Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

How could they?

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 18: How could they?


Niall’s P.O.V

I can’t believe that it has already been a month since Caity came. It felt like she has been here longer. One month to go. Honestly I didn’t want see her go, we were really close when she came we were best friends after all. But now we know each other better, we aren’t best friends anymore we are Hollywood’s IT couple.

I remember hearing that, Caity completely flipped out.

*Flash back*

Caity and Brianna were searching the internet when they found this link talking about celebrity couples. Being huge fans they decided to click the girly frilly link.
They start scrolling, Louis and Eleanor were number one of course. Followed by some other people that I forget. But then Brianna started laughing hysterically it honestly sounded like she was choking.

So I ran out of the kitchen with a piece of pizza in my hand ready to do CPR. Turns out she wasn’t choking, she hit me upside the head because I started doing chest pumps. She pointed to the website.

I looked at it and my eyes popped out of my head. There me and Caity were. There was a picture of when we went out for a walk and we were holding hands, then another one of us kissing.

“Niall Horan and Caity Moore come in at number 4 being one of Hollywood’s biggest IT couples. Sources say they have been best friends since birth, but now they have been spotted sharing a few kisses here and there. All we can say is that they are the cutest couple out there. But will it continue or will it end in heart break?”

Then it was followed by another picture of us feeding French fries to each other. I just started laughing, it wasn’t funny at all but Caity’s reaction was. Her face was bright red and she was giving the computer screen the dirtiest look hoping it went to the author or this article.

“Babe, the computer didn’t do anything.” I kissed the top of her forehead but her eyes didn’t even blink. I tried again but got no reaction out of her.

I shrugged and left the room.

*Flash back over*

So as I was saying a month left, what was I going to do when she left? My heart would still belong to her unless she broke it but it would be hard with the distance and the fans. I walked out of my bedroom and decided to think about it later.

I walked across the hallway and knocked on Caity’s bedroom door. I didn’t get a response all I heard was sobbing so I burst through the door.

Regularly Caity would lecture me about the purpose of knocking, but today nothing came but sobbing.

“Babe you alright?” I had only seen Caity cry a few times before that and that was when we were younger. She didn’t answer me so I grabbed her laptop and saw what she was looking at.

Anger coursed through my body within seconds. How could they do this to her? She did nothing to them, plus she made me happy. I grabbed Caity gently and placed her head on my chest.

Her eyes were red and puffy and she was trying to breath normally again. We sat there for a while, she was calming down slowly.

“Are you ok?” I made her look at me after she was completely calmed down. She nodded, she tried to talk but all that would come out was a croak.

I picked her up bridal style and walked her downstairs. We
went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water but we got interrupted.

“Whoa, what happened?” Liam noticed her puffy eyes right away. He glanced at both of us but I answered while giving Caity to Liam. She cuddled into his chest.

“Hate from fans on twitter.” Distaste filled my voice. How could they?

Liam whipped out his phone right away and started tweeting some things, my phone went of telling me I was mentioned.

‘What has @CaityMoore123 ever done to you guys? @NiallOfficial is happy with her so you should to. #upset.’
I smiled then retweeted the tweet, I wanted the fans to see how much this upset me.

“Liam can you stay with Caity? I am gonna go do a twit cam to tell the fans stuff k?” I walked out of the room without waiting for an answer. I found somebody’s laptop and logged onto my twitter account.

I announced that I was doing a twit cam, I got replies within seconds. Normaly I would feel happy about all the support but not today.

The twit cam started, the fans noticed that I looked upset within seconds. So I started my rant.

“Why? Why do people get hate? My girlfriend Caity Moore got so much hate that right now she is in Liam’s lap crying. She can’t talk properly, all she will do is sit in somebody else’s arms. So I just wanna ask why? She didn’t do anything to you did she? No she didn’t, she hasn’t even had a proper interview as my girlfriend yet and all she has gotten is hate. I went through some of it and saw things that disgusted me, ‘Go die.’, ‘Nobody likes you’, and ‘You’re ugly and fat’. Why? I love Caity, she has been my best friend since birth. She is beautiful and amazing. So please stop the hate. Apologize for what you did or you are not true directioners.”

I was so angry that I quickly logged off not wanting to deal with them. Zayn and Louis walked in from the back yard and even faster the Liam noticed something was wrong.

“Mate, what’s up?” Louis asked seriously, he knew I wasn’t in the mood for joking and I was glad.

Louis could be the most immature one of us at times, but whenever you need to vent or get something off your chest he is always there. He gives the best advice for whatever you need. He seems to have a switch from serious to immature and right now it was flipped to serious.

“Caity received so much hate that she is crying. I know it isn’t that bad but she won’t even talk to us.” I told them, head in my hands.

I pointed them towards the kitchen. What was I going to do? I loved her with all my heart. What if she left me because of this?

I didn’t know where Harry and Brianna are, but I faintly recall them telling us that they were going out for ice cream. They could be on the moon and I wouldn’t care.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that there were even more tears then before I brought her down here.

How could they do this to my little princess?

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I finally updated!! YAY!!!!!! I honestly hope you like it and if not I will be hiding behind my sparkly pink unicorn *Runs and hides behind her* HAHA you can never get me now!!!!

So I have been feeling like I want to right, i have a lot of emotions hate, and love. But mostly love. I kinda have a new crush but shhhhh don't tell any one or i will throw my unicorns poop at u ;)

I know i shouldnt but I am going to end this authors note on a sour note.

I don't know if you have heard or not but there has been a shooting in Connecticut. A 20 year old man when to an elementary school and killed his mother who was a teacher there. He killed her class to, in total 28 people dead 20 of which were students.

Imagine if that was your child, you sent them to school promising that you would pick them up from the bus stop just like any other day, but instead you got a phone call saying you child along with many others have been killed.

You have to unwrap your child's christmas gifts because they aren't able to open them. They were stripped of their lives 10 days before christmas.

You thought it was a regular ordinary day but it wasn't.

So please, google it and read what happened. Then pray for those families. They just lost their child, what if your parents lost you? So please take the time to respect what has happened and pray (but if you don't believe in god just keep them in mind k?)

Now I will be hiding behind my pink sparkly unicorn because I don't want to get hate like Caity did in this chapter. So please mind your comments and place your selves in their shoes. That is all I ask.

Yes I am Canadian eh I live in igloos and yes this happened in the states but what if it happened here? Or what if it happened in your town?

Please again mind your comments, any hurt full comments i will report and not update.

Comment, recommend, subscribe

Lots of love, prayers, concern, unicorn poop, and amazingness,


(PS, am I able to put pictures in my authors notes? If so how? Please message me or comment!)