Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Interview and Drama

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 14: interview and drama


Right now the boys were on stage with the interviewer. Don’t ask me about who she was because I didn’t know. All I know is that slut of an interviewer in flirting with Niall and purposely leaning down to show him her boobs.

Yes I admit, I sorta kinda angry. Kinda sorta is an understatement, I was fuming with jealousy. I tried not to let it show but I am the worst liar.

I was trying to keep myself busy by doing anything I could, I even drew hearts and squiggles on my arm. I was actually in the middle of a heart when I heard my name getting said by the boys and the slutty interviewer.

“So we have seen a lot of pictures of you guys with a girl, who is she?” Slutty asked the boys looking at Niall.

“Oh those pictures…” Liam said looking at the pictures with his eyebrows together.

“Niall I think you should tell them since you know her more.” Zayn patted Niall on the shoulder. Niall nodded then went on to explain me.

“Caity, Caity is my best friend since… a long time. She came to live with us for the summer since we had a break.” Niall said with the biggest grin on his face, I swear his face would have stayed like that.

“She is actually here right now.” Louis said looking at me. I just finished a heart on my arm, I looked up and shook my head no.

“Would she like to come out here?” Slutty said trying to be kind ever since she heard Niall was close to me.
Niall got up without saying anything and walked towards me.

“Come on the fans wanna meet u!” Niall grabbed my arm and looked down at it then shrugged without asking.

“No I don’t wanna! They can come meet me in person!” I told him crossing my arms and sat on the floor. That didn’t stop Niall though. Instead he dragged me out into the interview then picked me up and sat me on his lap.

“How dare you Niall, no food for you after this!” I gave him the
dirtiest look ever.

“If looks could kill.” Liam muttered under his breath but we could all hear him.

“Watch it mister, I will unleash the inner spoons on you.” I threatened then crossed my arms again and faced Slutty.

They all laughed then started poking me. I slapped their hands away and waited for the question.

“So Caity, how are you?” Slutty asked me the easiest question.

“I’m tired, somebody gave me a rude awakening.” I gave Liam the glare and looked back at slutty.

“It’s not my fault you wouldn’t wake up.” Liam shrugged then waited for the next question. I noticed Brianna sitting cross legged at the edge of the stage listening.

“So boys, who here is single and who is taken?” Slutty avoided me for this question which I was glad for. I didn’t want to explain that I was falling for my best friend.

Niall had this weird twisted look on his face, he looked at Brianna for help. Brianna mouthed at him to calm down and answer honestly. I thought it was weird but didn’t ask on live television.

“Taken.” Zayn said with this dreamy look on his face. He was probably thinking about Perrie.

“Taken!” Louis shouted so loud my ears almost bleed. I shook my head at his enthusiasm.

“Single…” Liam said but looked at Brianna winking at her. I knew something was going on between them…

“Single.” Harry said putting to rest that him and Taylor Swift were dating.

I knew Niall’s answer already but his answer surprised me.

“Single but Taken, does that make sense?” Niall asked a faint blush on his cheeks.

“Care to explain?” Slutty answered disappointment clearly written on her face.

“I am single not dating anybody, but my heart is taken even though she doesn’t know it.” My heart broke when he said that.

He liked somebody else. I probably knew that right from the beginning. But my heart broke when he spoke those words.

“Aweh, how cute.” Slutty said then turned to me. I crossed my fingers hoping she wouldn’t ask me but of course she did.

“And you Caity?” She seemed nicer now but I liked her nickname way too much to give it up.

“Same as Niall.” My face going completely red.

The boys gave a little aweh and patted our backs. Slutty asked random questions after that but I was too busy thinking about what Niall said. Who had his heart? Were they going to break it?

They better not or they would have to deal with me.
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that even after the interview was done Niall picked me up and brought me to the car. I finally came to my senses when we got to the house.

Everybody could see something was bothering me but they let me be. Brianna of course being her observing self-followed me up to
our room to make sure I was ok.

“You look like you are thinking too hard. What’s wrong?” Bri asked me crossing her legs on the bed.

That’s what I could trust her for. She was always there for me for whatever reason. Boys, death, outfits, diets. I could trust her.

People always say that they can’t trust her because their secrets got out, but that wasn’t her fault they told somebody else who told.

Brianna was like a sister to me, she practically lived at my house. She also calls my parents mom and dad. I could trust her with my life. She knows me better than I do myself.

“What Niall said in the interview.” I stared down at the hearts and squiggles that I drew on my arm when I thought of that special someone.

“How does that bother you?” She always dug for an answer whether she already knew or not. She gets you to confess to yourself before you confess to her.

“I guess I knew he didn’t like me, but hearing his actually say it bothered me.” I traced the heart on my arm and thought of Niall.

How he can make me laugh whatever mood I’m in. How his eyes make my heart flutter. How when he flips his hair it gets me over whelmed. But most importantly how he makes me feel special.

“He never said he DIDN’T like you.” Brianna had to point out the obvious. I rolled my eyes at her statement.

“But it can’t be me.” I told her looking straight into her eyes making sure she isn’t hiding anything from me.

“You never know. Ask.” Was all she said before skipping out of my room to who knows where.

I thought about it for a second. Would Niall tell me? But would he ask me about mine? I decided to go for it. I walked out of my room not knowing the answer that was about to break my heart.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I really like this chapter. It was going to be longer with Niall's P.O.V But that will be in the next chapter.

I have already started the next chapter so it will be up soon hopefully.

I told you I would write all weekend but I have to babysit tomorrow on sunday from 4 in the afternoon to like 1 in the morning so you will get some but not as many as I promised.

Brianna, Brianna in the chapter acts exactly like me. I am great to listen to (so if you need anything i am here, unless its illegal or dangerous) and Caity kinda acts like herself.

I hope you like it:)

Comment, subscribe, recommend.

(im still having issues with my other story LWOD please read!!)

Lots of love
