Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Sleep talking

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 11: Sleep talking

Brianna’s P.O.V

“What are you doing here?” Niall asks with a troubled look on his face.

“Caity Skyped my crying because of your little fight. So I flew out here to help my friend, may I come in? I need to talk to you.” I ask looking over his shoulder into his room.

Niall opens the door for me to come in, but shuts it right after, I sit
down on a bean bag chair and faced him. He sat on the bed waiting for me to start talking.

“So… Caity vented to me about what happened, how she started dating Liam, how you gave her the cold shoulder excreta.” I saw his face fall when I said the Liam part, I was getting the reaction I wanted.

“Then I put some things together, how you wouldn’t tell her what was wrong, and how everything started after Caity and Liam started dating.” I saw him gulp with displeasure; he knew where I was going.

“They tell each other everything, so what was so big that he wouldn’t tell her? I thought but then it clicked.” I snapped my fingers when I said the work click.

“Of course he wouldn’t tell her, this could change everything. It could go two different ways. That was my other thought.” I said shrugging almost finished my explanation.

“I had to give Caity some advice; I told her I had a theory but that I couldn’t tell her. I told her I would tell her when the time is right.” I could tell Niall was getting squirmy so I decided to get to my point.

“You Niall Horan like my best friend Caity Moore.” I stated simply looking at him with a smug smile on my face.

“One she is also my best friend, and second so what if I like her?” He asks in his cute Irish accent.

“So what? This could change everything! Plus the rule is and I quote ‘you may never fall in love with your best friend’. Yes you haven’t fallen in love yet but I know it will happen.” I told him shrugging again.

“I know… I’m screwed.” He puts his hands to his face then shakes his head.

“Plus because of your jealousy you are making Caity upset. You are making her think she did something.” I told him honestly.

“Ok I’ll fix that, was this the only reason you came in here?” He asks standing up.

“No, Caity fell asleep due to her awakening so I need a tour of the house, can you give me one?” I ask him already knowing the answer.

“Of course I will.” We both walk out of the room and down the stairs to start at the ground floor.


“So this is the kitchen, then the living room. Outside there is a pool and a big area of grass where we play football, I mean soccer for you Canadians.” He corrects himself the walks into the living room.
“Boys, this is Brianna. She uhm came to give emotional support to Caity.” Niall introduced me to the boys which were sitting on the couch polishing their awards from various award ceremonies.
We both walk out and up the stairs.

“I’m sorry, they didn’t know you were coming. None of us did, they didn’t mean to show off.” He muttered before continuing with the tour.

He showed me Zayn and Liam’s room, His and Caity’s room, and Harry’s and Louis room so far.

“Then this is the game room slash relaxation room.” He says opening big white double doors.

The room was huge, there were couches in a U shape facing the humongous Tv. And scattered around the room were different machines for like poop, nachos, slushies, and more!

I walked over to the couch and Niall followed me, he knew I wasn’t done talking to him.

“So Niall, when did this start?” I asked innocently ready for the answer.

“It’s a long story.” He told me trying to get me to drop the subject but I didn’t want to.

“We have plenty of time, tell me.” I shrugged and waited again for the ‘long’ story.

“So she did something to Louis which made him mad so he threw her into the pool. She didn’t come up for like 5 minutes so I dove in and saved her. I noticed she wasn’t breathing so I started doing CPR. I was giving her air when my lips accidently touched hers. And of course it happened again. But that was the time when I started to notice her more.” He said looking at me wondering if he should continue.

“I noticed her more and more then I started getting this fuzzy feeling in my stomach when I was close to her and stuff. I told Liam what was happening but I didn’t know he had feelings for her, so of course he asked her out in an unforgettable way. I was angry and then told myself I needed to stop these feelings.” He looked at me again, I nodded then he continued.

“So I ignored her hoping the feelings would just go away, but they didn’t. They got stronger every time I saw her, or when I talked to her.” He slumped down in the couch.

“So that is when it started.” He told me.

“Oh and when we sang that song to her that was probably the time it really started I just didn’t feel it.” I was puzzled so Niall pulled out his phone and found the Twit Cam.

He gave it to me so I watched silently. They were singing Little
Things to Caity, everything seemed fine until I saw the tears in her eyes. I finished watching it then gave it back.

“So you really like her then.” I stated simply not expecting an answer.

“Have you ever liked somebody but you’re not supposed to like them? That’s how I feel, I feel happy and stuff but then guilty.” Tears were forming in his eyes so I gave him a hug.

“It’s ok Niall, I will be staying here for a little bit anyway so if you need me I’m here.” I get up then walk out of the room. Somehow
I find Caity’s bedroom, of course she was still sleeping but she was also talking.

“Caity what’s wrong?” I ask knowing she would answer me awake of not.

“Niall, Niall, Niall.” She murmurs.

“What about Niall?” I ask sitting on the bed.

“More than a friend, not Liam.” She sits up then wakes up.

“Caity, do you know what you just told me?” I put my hand on her shoulder waiting for her to answer.

“No what did I say? Was it embarrassing?” She has a worried expression on her face.

“You said and I quote ‘More than a friend, not Liam.” I told her knowing what it meant already so did she.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I updated again. This chapter is dedicated to thewantedfan123 c_usher and fragile spine

They sent me really nice comments and i felt Loved
So i will be updating LWOD next but it will be tonight or tomorrow.

Did you know tomorrow on MUCH (the channel) They are having a one direction day starting at 12!!!!! I can't wait!!

I can write on the weekend so don't get your hopes down (is that a saying?)

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Lots of love:*
