Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The Surprise

Niall Horan’s best friend

Chapter 1: The surprise

“CAITY WAKE UP!” my mother yelled up the stairs trying to wake me up.

I grumbled in protest but I guess she didn’t hear me because she stomped up the stairs and into my bedroom. She yanked open my curtains, then proceeded to rip off my blankets.

“Caity today is your last day of grade 10, get your lazy butt out of this bed.” She told me in a very stern voice. I didn’t even budge an inch.

“I’ll take your phone…” she trailed off reaching for my phone.

“I’m up!” I yell snatching my phone away from my mother before she could grab it.

She left with a huge smile on her face due to the fact that she got me up before 10 am. I got up and took a very short shower, I then got dressed into my short jean shorts that barely cover my butt, and then threw on a coral T-shirt with low cleavage. I really didn’t care how I looked since I wouldn’t be seeing them for a couple months.

I then quickly blow dried my hair and straightened it. I left my face bare of make up since I really didn’t need any. Before I left my bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My dirty blond hair fell right in place. My face was bare of makeup. My green eyes matched my shirt and my light pink lips had a tint of gloss on them. My body was on the skinny side and the shirt hugged my body nicely and made my chest look bigger than normal. The jean shorts made my tan legs look longer since I was short.

I was pleased with how I looked and walked out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I walked in and noticed an extra plate on the table.

“Mom, what’s with the extra plate?” I ask pointing to it.

“We have a guest over, now sit down and eat you have to go soon.” She ushered me over to my normal chair that I eat in.

I sat down and started eating the pancakes my mom put on my plate. I grabbed the syrup when I saw him. I got up from my spot and ran to him. He was just standing there arms wide open ready for me to give him a hug. I ran into his arms.

“NIALL I’VE MISSED YOU!” I yelled to my best friend.

“I’ve missed you to Caity, now calm down and eat your pancakes.” Niall says is that cute Irish accent.

I walked back over to the table and sat down. Niall sat down next to me with pancakes on his plate to.

“So why are you here? Shouldn’t you be like doing concerts or something?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Ha Ha very funny, no we have the summer off for a little bit so I wanted to come and visit.” Niall says before shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth.

“Seriously Niall what do you want?” I tell him knowing he wanted something.

“Fine, since tomorrow is your summer break I wanted to know if you would like to come over to England for the summer…” He trailed off nervous of the answer.

I looked at my mom to see what her response was. All I saw was her smiling and nodding giving me her answer.

“Of course I want to! When do we leave?” I ask taking a sip of apple juice.

“Tomorrow, we can pack when you get home tonight.” Niall answered my question.

“Yay! I have to go I’m going to be late…” I stand up and go give him a hug.

He kissed my forehead then let me go. I walked out the door with my phone in my butt pocket, since it was the last day I really didn’t need anything. I quickly got to school and met with my other best friend Brianna.

At first I couldn’t find her but then I noticed her. Her natural blonde hair stood out from the other blondes. I walked towards my best friend.

Her long legs were bare and she had short jean shorts on with a black tank top that made her boobs pop up. Her blond hair was straightened, but her face was not bare like mine. She had her normal eyeliner and mascara and some lip gloss.

I walked up to her and she was texting like normal. She didn’t even notice me so I took out my own phone and texted her to look up. A few moments later she looked up.

“Took you long enough” I mutter to her.

“Sorry, I was reading an article about one direction.” Brianna said.
Yes Brianna knows about my friend ship.

“Brianna I need to tell you something… you have to keep it secret or I will get into huge problems.” I tell her seriously.

“Is it illegal, or dangerous?”

“No it isn’t, do you wanna know or not?” I asked getting slightly annoyed.

“Fine tell me”

“I am going to go to England with Niall since they have a break…” I tell her honestly.

“Oh my god! I wanna visit!”

“You will but you can’t tell anybody ok?”

After I made her promise not to tell anybody we went to homeroom. We sat down waiting for the teacher to come in. Then it hit me. Like literally hit me, Brianna threw a note at me.

I opened it and read:

I can’t believe you are going to be living with them for 2 months!

I laughed before throwing it back.

I couldn’t believe it either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
this is my new story. I know it's short but I will upload soon.

