wanna go! I want daddy to come back!" I pick her up and say "I do too, but we need some food to put into your little tummy." and I tickle her." She giggles with tears still in her eyes and snot coming out of her nose. I grab a tissue and clean her face. We go into the van and I buckle myself and Sophia. I start driving to Walmart. I turn the radio on and the first song that came on was Worldwide. I turned the volume high and tears came into my eyes. Sophia sees me crying and asks "What's wrong mommy?" I sniff "This is daddy singing." We both smile and listen to the rest of the song in silence. Once we get there, I see a big banner that has my husband and his friends (Big Time Rush) on it. I smile. Sophia points and screams "That's daddy!!" I smile. We park and Sophia runs towards the banner crossing the street by herself. I run after her "Sophia don't do that!" She puts her hand on Kendall's face and kisses his cheek. She starts crying "I love you." I felt that I was in tears again so I said "He loves you too." She asks "Does he love you?" I say "Yeah." I put her into the cart and start shopping for bread, cheese, milk, juice, and meat. Sophia starts crying again but I ignore it and take her out of the cart. While I go get some snacks, a boy comes to Sophia and asks "Why you crying?" Sophia says "I miss my daddy!" He says "I know why he isn't
here. He doesn't love you." and the boy leaves. Sophia angrily
cries. I shout while whispering "Sophia stop crying!" I realize
how big Big Time Rush is because while we are waiting in line
to pay for the food, I see all these magazines about them. I
couldn't help but smile widely. We payed and went back home.
Sophia is still angry so I ask "What's wrong Sophia?" She
doesn't talk. I irkingly say "Okay fine, don't tell me." We finally
get home. Sophia angrily jumps out of the car once I park and
runs up to her room. I come into her room a couple minutes
later and ask "Time for dinner." I see her face in a pillow crying.
I go up to her and rub my hand across her back "Sophia, tell
me what's wrong?" She looks up and sniffs "At the store, a boy
said that daddy doesn't love me!" I open up my arms and she
falls into them crying soaking my shirt. I say "Daddy does love
you." She asks "Then why isn't daddy here?!" I change the
subject "Let's go have dinner." I carry her down to the kitchen
and feed her. It was 10 pm now which is her bed time. I say
"Time for bed." She screams "No!" and runs away. I laugh and
chase her for 5 minutes. When I finally catch her, I was out of
breath. She squirms but I held on to her and put her in her bed.
She asks "Can you read to me?" I smile "ok." and I read her Tangled. She finally falls asleep after I read the book for
another 2 hours. I lazily get up and get into my own bed. Another night sleeping alone.I sadly lay down and start crying. Tommorrow is my birthday but I don't think it'll be the same. I pick up my phone and call Kendall. He picks up and I start crying. I say "I miss you so much!" He says "I miss you too but you don't have to worry anymore." I ask "Why not?" I heard a giggle "Turn around." I sniff "Why?" Suddenly I hear Kendall's voice but it isn't coming from the phone "Just turn around." I do and I find him smiling. I jump into his arms and he laughs "I missed you so much." I reply "Me too. I love you." He says "I love you too." And kisses me. I smile really widely and we kissed. He asks "Sophia is asleep?" I respond "Yeah, she just fell asleep." Kendall looks worried "Just?!" I laugh "She missed you." He says "I missed you guys so much too." He goes into Sophia's room and says "Hey, Sophia you awake?" She screams "Get away!" He looks confused "What happened?" She exclaimes "You don't love me!" and starts crying. I roll my eyes and whisper in Kendall's ear "Some guy told her that you dont like her." He laughs "Sophia, I love you." She ignores him so Kendall says "Want me to sing to you." She turns to him and says "Yeah. Then read." Kendall grabs a book and starts singing. I leave to sleep. I come back a couple minutes later and find them both sleeping. I smile and take the book out of his hand. He whispers "I love you." I kiss him "I love you too."