Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

He finally broke

Niall Horan’s Best Friends:

Chapter 22: He finally broke


Niall’s P.O.V

What just happened? Did she just say the words that I was hoping that I would never hear?

I dropped my piece of pizza and run to the door still shocked out of my mind. I couldn’t see anything but Caity, I couldn’t focus on the people yelling at me.

I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door with no shoes on my feet and no food in my stomach. I lurched on the pedal wanting to follow the cab that she got into.

She got out of her cab with tears falling down her cheeks. I just wanted to run up and kiss those tears away but I couldn’t. We weren’t a couple any more, I couldn’t tell her that I loved her. I couldn’t hold her when she was sleeping. I couldn’t even tell her how beautiful she is to me.

I parked the car and ran into the airport trying to follow my best friend and ex-girlfriend. I pushed by so many people and ran as fast as I could but I couldn’t make it.

She was already past security and walking to her gate, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t try to get to her. The moment she pasted through security I yelped out in heartbreak.

So I ran, I ran as fast as I could past security hoping that they wouldn’t be able to catch up to me. I didn’t slow down even after I heard some angry shouts from the guards.

I was looking around looking at the gates to see which one was going back to Canada. I had to keep running but I knew I was getting tired. That’s when I saw her, she was just stepping up to give her ticket to the clerk.

“Caity, please stop! We need to talk.” I cried out still running towards the gate. She heard me, everybody did they all turned around giving me dirty looks. But I didn’t care all I was focused on was Caity.

When she turned around and saw me she looked, well she looked surprised then upset. I ran towards her but before I could have her in my arms she turned around and walked through the gate.

I stopped running instantly, she didn’t want me. She didn’t love me like I loved her. My heart shattered into pieces while my eyes leaked tears.

I just stood there letting the guards take me out, there was no point anymore. There was no point to be happy, if the person you want to be happy with doesn’t want you.

I somehow managed to get to my car and start driving. All I could think about was Caity, how her face lit up when she was happy. How her hair smelt, how she hugged me.

I pulled into the drive way and saw that the front door was open with Paul standing there arms crossed. I was going to get into so much trouble, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to crawl into my bed and sleep, to make this night mare go away.

“Niall do you know how worried we have been?” Paul looked at me disappointed. I shook my head, I didn’t feel like getting lectured today so I did something that I knew I would regret.

I pushed past Paul and hung my head low until I reached the stairs. I had just put my foot on the first step when he grabbed my shoulder, he spun me around so I could face him.

“Do you know how much pain I have been in?!” I screamed probably a little too loud, but I got my point across. He jumped back surprised about my outburst.

The boys were behind him sitting on the couches, they looked confused and worried. They knew me better then Paul, they knew that I ran out of the house for a reason.

“Niall, we will talk about this later.” That was all Paul said before exiting the house from the front door. I knew I was still in trouble but I didn’t care, he doesn’t know what I have just been through.

The boys were about to speak, they wanted to know where Caity was. They wanted to know why I was in tears. But I didn’t want to answer them, I was hoping this was a nightmare.

“Woah.” Brianna walked through the kitchen and into the room. She noticed my tears instantly, then her lips formed an O. She knew what was wrong, she knew that Caity left. She knew why when I didn't.

“She didn’t, did she?” The room was silent so you could hear the whisper, it echoed off of the walls and bounced back into my ears.

Sobs came from my throat while tears fell down my face in a waterfall. I ran up to Liam and jumped in his arms. He instantly wrapped them around me trying to comfort me. I could feel every bodies stares on me so I lifted my head and let the words spill out.

“She-she-she dumped me!!!” I blubbered like a baby who didn’t get the toy he wanted. I don’t care if I looked ridiculous or cried like a baby. All I wanted was Caity back in my arms.

Everybody stayed silent not wanting to hurt me even more. I put my head in the crook on Liam’s shoulder and just cried. I felt circles getting rubbed into my back by one of the boys.
We all just sat there in silence, but I couldn’t take it. It felt lonely. “Then… Then she left.” I spluttered out into Liam’s shoulder hoping they heard me.

Luckily I didn’t have to repeat myself because I heard them grumble in anger and sympathy.

“Wait? She left?!” Harry yelled out something in his empty head must have clicked. I could practically feel Liam role his eyes at him.

“Ya, like on a plane. Went back to Canada.” I muttered, I got out of Liam’s arms and just stood there. I didn’t want anybody to say they were sorry, it didn’t help her come back here.

I stormed away from the boys and went to my room. They all knew that I was worse than what I was letting on. But they just stayed down stairs not coming up. And I was fine with that, I didn’t need them any way’s.

All I needed was Caity.

Caity’s P.O.V

I was lying in my bed a week later with the T.V on. At least 14 ice cream containers were lying on the ground empty.

“Hun, I’m going grocery shopping. Do you need anything?” A
knock on my door signaled that my mother was at my door.

The first thing that popped into my mind was ice cream.

My last tub on ice cream was sitting on my lap with a spoon in it. I was half way done and I knew I needed more. “Ice cream please.” I looked at her with puppy dog eyes knowing she would say no.

“Caity, no. Have you even gotten out of bed for this past week?” She came over to my bed and ripped off the blankets exposing me to the cold air.

I cringed slightly, if she noticed she would make me get out of bed. “No, only to pee and shower.” I stuck my spoon back into the tub of ice cream then shovelled it into my mouth.

“Please more ice cream mom?” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, the ones that got me everything when I was with Niall.

My heart stung a little bit bringing tears to my eyes. I noticed that my mom nodded then left.
Niall, that name was not to be said around the house ever. I had made that clear when I came. There was to be no mention of him at all period.

But I could always hear my family at the dinner table when I was up here, talking about us. Or what used to be of us.

‘Please send a very warm Welcome to… One Direction!’ The TV screamed out through the speakers. Of course I had to be on the channel that was interviewing One Direction.

Whenever I heard those words I would instantly snatch the remote from my bed and change the channel. But today before I could even get the remote the boys walked out onto the stage.

They all sauntered onto the stage in a line, Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam and then he who shall not be named. They all had these huge smiles on their faces, but they didn’t reach their eyes.

Anybody close to them knew that they were faking those smiles, but the fans didn’t they went crazy like normal. How do people call themselves fans if they don’t notice that their idols are in pain?

They all sat on the couch and answered the regular questions, “How are you?” “How is your album?” “Any new songs you are recording” Crap like that. But what I really wanted to hear was the relationship question.

All hosts ask them if they were single or taken, I wanted to hear what Niall was going to say. It took a couple good long minutes- I felt like I was about to throw my spoon at the TV, but that meant to get up and get it so I didn’t- for the question to come up.

“So I’m pretty sure the fans would like to know. Who’s single and who’s taken?” The fans probably damaged their vocal cords because of that question. I can just imagine them going home trying to talk but only able to make a dying cat sound. I laugh at the thought but then quickly stop so I could hear their answers.

“Taken!” Zayn said with a glazed look in his eyes, we all knew he was talking about Perrie. I met her when we were having a movie marathon, and all I could say is that they are perfect for each other.

“Taken!” Louis screamed showing his affection for Eleanor. I also met Eleanor but only briefly since Louis was rushing her out of the door to go shopping.

“I am single and ready too mingle!!” Harry swayed his hips still on the couch, the fans erupted in a chorus of screams again.

“Taken, I love you Brianna.” Liam blew a kiss back stage where Brianna was. The camera turned at the exact same time that she caught the kiss and blew one back. This time Aweh’s fell out of everybody’s mouths because they were being so cute.

Last but not least was Niall, you could tell that he was debating on what to say. Liam put his arm behind Niall’s back and whispered something into his ear. Niall nodded the proceeded to answer.

“I am single.” That was all he said before a tiny little tear fell from the corner of his eye.

The host looked confused and so did all the fans. Just a week ago Niall Horan had a girlfriend, why not now? What happened?

“May I ask why?” The host seemed curious but also didn’t want to push him. She knew her boundaries, but she wanted as much information as she could get.

“Um, You all know I was dating Caity.” A picture flashed behind the boys on the couch. It was me feeding Niall some McDonald’s fries, we had the biggest grins on our faces.

Niall looked back at the picture then looked back at the crowd tears were quickly falling down his face now. “Well she received a lot of hate on twitter, I guess she couldn’t take it anymore so she broke up with me.”

Niall put his face in Liam’s shoulder and started sobbing. This was the first time I had actually seen him full on crying. Before
I knew it tears were falling down my face just as fast as Niall’s were.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my lovely monsters,

Before I start off blabbering I wanted to say something very important. This is my first post of 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Ok now I am able to start blabbering. Well this chapter took me about... *looks at clock* 2-3 hours to write. Yes I know the chapter isn't much but in between that I had to put dinner in the oven (Lasagna) and answer my texts. So cutting that time out I say 1-2 hours.

About this chapter. I didn't want it to sound... awkward? Does that make sense? Oh and guess what!!! I bet you won't be able to guess!!! GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?! THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I HAVE EVER WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!! 2,003 words to be exact.

So ya you know the drill I blabber about the chapter, when I will update next, Wait I didn't do that! CRAP!!

I won't be on the weekend since I am not here, instead I hope tomorrow or Friday. Don't freak out if I go missing for a couple days because I have no time. ( I have decided to gut my room of all the crap so it will take a while)

NOW back to my regular blabbering.

I am STILL sick!! It has now been more then a week. I am getting better slowly but it isn't working. The meds I have taken won't help any more cuz I am amune to them *roles eyes* But the good part is that I made a new friend!! Mr.Tissue!! He follows me around and offers (more like has no choice) to give me a part of him to blow my nose with.

Um what else can I blabber about. Oh ya I would like to talk about watt pad. I am sure you have heard of it sometime. It is a website that offers fan fictions and such (lots of categories). They are all written by some one who loves to write and is amazing at it. I am on it and I have found some amazing 1D fan fictions. You can access the site through your computer. But I know for a fact that they have apps for, your ipod(what I read on), you black berry playbook, or blackberry. It also goes on your iphones. If you would like to check it would and you need stories I will gladly help.

Um, I have start to write images. They will be posted soon I hope. Please message me if you would like them. Or if you are just confused about them. I can answer all of you questions!!!

I think I have blabbered on enough today, hoping to have next chapter up soon!!!!! Longest chapter... um ya!!

Lots of love, words, chapters, watt pads, images, sickness, peach juice, and what ever else you want.
