Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Here goes nothing

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 23: Here goes nothing


Zayn’s P.O.V

“Come on Niall! You need to eat.” I waved it in front of his face hoping to get a reaction out of him. It was just the way he liked it too. Peperoni, then some cheese then some more peperoni with extra pizza sauce. But he didn’t move, not a wink, not a twitch, you could barely even see the boy breath. The boy sat still and silent on the black leather couch that sat
in his living room.

Currently we are in Niall’s flat trying to get the Irish twig to eat. He won’t move for anything. He just sits there staring into blank space, he doesn’t even acknowledge us anymore.

The break up was and still is extremely hard for him. Hard in an understatement, more like difficult. I don’t even know if he moves off his couch anymore.

Every day the boys and I come to his flat to see if he has made any progress but all we see is the blonde Irish boy siting on the couch doing nothing.

“I can’t stand this anymore, can somebody video tape this?” I look and my best mate then back at the boys, I was extremely worried. The boys were getting as worried as I was. Niall never gave up food, never. He would always be the first boy to the kitchen for meals.

At first, he would eat but not his normal serving which wasn’t the best but we put up with it. He ate that was the number one thing. But as the days went on nothing went into his mouth but alcohol. He would get up and grab a beer or some rum and just chug it. But now he doesn’t even get up to get alcohol.

Liam brought out his phone and started to video tape our fail attempts to get him to eat. Nothing, he did nothing but stare into space like he normally did.

“Harry, go get a beer.” I didn’t even glace at the curly haired boy but he did as I said, they all did what I told them if it meant that Niall would get better.

Harry came back with the beer and I waved it in front of
Blondies face. I was expecting him to stay stone still like the statue he was acting like but instead he did the un thinkable.

His hand shot out from under his chin and grabbed the ice cold bottle and shoved it to his lips. It took him 10 seconds, no scratch that. It took him at least five seconds to chug the whole bottle off bear down. He didn’t even pause to take a breath.

Liam stopped recording the almost life less Niall and looked at the rest of us. “We have to do something… I hate to see him like this.” The other boys agreed by nodding their head. Ever since the breakup Niall hasn’t been the same.

I know it sounds cheesy but because one of our best friends isn’t the same it effects the rest of us. Without his Irish accent complaining in our ears about being hungry it throws us off of our schedule.

“I can go over to Canada and show Caity what Niall has been like since the break up?” I state as a question, I didn’t think it was such a good idea. Caity is the most stubborn person I have ever met. If she doesn’t like your opinion she will argue with you until you change it. And if you don’t she will never let you live it down.

I look at the boys waiting for their opinions on my suggestions. They had huge grins plastered on their faces, I haven’t seen them since before the breakup.

“You should show her the video.” Liam waved his phone in the air indicating that he was talking about the video he just shot. I nodded in agreement and so did the other boys.

“Well, I just texted Paul and he said go ahead. Oh and bring Bri with you.” Louis glanced up from his phone and spoke straight to me.

Us boys weren’t the only ones that have been effected by this whole catastrophe, the fans have been going crazy. Management noticed that the fans were upset. They think it had something to do with Niall breaking down on live television.

Normally we all can pull it together and keep our calm, but Niall, he is sensitive. He needs to know why for all of our decisions, he needs to know what’s next and if there are any surprises. And this breakup was the biggest surprise he could take.

Yes we all get a little stressed out sometimes and just need to break down. And unfortunately it was Niall’s time to break down then and there.

“Private jet?” I ask Louis hoping he already had the answer, I wanted plus needed to go right away. Louis started tapping away on his black berry getting the answer for the question he just asked.

I picked up the piece of pizza again hoping to get a reaction from him, but I already knew it was impossible. I waved it in his face anyway.

I want him to move, I want to hear his Irish accent, and I want to see his smile. I know I sound like a love sick girlfriend that hasn’t seen her boyfriend in 5 months. But I can’t stand to see him this upset.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Louis’s voice. “You and Bri shall board the private jet in two hours. While Liam, Harry and I shall try to wake up Mr.Stone over here.” Louis took his finger and jabbed it into Niall’s cheek. Trust Louis to try and cheer us up at the worst time. I grin at that thought but stand up quickly since I didn’t have much time.

“I just sent a text to Bri telling her everything and that you will be there to pick her up in an hour.” Liam shouted from the living room with the rest of the lads.

“I’ll text you when I land.” I shout back before exiting the flat. I got into the car and quickly drove over to my flat. It was a five minute drive over but I couldn’t stop thinking about how I would be able to convince Caity.

That video for sure. She would be horrified to see Niall so stick thin and stiff. I quickly take out my phone and send a text to Liam telling him to send me the video.

Maybe if I put it on a hard drive and then give it to Caity she would be able to watch it in private. My phone beeped obviously a response from Liam. I ignore it while I run into the small but comfy flat that I live in.

I walk in to the flat and noticed that there was an awful mess in the living room. It was from the movie marathon we had a while ago. I didn’t bother to clean up because I was never here, I was always staying with one of the boys.

I grab a large duffle bag and stuff my clothes, hair product, shoes, and toiletries in and zip it shut. I knew I was missing something but I didn’t care. I was going to be late. I ran down the stairs and almost trip on something during the process. My laptop. I knew I needed that so I could put it on the flash drive. Luckily I had an extra flash drive in my computer case.

Realizing I was going to be late I scrambled into the car and sped to go get Brianna. Luckily Brianna had a great timing because she walked out of Liam’s flat. She had on Liam’s favourite sweater with her duffle bag hanging off of her shoulder.

“Nice sweater, isn’t it Liam’s?” I smirk at her. A blush overcame her cheeks tinting them red. It took her a little bit to form words.

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” I nod before speaking, nobody knew it, because I did it secretly, but I did it for Caity.

“I brought one of Niall’s sweaters for Caity to.” She nodded then asked about how we were going to convince her.

I told her my ideas and she responded eagerly. The rest of the ride to the airport was full of ideas to put on the drive.

An hour later Bri and I were on the jet. We were in the booth that we normally used to eat, but since Niall wasn’t with us there was no point.

Everything I do, or say, or see reminds me off him. Of when he was happy and not stone. God I really do sound like a love sick girlfriend.

By the time the jet landed, which was eight hours, we had finished putting anything and everything that we thought would help onto the drive.

We stayed silent during the drive over to her house. I don’t know why but I feel like this is going to crash and burn in our faces. I could tell Brianna felt the same way, she has this twisted face that will never look normal.

We stepped out of the car and towards the front door. Slowly but surely we got there nervous hoping this would work. I rapped my knuckles on the wooden door.

Here goes nothing.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I hope you like the chapter, another long one. Plus I put my neck on the line for you guys.

This is not my normal updating time but I felt like writing so I did. Unfortunately I am supposed to be in bed but I am writing this. Therefore I am a NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My parents haven't heard the clicking of the keys yet. YET!! I could be caught any moment now So I will keep things short.

I updated for caity who will not sleep till she reads it.
I am still sick.
Crap my mom's awake.

Hope you like it.


Lot's of love,

the ninja

p.s for all of you who read this I am in bed but not sleeping. Don't tell anyone.

pps. I will try and upload wensday probably not sooner.