Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The cute but romantic gesture

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 16: The cute but romantic gesture
Caity’s P.O.V

I ran up the stairs crying after I heard what Niall said. I heard footsteps behind me I looked back and saw Brianna and Harry each carrying a tub of ice cream and a big spoon. Harry walked into Niall’s room and Brianna followed me into mine.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Bri asked which made me cry harder.

“Niall described the most wonderful girl and it wasn’t me.” I cried even harder. I can’t believe the boy that I am falling in love with doesn’t like me.

Bri patted my back while I shoved spoonful after spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. “What exactly did he say?” She asked still rubbing my back. I took a deep breath and repeated word for word what Niall said.

“He said and I quote ‘Uhm, this friend I have known a long time. She is beautiful and doesn’t know it. She could wear sweats and no makeup and I don’t care. She lights up the room when she walks in. And whenever I’m alone all I want to do is kiss her. But I can’t she doesn’t like me back.’ See he doesn’t like me” I started sobbing.

I looked over at Bri and saw her eyebrows scrunched together like she was thinking.

“Hun, did you know that Niall described you when he said that.” She told me with a huge grin on her face.

“Think about it, you guys have been friends for a long time. You always say you are ugly and Niall disagrees. Niall doesn’t care what you wear he still says you are beautiful. Have you seen the way he acts when you walk in the room? Plus I can so tell there is a kiss appeal in the air when you guys are alone.” Bri tried to convince me.

It suddenly clicked, she was right like always. Maybe Niall did like me.

“Ok so he might. But now since we have talked about me it’s your turn to spill about Liam.” I smirked she never saw it coming.

“Your bipolar, one minute your upset then next your teasing me!” She said trying to change the subject but I saw right through it.

“Don’t you dare change the subject!” I slapped her hand like she was a naughty child.

“Fine, me and Liam…” A knock on the door interrupted her.

“Come in!” I yelled, then Niall walked into the room with his hands in his pockets.

“Can me and Caity talk privately please?” Niall asked Brianna. Of course she was more than happy to leave since she was just about to talk about her and Liam.

“You and I aren’t done with this!” I shouted after her, all I heard was a laugh. I rolled my eyes and then motioned to Niall to sit down.

“What’s up hot pants?” I asked, god I am seriously bipolar.

“I need your help, how do I tell this girl I love her?” He seemed nervous. My heart broke a little but I didn’t let it show. I would just get more ice cream later.

“You should call her and surprise her. Girls love that.” I said containing the tears that were about to make puddles in my eyes.

“Thank you, I’m going to call her right now.” He said then got up and walked back to his room. I decided now was the time for more ice cream so I walked down stairs with my blackberry in my butt pocket.

I quickly scooped myself an extra-large bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. With the bowl in my hand I was going to go sit at the table but my phone started going off. I stopped dead in my tracks and take my phone out.

I looked at the caller I.D and it said unknown number but I answered it anyway.

“Hello?” I said into my phone waiting for an answer still holding my bowl of ice cream.

“I’m in love with you.” I heard his irish accent and knew it was him.

I was so in shock that I dropped my bowl. The bowl cracked in half and all the ice cream went everywhere. They boys rushed in to see what the issue was. I tried to gasp for breath but failed.

I finally got some words out. “He’s in love with me.” All the boys grinned like the idiots they were, Brianna just stood there looking at me mouthing I told you so.

The crowed of idiots were parted when he came into the room. He looked at the floor where the bowl and ice cream now lay then to me. He took two long strides to me, he took my phone hung up then put it on the counter.

Then he leaned down and enveloped my lips with his. My head was spinning, while my stomach was fluttering with desire. I couldn’t believe it, the boy that I grew up with was now the boy I’m in love with. The kiss ended much to my disappointment. We broke away and looked at each other with the stupidest grins on our faces.

“I’m in love with you too.” I told his looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes.

The crowed wolf whistled and awed at the cute but romantic gesture. He brought his lips to mine again ignoring the idiots.

The kiss felt like we were making up for the time we hadn’t realized that we liked each other.

We broke away again our foreheads leaning on each-others.

How did I get so lucky?

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

Third chapter in 1 day. you should be proud!!

I have been wanting to write this and I just could't wait any more so here it is. I think it will be the last chapter for this story today. I have to update LWOD to be fair to my other fans.

PLEASE comment about this chapter, about what you like what you dislike. About anything i want to know what you think.

It's kinda short but I didn't know how to end it other then this.

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Lots of love
