Status: I haven't really been getting much feedback on this, so as of 2/2/13 this story is on Hiatus

A Light From the Shadows Shall Spring

Chapter 10

Over the next few hours, Aragorn and Boromir worked together in teaching me not only how to fight with a sword, but also how to fist fight. They explained that knowledge of both would be useful, especially where we were going, and said if there was enough time, Legolas (whoever that was) would teach me archery. They taught me the correct way to hold a sword, and the correct way to position and move my feet. The sword I was using was incredibly heavy, and my arms began to ache rather quickly. It would also be fair to mention that the dress I was still wearing was making things rather difficult as well, and I hoped we would be done soon, or at least take a break so I could go change into something more appropriate.

Soon enough, Aragorn informed me that we were done for the day, and that I had done well. I didn't really feel as if I had done well, but I thanked him and Boromir anyway. I was told to meet them both back here in the morning tomorrow, and I said goodnight and followed the trail back up through the forest, past the courtyard, and finally up to my room.

I was happy to see the clothes I had arrived here in were waiting on the bed for me, and they had been mended and cleaned. I was still absolutely astonished at the wonderful hospitality of the elves and wished that I could repay them somehow. I eagerly changed clothes, feeling much more comfortable in my black legging-type pants and black v-neck shirt. I also saw that the sword Aragorn had given me at Amon SĂșl was laid out on the vanity across from my bed. I went over to it and decided I would bring it with me tomorrow morning, seeing as it was smaller and lighter and I thought I might feel less awkward with it.

The sun was going down over the mountain and its remaining rays cast an even more pronounced golden glow over Rivendell. I sighed, realizing how truly beautiful this world was. It wasn't spoiled by technology and buildings and cars everywhere. People here, I noticed, built around the landscape instead of through it. I noticed I didn't feel as sad about leaving home anymore. I certainly missed my family and friends, and I worried about them too, but something about this place was beginning to feel comfortable and my own world almost felt like a distant dream, and I wondered if I had ever really been there in the first place.

A soft knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts, and I called out for the visitor to come in. The door opened to reveal Gandalf, looking pensive and he asked lightly, "I wonder, Cecilia, would you care to join Lord Elrond and I for a touch of supper? I daresay it has been a while since you've last had a meal, unless I am mistaken?"

I looked down to my stomach and at the thought of it, I was actually quite hungry. I nodded to him and followed him to a grand dining hall that was very open, and very much lacking in walls, just as was the characteristic of this entire lovely place. There were lanterns along the wall that let off an impossible amount of golden light, and one might think that it were day time if not for the darkness just beyond the pillars and curtains.

There was a long table in the middle of the room and many elves, men, dwarfs, and of course hobbits, sat around it. Food covered almost every inch of the table, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. As I entered, many looked up at me quickly, but continued their conversations. I passed many elves that I did not know, and then came to the group of people I did know. As I passed the four hobbits, they smiled and waved at me and I returned both gestures. I saw Boromir and smiled at him, and then followed Gandalf up to the head of the table where Lord Elrond sat. Both the seats to his right and left were unoccupied. Gandalf led me to the one on the left and then took a seat in the one on the right. I saw Aragorn sitting next to him, and smiled at him as well.

The conversation was light as we ate and eventually some people began to trickle out of the hall. Soon enough, I noticed, it was just The Fellowship who were left. We all seemed to quiet down collectively as Lord Elrond clasped his hands together and rested them on the arms of his chair.

He spoke quietly, yet authoritatively as he said, "The Fellowship of the Ring. I have summoned you all here tonight because there lies a matter of great importance that I must discuss with you." He looked at each of us individually for a moment and continued, "Many of you noticed at today's council that we are joined by a face that was said to be lost forever. It is true The Lost Lady of Dunharrow, Lady Aegliriell, has physically returned to Middle Earth. However, the Lady that sits before you does not yet embody her mentally."

There were a few in the group who shifted in their seats, not really knowing what to make of this. In all honesty, I would be confused too. Being told that someone is here physically and not mentally is pretty jarring. Although, I imagined my own feelings about all of this were similar to theirs.

He continued, "As I have already warned: Do not take to heart the tales of which you have been told in your youth. Those tales have been passed down for generations and cease to hold much truth. The Lady who sits before you is named Cecilia, and is not yet Lady Aegliriell, though she will be in time."

As I listened to his words, small fragments of green light flashed into my vision, and I blinked them away. I could hear Elrond telling the men it was imperative that I make it to Gondor after the Ring was destroyed, but his voice was faint and was intercut with piercing screams every time I saw the green light. I somehow saw the hobbits get up and leave, as well as the elf, the dwarf, and Boromir. Aragorn was about to get up to leave when he looked to me, and a look of concern washed over his face. It looked like he was talking to me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Elrond looked to me as well, and held the same expression.

Both of my hands were resting on the table, and at the same time, Lord Elrond and Aragorn both reached for one of my hands. As soon as our skin touched, my body stiffened and I was sitting straight up against the back of my chair. My muscles tightened and my head tilted back so that I was looking at the ceiling. Then, I felt my eyes roll all the way back into my skull and I was suddenly engulfed in another world.

Everything had a greenish tint to it as I looked around. I somehow knew I was in America- Chicago to be exact. And I knew it was 1930- right smack dab in the middle of the Great Depression. The streets were filthy and crowded with people, all of whom were starving. All the buildings seemed to be run down, and I felt death everywhere. Somewhere down the street there were people fighting for food, and over to my left there were people crying in a rickety old house. I felt my body float over to the broken window on the first floor of the house as I looked in.

A mother and father crouched next to a bed with an impossibly small girl laying in it. The mother was gently stroking the girls face as tears spilled mercilessly out of her eyes. The father held onto her hand and brought it up to kiss it as a tear slid down his face. I knew I was looking at myself. I was the little girl. I had been alive during the Great Depression, and I was dying of starvation. I looked behind me, and although I didn't see them, I could just feel a presence behind me, and suddenly I realized it was Lord Elrond, Aragorn, and Gandalf who were with me in my mind. Somehow, they were seeing what I was seeing.

I blinked once and I was suddenly in the small girl's body- my body. I noticed the wretched, hollow feeling in my stomach. Everything hurt. My vision was spotty and I felt myself shaking violently. I was hot and cold at the same time, and I desperately wanted my parents to stop crying. I drew in what I knew was my last shaky breath and as I did so, I forced a smile on my face in a last attempt to comfort my parents. I felt my lungs release the breath, and like a wisp of dust in the wind, I was gone.

My vision slowly returned back to normal and I felt my muscles relax slightly, although I still held two hands in death grips. I forced my fingers to release the hands and brought my head down to eye-level as the rest of my body relaxed. I looked and saw Gandalf, Lord Elrond, and Aragorn all releasing each other's hands, realizing Gandalf must have joined hands with the other two in order to see what they were seeing. They were all looking at me with concerned expressions, and I began to feel uncomfortable. What the hell had that all been about?

Something about the way they were all looking at me told me that they indeed had seen the same thing I had. Looking to Lord Elrond I asked, "What was that?" As an after thought I quietly added, "You all saw that, right?"

Gandalf and Elrond shared a glance and nodded to each other and then looked back to me. Elrond spoke pensively as he said, "A strange thing we have witnessed this night. A past life has revealed itself to you, and what you saw, we also saw. The knowledge was indeed communal."

It was silent for a moment before Gandalf added, "This seems to answer a certain question that has been plaguing my mind for some time. When I first saw you, I recognized you instantly, but I knew you had returned quite a few years before your time, if you were to return at all. However, it would seem that this past life was one that was cut short by circumstances that were most unfortunate and beyond your control. I would not be surprised to find that you have had other similar past lives as well."

I felt exhausted as I looked away, but not before giving Aragorn a passing glance. He looked at me with an unreadable expression, but I couldn't look at anyone right now. I felt strange and surreal, and I just wanted to be alone.

I clasped my hands together and brought them down to rest in my lap. I looked down at them and sighed heavily. I didn't really know what to say or do, although I suspected I wasn't expected to know. After a few moments of silence, I slowly got up and left the dining hall.

I had strange dreams that night, and my sleep was very disrupted. I woke often, with fragments of the dream I had just had replaying through my mind, but before I could grasp their meaning, they were gone. I had the feeling I had dreamed some of these things before, but I couldn't recall any of the images to be certain.
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Thank you to everyone who is reading this! And I hope I've changed the layout so it's easier to read and navigate. If not let me know and I'll keep changing it until it's right! :)