Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend


Niall Horan’s Best Friend:

Chapter 20: Dieting

Caity’s P.O.V

I got up from my sleeping boyfriend and best friend, I noticed that my black berry was still in his hand so I quickly grabbed it and ran up the stairs to my bed room.

I clicked on the twitter app and read more hate. I was never so self-conscious in my life. I shouldn’t be reading all this but I wanted to see what the fans thought of me.

‘You’re so fat’

‘What does he see in you?’

‘Go die in a hole’

I read tweet after tweet after tweet, tears were forming in my eyes by just reading the first tweet. Fans are so harsh, if they really loved the boys they would respect their girlfriends.

After another five minutes of reading hate I slammed my phone down tears falling fast. I rushed over to my laptop and searched dieting.

Articles told me to eat healthy food or to start this gross looking thing where you don’t eat anything but gross shakes. I turned my nose up on all of them.

After looking I chose to lose weight the old fashioned way, not eating.

I knew the boys would be upset and worried, they would probably actually take me to a counsellor but I didn’t care. I had to make my fat body skinny.

I exited internet and walked back to my bed, I clicked on the TV. There was nothing on to watch so I muted the TV and grabbed my book.

I got through half my book when I heard a knock on my door. Niall strolled in whistling silently to himself.

“Hey babe, what are you doing?” He jumped on the bed looking at me. I could tell he was worried but he didn’t show it that much.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m reading!” I said almost hitting his face with my book trying to get him to notice.

“Amazing, now I’m hungry. Let’s go to the kitchen.” Right at that moment Niall’s stomach growled.

“I’m not hungry, but sure.” I lied. I was damn hungry. I hadn’t eaten for at least seven hours. But I needed to stop eating so I could become skinny.

We walked down to the kitchen and saw that Harry was at the stove stirring something. I shrugged not wanting to know since I wouldn’t be eating it.

I pushed my fat butt up on to the counter and watched the chaos around me.

“No Niall, you have to wait like everybody else!” Harry said slapping his hand away. Niall looked sheepish.

“Zayn, your hair is fine!” Liam said taking his little portable mirror away from him.

“SUPERMAN!!” Louis ripped open his shirt causing the buttons to scatter all directions on the floor. Turns out Louis forgot to put his superman shirt on underneath.

“Foods ready!!!” Everybody ran towards Harry with bowls ready in their hands eyes wide. Turns out they were having spaghetti for dinner.

Niall ran to the table since the rule was that you have to eat at the table. But before he got there he slipped on the buttons from Louis shirt.

Spaghetti went flying everywhere, I saw some hit the ceiling. Zayn freaked out because some sauce got in his hair, because of that he dropped his bowl. Louis stepping in the bowl Zayn dropped and slide into Brianna. Causing her bowl to land on Liam.

Harry, I don’t know how, didn’t hear what was happening so when he turned around tripped over Niall who was sprawled on the ground. Noodles and red sauce were everywhere.

Everywhere except me, it was like I was in a bubble because it never came 5 feet near me.

I smirked at everybody, they were covered head to toe in red pasta sauce, with some stray noodles hanging from their hair.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I was laughing so hard that they all shot me dirty looks. Probably because I was the only one clean.

“You guys look, awful.” I stated, I bite my lip trying not to laugh but it was too much. I let a giggle escape, if looked could kill.

“You guys go wash up, I’ll order pizza ok?” I didn’t risk jumping down from the counter. Everybody shot me looks but managed to walk out of the room to shower. I grabbed the phone from the charger and dialed my favourite pizza place.

“Pizza express, this is Mario. How can help you?” Mario said in a very thick Italian accent.

“Hi Mario, my uh family decided that they should wear their spaghetti instead of eating it.” I looked around at the room, it was a mess. Sauce was everywhere and I mean ever where. I noticed that somebody left the window open and some got out. Gosh these boys were hard to handle.

“Ah, I get calls like that all the time.” I heard the accent through the phone.

“Really?” I asked surprised. People tripping over buttons and hitting people like dominos was normal?

“No, now what would you like.” I should have known. I rolled my eyes before responding with our order.

I clicked the phone off and placed it back on the charger just as Niall came into the room. His hair was still damp since he came out of the shower.

“Pizza is going to be delivered.” I told him looking around to try to get down. There was no passage what so ever.

Niall didn’t answer me but walked over to the calendar on the wall and counted down the days until August 31. I guess I looked confused because Niall turned around and told me.

“You leave in 2 weeks.” A tears slipped out of his eye, my heart clenched wanted to hold him close.

Then it hit me, my boyfriend would be traveling across the world without me. He would have girls hanging off his arm, it broke my heart. I would miss him so much.

I was heartbroken but didn’t let it show, I had to be strong for the both of us. We were just standing there when Liam came into the room with my laptop.

“Caity, why did you search how to lose weight?” Liam looked at me wanting me to answer.

Oh crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I know it's short but since tomorrow is the last day of school for me so I will be updating over winter break.

I realize that I haven't updated LWOD but I am having writers block so sorry.

I hope you like it, please don't stop because of her becoming anorexic. I understand if it is insulting so if it does insult you please comment and I will change the chapter. But remember nice comments.

Comment, subscribe, recommend,

Lots of love and unicorn poop.
