Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The Descriptions

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 15: The descriptions


Niall’s P.O.V

I got out of the car and saw Caity storm of to her room upset about something. I was about to run after her and see what’s wrong but Brianna beat me to it. She was running up the stairs after her.

I stayed quiet and just stalked up stairs to my bedroom. The boys knew something was wrong but stayed where they did not know what to do.

I was lying on my bed face down into the pillow when Louis came into the room. He came and sat on the bed and waited for me to say something. After a little while he knew he should say something.

“What’s wrong mate?” Louis asked my face still in my pillow.

“Ndgs nisdgbs sdfisdg” I said into my pillow.

“Take your face out of the pillow and tell me.” He said seriously waiting for me to say it again.

“Caity likes someone else!” I said shooting him a look,

“How do you know she likes someone?” He asked extremely puzzled by my answer.

“Did you hear her? ‘Same as Niall, single but my heart is taken’” I mimicked Caity.

“Why does that bother you?” Louis wondered out loud. By then the other boys had snuck in listening while sitting on the floor.

“Because, I don’t know. I’m her best friend?” I put my statement in the form of a question by accident.

“Are you sure that the only reason?” Liam spoke up looking at me.

“Are you sure you don’t…” Zayn said but got cut off by Harry.

“Fancy her?”

That got me thinking did I really fancy her or was it puppy love? We all stayed silent when I thought about what they just suggested. Then it came to me so I said it out loud.

“I think I do…” I trailed off thinking about my best friend. We have been told that we would be cute together. We even got asked if we were dating by her mom.

“You think you do what?” Louis said trying to make me confess even though we all know what I said.

“I think I really do fancy Caity.” I told all of them looking each one in the eye so they know I’m not lying.

“Aweh” They all chorused together. I just sat there with love in my eyes.

These boys are my best friends. They keep me grounded. They could handle my food addiction. They love me for me. Honestly I don’t know what I would do without them.

We sat in silence for a little bit until my stomach decided to do the mating call of a whale.

“I’m hungry…” I said sheepishly with a slight blush from admitting that I like Caity.

Everybody laughed then exited the room. I rushed down to the kitchen and made myself a huge sandwich. By the time the boys came into the room I was already on my third.

“Whoa mate, calm down.” Liam said slapping my back while I was taking a bite which caused me to choke.

I started choking and nobody noticed. Thanks guys. So I started slapping the table until they understood. By now my face is bright red, Harry gave me a glass of water. I took a drink and my choking stopped.

It could have stopped for two reasons.

1. I drank the water that Harry gave me

2. Caity came into the room. And of course she flipped her hair which got me over whelmed.

Brianna walked in right after Caity, she gave this look to the rest of the boys. They walked out muttering something that sounded like Pokémon but I’m not sure.

I kept eating my sandwich until she spoke.

“Niall, can I ask you something.” She asked me pushing her butt up on to the counter so her eyes were the same level as mine.

“You just did, but go ahead.” I chuckled hoping she wouldn’t ask about who I had a crush on. I was horrid at lying.

“During the interview you said ‘I’m single but my heart is taken.’ Who is it?” Of course she had to ask that, my face went red but she looked at me with this pleading look on her face.

I took a deep breath trying to cover up the lie and tried to explain who she was without it giving away that it was her. “Uhm, this friend I have known a long time. She is beautiful and doesn’t know it. She could wear sweats and no makeup and I don’t care. She lights up the room when she walks in. And whenever I’m alone all I want to do is kiss her. But I can’t she doesn’t like me back.”

Tears were in her eyes, she tried to cover it up but failed. I just pretended I didn’t see them. “She sounds like a keeper, how do you know she doesn’t like you? You should ask.” She said while sneakily trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“I should, now what about you? You said the same thing as me so spill.” I told her sternly sitting next to her on the counter top.

“He is amazing, I have known him for a long time. He makes me feel special. He won’t care what I look like, whenever he flips his hair I feel like I’m going to die. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Whenever he looks at me I feel like he understands me. He knows me better than I do.” She took a deep breath then looked at me.

My heart broke when she said that, she looked at me wondering what was wrong. I took a deep breath before speaking so the tears didn’t spill. “He sounds amazing, I should meet him sometime.”

That was all I said before leaving the room and walking up the stairs tears falling down my face rapidly. The boys saw the tears and started whispering. I heard Caity walking up the stairs behind me. It sounded like she was crying, I didn’t check I just ran to my room.

I don’t know how long it was but Harry came up with a tub of ice cream with a huge spoon. I gave him this weird look but he just shoved a scoop of it in my mouth. I melted and shoved more into my mouth.

“I look like a broken hearted girl.” I muttered between spoon fulls.

“That’s because you are.” Harry ruffled my hair then asked what
was wrong.

“She described a wonderful boy.” I said tears forming my eyes.

“What did she say? Word for word” Harry asked sitting on the bed taking the half eaten ice cream tub from me.

“She said ‘He is amazing, I have known him for a long time. He makes me feel special. He won’t care what I look like, whenever he flips his hair I feel like I’m going to die. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Whenever he looks at me I feel like he understands me. He knows me better than I do’ Then I ran out of the room crying.” I told him.

“My god Niall, you are so dense.” Harry told me slapping the back of my head.

“What did I do now?! I left some ice cream for you!” I shouted at him.

“Niall, she just described you!”

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I hope you like it. I really like this one. I have been making the chapters longer since i am trying to add more description.

I am having great ideas for this story so my other one (LWOD) will be updated later i need to write these ideas down before they dissapear.

I would love it if you guys would comment telling me you like it, your fav part, what you dont like. PLEASE

Comment, recommend, subscribe

Lots of love
