Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

One Direction Day

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 25: One Direction Day


“Good luck!” I said loud enough for him to hear me. He turned around and looked straight into my eyes.

Determination was the thing I saw, he wasn’t going to give up without a fight. He was going to do everything he could to get Caity back to London.

“Thanks.” Was all he said before leaving the room to go do the impossible. I crossed my fingers hoping he would be able to convince her so I didn’t have to go up there. I hoped that the luck I gave him was enough.

Caity’s P.O.V

My ears perked up the sound of the door, I haven’t heard it open for a couple days now. Who was it you ask? Well my answer is probably the most typical of all, I don’t know. I hadn’t gotten out of my room for about a week so why would I have gotten out then?

The door shut, whoever was there either left or came into the house. I told myself to calm down, that whoever was there was to see my mom. But I couldn’t shake a feeling that something was going to go wrong, something was going to happen that I didn’t like.

I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my mind.
Finally after a while of shaking my head, which made me dizzy, the thoughts made their way slowly out of my mind. They were still there but just faintly. I heard mumbling from down stairs and my mom yelp, I got out of my bed then shook my head once again. No, if she was with somebody they could help her. Yes, I sounded like a selfish daughter, but that was revenge for not getting me anymore ice cream.

I jumped onto my bed grabbing my remote before landing, I know I’m skilled. I switched the solid black screen on making it colour full and noisy.

‘You’re hand fits in mine like it’s made just me

But beard this I mind it was meant to be

It was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots

With the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me’

My head snapped toward the TV, my eyes went wide with fear. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I tried for so long not to hear any of their voices, I deleted all their songs from my IPod, I switched the channel whenever an interview came on. I did everything in my power to forget about them, until this happened.I tried to reach for the remote to shut this pain full crap off, but to my luck I was paralyzed with love.

‘You can't go to bed,

Without a cup of tea,

And maybe that's the reason

That you talk, in your sleep

And all those conversations

Are the secrets that I keep

Though it makes no sense to me’ Just hearing his voice almost made the tears spill from my eyes. Louis was the best friend I could ever ask for, all of the boys were.

As the song progressed I forbade the tears to fall from my eyes. I couldn’t cry over the boys, if I did all the progress I made over the last two weeks would be unsuccessful. They probably don’t even remember me. Niall probably moved on and found a new best friend. He should be happy, he got rid of a worthless piece of crap that was me.

I know, I’m normally happy and carefree, not depressed like I am right now. But honestly I wasn’t always happy and carefree, I had my depressed moments too. I have been self-conscious my whole life, yes I know everybody does but mine was huge. Whenever I thought somebody was talking behind my back I put a fake smile on and cried in my room later that night. It was bad. I have never cut or harmed myself but I have thought about it. Besides if I did commit suicide nobody would care. *PLEASE SEE AUTHORS NOTE*

‘You'll never love yourself

Half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right, darlin'

But I want you to,

If I let you know, I'm here for you,

Maybe you'll love yourself,

Like I love you

Oh’ His voice, oh his voice. Even if I tried the tears poured down my face like a waterfall bigger then Niagara falls. A sob left my lips, why am I crying over the boy I loved? Well, it is simple but I refuse to believe it. I still love him.

I still love his bright blue eyes. I still love his clear braces on his perfectly white teeth. I still love his brunette hair that he dyes blonde. I still love his sexy and amazing Irish accent. I have fallen in love with all those little things, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that all those little things add up and create this amazingly, beautiful, caring, sexy, loving, understanding, thoughtful, and fantastic Niall Horan. The boy I loved, actually still love.

My head snapped up towards the door, somebody was on the other side of it. I know I sound weird but honestly, that breath heavy and shuffle their feet a lot, they need to work on being Ninja.

I try to burn a hole in the door with my gaze to see who was outside but no such luck. Five minutes later and they still hadn’t made a move to knock, I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the TV.

“And coming up next on this One Direction day, is you guessed it! ONE DIRECTION!” The host shouted into her microphone even though she didn’t have to, because well… it was a microphone! I rolled my eyes but made no attempt of changing the channel. One I was too lazy, and two I decided to investigate who or what was standing behind the door.
I Ninjaly crept to my door and silently opened the door.

Standing before me was somebody that I thought I would never see again. Well yes I thought I would never see them again, but secretly I was happy, I never wanted to see them again. But no, here they are standing there with something in their hand in front of my bedroom door.

“What do you want Zayn?” It came out bitter, and I wouldn’t take it back. I didn’t want to and I had a right to put it out there. I know they couldn’t control their fans but they could have stood up for me.

“We need to talk.” Those words I was dreading anybody would say to me finally fell out of somebody’s mouth. I instantly wanted them to go away. We had nothing to talk about, ever
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I want to tell you, I am always here for you. Message me if you are having problems or if you need somebody to talk to. I will always be here for you, unless it is illegal or will make me feel guilty I will keep your secret ok? Please don't ever harm your self, Don't you are perfect just the way you are ok? If you don't believe me listen to little things. I won't tell you about if I have or have not harmed myself, because well I am to lazy. But yes, I have been depressed and I have cried myself to sleep.

I hope you like it, I know it's short but this is all I could do. Mom is yelling at me to go to bed but I need to finish this.

I know, I haven't updated for a while, but It is January and that means for 8th graders here in Canada that it is time to pick your high school. I honestly have 3 choices I can make but I have only gone to 1 orientation so eh.

I will be leaving in 5 days, that means I will try to update this week but I have to pack. Tomorrow I will try to write as many chapters as I can, That way I can put them in the folder so I can update them any time I need or feel like it. That being said I don't know if this story will cut close soon. I don't think so, it will go on as continued. I will also try to write a collection of 1D stories.

I got a hair cut today!! I don't know how my hair dresser does it but it always looks good for a couple days before it looks awful again.

I will be waking up early tomorrow just to start writing. I was supposed to do that today but I fell back asleep. I didn't mean to!!!

But honestly if you are harming yourself get help, it's not good.

I will write tomorrow and ya. But I have math to do because i am currently ahead of my class so I don't miss anything.

This week will be crazy so don't bug for chapters. I will get my co-author to either write a chapter or post one I have written we will see when we get there.


Dedicated to Caity for the amazing comment she left, (READ IT I CRIED)

lot's of love, support, nice hair, concern, chapters, decisions, high schools and more.


***Caity, you may now sleep and eat since I have now updated****