Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The explanation and the theory

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 10: The explanation and the theory


Caity’s P.O.V

After the little fight between me and Niall I called Brianna since I needed to vent. I got on to Skype but then noticed the time difference. I clicked on her name anyway and it took her seconds to answer.

“You do realize that there is a 5 hour time difference between us now…” She opened her eyes a little bit wider then noticed the tears.

“Oh my god, what happened?” She asked really surprised since I
almost never cry.

“So I am dating Liam, please no comments till I’m done. But Niall is like not talking to me at all and I don’t know what I did!” I burst into tears feeling vulnerable.

“Honey, I am coming over to London ok? I just booked my ticket I will be there about 12 in the afternoon. Pick me up then. Oh and for advice I would stay away from Niall right now, stay away from everybody right now you need your space. Now I have to go pack, remember to pick me up!” She shouted the ended our call.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was only 9 pm so I did the only thing a depressed person could do. I set my alarm for 10am tomorrow then crawled into bed. My eyes closed right away.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

My alarm went off I tried to find the snooze button but I couldn’t find it. I squint my eyes and look around, all the boys were sitting somewhere in the room looking at me.

“What are you guys doing here?” I scream covering myself with the blankets. Liam gets under the blankets and sits next to me.

“What does it look like we’re doing?” Louis raises an eyebrow to my stupid question.

“All of you out, including you Liam.” Nobody moved so I did what I had to do.

“EVERYBODY OUT NOW!” I scream at the top of my lungs pointing to the door. Once they heard that they scrambled to the door, everybody but Niall.

“Caity, I want to say sorry for what I did.” Then he walked out hanging his head with sadness or maybe guilt.

I look at the clock and notice that it was 10:30 so I got out of bed and threw some clothes on. The black skinny jeans made my legs look longer and but look good. The red tank top made my boobs look bigger and showed off my curves.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun since I didn’t have much time to do much with it. But I did put on some eyeliner and mascara.

I slipped on some toms then went out to find Zayn. Zayn was on his black berry while sitting on the couch.

“Zayn, can you drive me to the airport?” I ask standing in front of him.

“Of course can I ask why?” He gets up from the couch and puts his shoes on at the front door.

“None of your business, now let’s go I’m going to be late.” I walked out of the door and into the car.

I can’t wait to see Brianna.

Brianna’s P.O.V

I can’t take it anymore; this guy next to me keeps snoring. Luckily the plane just landed, I got up and ran to the exit. I got my bags from the baggage claim then went to find Caity.

“Caity, I’m so glad to see you!” I ran towards her and gave her a big hug.

“I’ve missed you so much, we have a lot to catch up on.” She hugged me back then led me to the car.

We climbed into the back of the SUV and started talking about what was happening at home. That is until a voice was cleared up in the front.

“Are you going to introduce us Caity?” Zayn asked looking back in the mirror. Of course I know them, I just don’t fan girl like every other girl.

“Zayn this is Brianna, Brianna this is Zayn.” She said gesturing between us before coming back to our conversation.

A little bit later we got to this big house where I guess they live.

“Welcome to our house.” Caity got out and waved her arms.

“Wow.” Was all I could say. I followed Caity into the house and up some stairs.

“I will give you the tour later, you will be staying in my room if that’s ok.” She opened the door to a black and pink room. She was getting spoiled here.

“Of course it is!” I told her walking into the room and putting my stuff down by a wall.

“So what has been happening?” I asked sitting down on the bed.

Caity went into full detail about how she got asked out by Liam then how Niall has been giving her the cold shoulder. All up till this morning. It took time to process what was going on. I was careful to give her advice since I didn’t want to screw up her love life.
She stayed quiet waiting for my answer but I didn’t know how to respond.

It sounds like she likes Liam and that Liam likes her, but only as friends. I can’t see them going anywhere past brother and sister, but maybe I’m wrong.

But Niall, Niall would never give Caity the cold shoulder unless he has a good reason. They are best friends for crying out loud so something has to be bothering Niall. Then it clicked, Niall likes Caity.

Why else would he be giving her the hand? Plus Caity told me he would tell her when it’s the right time. They always share everything with each other. Everything except this, Niall wants this to stay quiet so he doesn’t ruin his relationship with her. It all makes sense now.

“Do you have some advice or not?” Caity asked after waiting a little bit.

“I have a theory but I can’t share it yet…” I trailed off wondering if I said too much already.

“Why can’t you tell me?” She asked pretty calmly but I knew she was going to blow up if I didn’t say the right thing.

“Because I need to make sure this theory is correct, but for right now I suggest you accept Niall’s apology and forget about it. I will tell you when the time is right ok?” I tell her hoping she doesn’t blowing up; my fingers were crossed behind my back.

“Ok I guess I can wait, but you have to tell me when the theory is correct ok?” She made me promise and I did since she was my best friend.

“Where is Niall’s room? I wanna go say Hi.” I stand up waiting for directions.

“Just across from my room, Bri do you think it’s ok if I give you the tour later? I’m kinda tired because of the rude awakening.” She asked hoping not to be a bad best friend.

“I’ll get Niall to give me the tour, no worries you sleep then I’ll unpack ok?” She nodded her head then put it on her pillow when I walked out.

I walked to the door across the hall and knocked waiting for an answer. I heard some shuffling behind the door then it opened to a blonde haired blue eyed Irish boy.

“Hello Niall, Long time no see.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I honestly hope you like it. I worked for about an hour off and on. I got bugged by my friend Caity to write this. I promised her that i would make it long so i did. It's probably the longest chapter i have written ever.

I really like this chapter at some parts. At other parts i had writers block so please ignore it. But enjoy the amazing parts!

I really like the part where Brianna pieced together that Niall liked Caity.

FYI Caity is my friend and i am brianna. They way we act in real life is sorta the way we act in the story. Except for the part where i pieced together that Niall likes Caity, I can do that in real life. Plus i also give great advice (I'm the person that is single but gives relationship advice i know sad)

Please Comment, recommend, and subscribe.

You will be getting more on the weekend, and i am starting the next chapter right after i post this.
