Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The question

Niall Horan’s best friend

Chapter 2: the question

The last day of school normally goes by fast. But today took forever. By the last period all I could do was stare at the clock. The last minute we started counting down.






“SCHOOL’S OUT!!!” Me and all my class mates yell at the exact same time.

I gather all my books and all the crap from my locker that I cleaned out today. I stayed to hang around to say good bye to everybody that I wouldn’t see over the summer, which would be most people.

20 minutes later I arrived home, I looked all over the house but I couldn’t find Niall. I knew he was here because his car was in the drive way.

I walked up stairs and into my room and I still couldn’t find him. I was upset because he promised me he would be here when I got home. Tears slipped down my face thinking my worst night mare came true.

Tears were still falling down my face when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked behind me and say the blonde Irish boy that I was crying over.

“What’s wrong Caity? Why are you crying?” Niall asked in a very concerned voice.

“Nothing, I thought you left me.” I told him sincerely.

“Babe, I would never leave you. I have too many memories to leave you.” He kissed my head.

I pulled away and made my way to the closet to get my suit cases.

I finally found my lime green suitcases, they had a thin layer of dust but I quickly brushed them off.

I walked out of the closet to find Niall throwing clothes from my dresser on my bed.

“Niall what are you doing?” I ask while stepping in front of him.

“I’m packing, what does it look like I’m doing babe?” He chuckled lightly before pushing me out of the way.

“Making a mess of my room.” I grumbled before opening my suitcase.

I grab the things from the bed and throw them into my suit case not caring what they were. Then I walked into my bathroom and got my make-up, hair brush, shampoo, body wash, and feminine products.

I put them into one of my 3 suit cases. I looked around my room to see if I needed to pack anything else. It looked like I had everything so I zipped up my suit cases and put them at the bottom of my bed.

I put my legs under the blankets and then turned on the T.V. I couldn’t find anything on so I turned iCarly. I looked over and saw
Niall lying beside me.

“Niall I wanna play 20 questions” I whine facing him.

“But we know everything about each other.”

“Not the last 5 months! Please!” I whine even more with the puppy dog face.

“Fine, you start.”

“Last girl friend.” I say smirking knowing the answer already.

“Hannah, 1 month ago. Your last boyfriend?” He asks smirking.

“Nate, 2 weeks ago. How serious were you and Hannah?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Um pretty serious. How serious were you and Nate?”

“We dated for about 3 months so you could say it was pretty serious. I’m bored of this game.” I tell him.

He only chuckles then puts his arm around me shoulders. I lean my head on his chest. We were both silent just watching a rerun of iCarly. We were so wrapped up in the show that we didn’t even hear my mom walk up the stairs. My mom opened the door and walked in.

“Are you guys dating?” My mom asked in shock pointing at the two of us.

“What?!” I yell at my mom, while I felt Niall’s chest rumble since he was laughing.

“Calm down babe, she was just asking a question.” Niall said
kissing my forehead then brushing my hair out of my face.

“So you are?” My mom asks innocently.

“Mom we are best friends. No we are not dating!” I say sending her a death glare.

“Ok whatever you say; by the way pizza is here.” She says before leaving my room.

“Why would she think we are dating?!” I turn to Niall waving my hands in frustration.

“I have no clue, probably because we act like a couple. Now get up I’m hungry.” Niall said pulling me out of bed and into the hallway.

“Niall you are always hungry!” I say laughing.

After dinner we got tired so we went upstairs. We got changed and crawled into bed.

“Good night Nialler, I love you as a best friend.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“I love you to best friend.” He said kissing the top of my head.

My eyes got heavy and closed almost right away. When I closed my eyes I fell into a dream where Niall and I were dating. Wait What?!
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