Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Did I do the right thing?

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 21: Did I do the right thing?


Then it hit me, my boyfriend would be traveling across the world without me. He would have girls hanging off his arm, it broke my heart. I would miss him so much.

I was heartbroken but didn’t let it show, I had to be strong for the both of us. We were just standing there when Liam came into the room with my laptop.

“Caity, why did you search how to lose weight?” Liam looked at me wanting me to answer.

Oh crap.

Caity’s P.O.V

“Why were you in my room?” Dammit! I swore I closed the window! I thought Liam was the sensible one, he would never snoop!!!

“I asked first!” He shouted causing everybody to come into the kitchen to see what was happening. Just great, like I need everybody to know that I was dieting, or not eating anything.

“Do you know what privacy means?” I shot back, I walked calmly up to Liam and tore my laptop from his snoopy hands.

“Ya…” Liam answered confused. He didn’t know where I was going to I quickly told him what was on my mind.

“Then give me some!” I was running up the stairs now, people were shouting behind me but I didn’t care I just kept on going. I didn’t want to hear the crap that I was beautiful, that I didn’t need to lose weight. Because honestly who believes that?

I ran into my room, jumped on my bed then quickly deleted all the history. I didn’t need anybody else snooping on my laptop.

How could he do this? Before I thought I could trust him, but now I know he is a lying snoop.

I quickly decided that I wouldn’t talk to any of them. I know some of them didn’t do anything but I can’t take their amazingly cute accents.

I heard a knock on my door, “Who is it?” I call out toward the door. I heard people pushing somebody towards the door. I roll my eyes knowing who it was.

“Bri you can come in, but leave the bags of poop out there.” I know bags of poop isn’t the best insult but I made it up on the spot give me credit!

The door opened a crack, just enough for my best friend to squeeze in. She looked concerned while she was walking to the bed. She was about to lecture me, but I beat her to it.

“What do you want?” I glared at her, she knew better then to come in here and ask what was wrong.

I knew that whatever I told her, she would tell the bags of poop. I rolled my eyes waiting for her to press me for details but none came. I looked up through my eye lashes and saw that Brianna was just sitting there looking at me.

“Why?” It was a small squeak, if you weren’t listening you wouldn’t have heard it. I looked up about to speak but she beat me to it.

“Why? Why are you trying to lose weight?” She looked at me with her special look that basically tells you to tell the truth.

I could feel tears making their way to my eyes. I couldn’t keep it in any longer. You know that feeling when you just need to break down and cry or you will just explode? That was what I was feeling just then.

“I can’t take it anymore. I’m not good enough for him.” I tried to contain the tears but they fell down my cheeks instead. Brianna looked sympathetic, she came over and held me in her arms.

She let me calm down before taking again. “Now Caity, nothing has gotten you this upset before. You are the strongest person I know. So tell me what is bothering you.”

“The hate, its right. I’m fat, I’m ugly, and my hair looks like a mop.” I cried harder, I knew they were true but it hurt even more saying it out loud.

“And I don’t deserve him!” The tears were falling even more quickly now. I didn’t know what to do, so I grabbed my pillow and stuck my face in it. I didn’t take it out until I heard what Bri said.

“What do you mean you don’t deserve him? Have you seen the way he looks at you? You mean the world to him!!! When I got here and you told me what happened, the only thing I could think of was Niall loves this girl! He liked you the moment you stepped into this house.” She took a breath and then continued.

“You two are perfect for each other! The way you guys look at each other is like a fairy tale! You two deserve each other.” She let out one long breath before looking at me.

“But if you don’t think you deserve him alright so be it. Since you have that off of your chest I will be leaving.” Brianna got up from the bed and walked over to the door but not before tunring to me.

“I will always be here for you Caity, remember that.” Then she left.

Her comment got me thinking, were Niall and I meant to be together? God obviously wanted us to be best friends, but was it meant to be more than a friendship?

I jumped off of my bed, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed the number that would take me home.

“Mom, I’m coming home.” That was all I said before I hung up. I ran and grabbed my duffle bag throwing clothes into it.

I grabbed whatever I needed for the next little bit. Since I didn’t take all my things from home most of the things are there.

I ran down the stairs and saw Liam sitting on the couch. “Liam have you seen Niall?” I looked around and heard noise from the kitchen. I heard swearing from an angry leprechaun so I followed the noise.

“Niall we need to talk.” I forced back the tears that were coming to my eyes. Stay strong, it’s for the best.

“What’s wrong Caity?” The cute leprechaun said with pizza in my mouth, it took everything in me not to lean over and kiss him. Instead I said the words that made both of our worlds crumble to the ground.

“Niall I am sorry to say this, but we’re over.” I couldn’t look back at my best friend so I ran from the house. It was a good thing that I called a taxi before I ended things because I could hear Niall running after me.

An hour later I was on the plane heading to Canada. *Niall is Irish, he moved from Ireland to Canada when he was 1 he doesn’t remember the move. Comment if you have any issues*

“Please fascine our seat belts we are about to take off.” The speaker above me said in a monotone voice.

I thought I would be excited to go home, but instead I was feeling confused and somehow empty.

During the flight I was trying to watch my favourite movie on the planes tiny TVs. But something was bothering me, I couldn’t get my finger on it until I was falling asleep.

1. Did I do the right thing?
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Hey guys,

Before I start my regular banter and hiding behind unicorns I need you to do me a favour.

My friend Caity has posted a memoir called Hundred Reasons. It is about a real thing, hens Memoir. It happened to me also and our school but it is in her own POV. Please read it or I won't update?

MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!!! I was going to update both of my stories on christmas but then I got sick and threw up so... DIDN'T HAPPEN!!

What did you guys get for christmas? I got... a CRUISE!!! That's right a cruise, on a ship in the ocean with no laptop *gasp* That means I can't update!!!!!!!!!!!! It is three weeks away so calm your selves. But then in April I'm gone again for a week. maybe my co-author could write...

So i like this chapter, until the end when it started getting suckish because i was watching TV.

I have decided if I will put LWOD on hold or not, I will hopefully be updating that story tonight, Fingers crossed.

So I am sitting behind my unicorn eating my dinner waiting for the comments to roll in. So COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE!!!!

Lots of love, dinner, unicorn poop, cruises, and more!!!
