Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The dream and the thought

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 13: The dream and the thoughts

Caity’s P.O.V

Liam and I went out to the back yard to join Niall, Zayn and Brianna. Their feet were in the pool while playing truth or dare.

They didn’t see us so I quickly ran and pushed Niall into the pool.
I laughed until he surfaced then I got an angry glare.

“Liam get your girlfriend under control.” He told Liam, then he swam to the edge of the pool and asked for a hand out of the pool. Of course I didn’t see it coming because I am blonde.

“I’m not Liam’s girlfri-“ I got cut off by water splashing into my lungs.

When Niall grabbed my hand to get out of the pool instead of getting out he pulled me in. And of course I was wearing a white shirt with a pink bra on.

“Niall, me and Liam aren’t dating…” I told him and almost everybody within earshot when we both resurfaced.

“What? Why? What happened?” Niall asked completely shocked looking between me and Liam.

“We both agreed that we were better as friends, best friends actually we made a pinky promise.” I held up my pinky hoping it was proof. In the corner of my eye I saw Niall do a happy sort of swim and a small high five to Brianna.

I swam to the stairs and got out, then found a nearby towel and dried myself.

“Good night guys, I’m going to bed.” I made my way into the house shivering. Since I was so cold I put on my fuzzy pyjamas then crawled into bed. The last thing I remember is the door clicking shut, and then I drifted off into my dream.


I was lying in bed next to the most handsome boy ever. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I was snuggled into his side. I could smell his cologne Ax, it made my head woozy.

“Babe can we please watch something else? This is boring.” The boy whined then looked at me to see my reaction.

“Sure Nialler pass me the remote and I’ll change that?” The name rolled off my tongue like soap in your hands.

I changed the channel from Toddlers and Tiaras to The Big Bang Theory. Niall’s arm wrapped around me a little tighter. Then he leaned over me.

He put his lips to mine, the bubbly feeling erupted in my stomach and I liked that. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. Then all of a sudden he pulled away.

“Caity, I love you.” He kissed my collar bone then nibbled on my ear lobe.

“I love you too.” I smiled then brought my lips back to his.

*End of dream*

“I love you, I love you, I love you.” I mutter tossing and turning.

“Caity, wake up.” I felt somebody shake me but I slapped them thinking it was a snooze button.

“Bloody hell that hurt.” A familiar British accent said in pain.

I shot up shocked that I hurt somebody.

“I am so sorry!” I saw Liam holding his hand tears in his eyes.

“GOTCHA!” Liam said screaming and jumping up and down pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes at daddy direction. What happened to being the most mature one? Some people have their moments I guess. After he finally calmed down he asked me something I was hoping wouldn’t come up.

“So who do you love?” Liam asked sitting down on my bed looking at me. He gave me that look that made me crawl in my own skin.

“What? What are you talking about?” I stuttered hoping he wouldn’t notice the lie. Nobody ever told me that Liam was able to notice everything.

“Caity…” He gave me the look saying I better tell him the truth.

“I had this dream… But really it was nothing…” I told him blushing a little bit, I looked away so he couldn’t see my embarrassment.

“Who was in the dream…? Caity you can trust me remember best friends?” He held up his pinky like it was symbolic or something. Thinking about it now it kinda was, I signaled our friendship.

“Niall…” I stuffed my face in my pillow since it was embarrassing to like your best friend.

“Aweh, Is Caity embarrassed?” Liam cooed then proceeded to yell it until I told him to shut up.

“I can’t like my best friend, it would ruin our whole friendship!” I looked at him hoping he got the message not to tell.

“I won’t tell. Oh and by the way we are leaving in an hour and you and Brianna have to come.” He got up and walked out my door without telling me where we were going.

“We are going to an interview!” He screamed just remembering. I rolled my eyes then crawled out of bed.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my pyjamas. I got into the hot steaming shower and quickly watched my hair and body I then got out and wrapped the towel around me like Niall’s arm did.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed some extra tight skinny jeans, then a pink see through top so I through in a dark grey tank top for underneath.

I drop my towel and throw some underwear on then my outfit. I try to towel dry my hair but that would take a couple hours so I took my worst enemy to it, the hair dryer.

I absolutely hate the hair dryer, I have spent so many hours trying to get my hair dry but it doesn’t work so I normally towel dry it but unfortunately I can’t.

After half an hour my hair was dry and even straightened I was extremely proud, so as a celebration I put some make-up on. I put some liquid foundation on, then some eye shadow. Next step was eye liner and mascara. I looked in the mirror at the reflection I couldn’t even recognize myself.

A blonde haired girl with bright green eyes looked back at me, her hair was in the right place, her outfit looked like it was picked by a designer, and her make up looked like it was professionally done.
This couldn’t be me, the boys must have put a magic mirror in my bathroom.

I walked out and grabbed some black flats, I could never do heels. Yes I am short but I am so clumsy that I almost broke my ankle at grade 8 grad.

I walked out of my room and looked at my phone, I was 20 minutes early. Wow today is going to be a good day. I walked down stairs and found Liam I had a complaint.

“Liam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream while walking into a kitchen. Liam looked up from his scrambled eggs and pancakes and gave me the strangest look.

“Why don’t we have an elevator?! Like honestly, I have to walk up like 30 flights to get to my room!” I pull out a chair and sit on it my body facing the back of the chair.

“We will take it into consideration.” Liam chuckled then went back to eating his food.

“Good morning!” Brianna walked into the kitchen cheerfully. I looked at her funny, she was never this cheerful.

She was supposed to be in bed but she never came or left. The
gears in my head were turning and Brianna noticed.

“What’s wrong Caity?” She asked noticing I was very quiet.

“You never came to bed last night… so where did you sleep?” I asked.

I knew she wouldn’t be able to lie to me. She has the worst poker face, she doesn’t even have one! She says a lie which could be believable but then she screws it up by laughing.

“Um… the couch?” She answered in the form of a question now I
knew it was a lie.

I looked around and saw Liam blush into his eggs. Liam never blushes he is the one that makes people blush.

“Ok you two, spill…” I told them catching on by the second.

“Why do you think I have anything to do with this?!” Liam looks up trying to act all innocent.

“Ok… But I will find out sooner or later…” I walked out of the kitchen and saw that we had to go.

“Liam!! It’s time to go, let’s go!” I yelled hoping everybody heard me. They did since they came running down out of breath pulling their shoes on.

“Aweh you look good.” Zayn ruffled my hair, It triggered something in me so I reacted.

“Don’t touch the hair!” I screamed then ruffled his hair back.

He of course freaked out but got in the car slamming the door angrily.

The drive to the interview place was so long all I could think about on the ride was Niall.

Niall this and Niall that, the thing that was bugging me though was that I am falling for my best friend…
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I hope you like it, it is my fav chapter so far. It is also the longest so far.

I have been getting amazing feed back from people about this story and I'm really happy about that. The problem is that I also write Living With One Direction and nobody comments or tells me they like it. So i dont know if i will be continuing it. I will update it soon and tell the readers about the issue but I don't know any more.

The people that this chapter is dedicated to is:jennypenny246, fragile spine, c_usher.

There will be drama in the next chapter so stay posted! I will be updating this sometime thursday maybe even friday. But of course on the weekend promise. But i will be updating Living With One Direction next.

Please read the story Living With One Direction!!!!! (comment on it)


Lots of love
