Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The video's

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 26: The video’s


“What do you want Zayn?” It came out bitter, and I wouldn’t take it back. I didn’t want to and I had a right to put it out there. I know they couldn’t control their fans but they could have stood up for me.

“We need to talk.” Those words I was dreading anybody would say to me finally fell out of somebody’s mouth. I instantly wanted them to go away. We had nothing to talk about, ever.

Zayn’s P.O.V

Her face fell when she heard the words we need to talk. It was like she knew I was coming and that this was going to happen, but she didn’t did she? Her face scrunched up into a frown, she looked at me with this emotion that I have never seen in her eyes. Hate. She never hated somebody, like never. She would always be able to find the good in people, but I now she is different.

“Why would I want to talk to you?” She sneered looking at me in distaste. Her blood shot eyes looked at my face waiting for me to answer but all I could do was stare at her.

Her hair was in this extremely messy bun, like it hadn’t been touched in weeks. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had just been crying. Her pyjamas were crinkled and tossed around. To put it nicely she looked horrible. The bags under her eyes told me that she hadn’t slept well. She looked like crap, like she needed somebody to be there for her.

“Why wouldn’t you want to talk to me?” A smirk appeared on my lips. I mentally slap myself, you were supposed to be nice and considerate not cocky and an arse hole. Great, now it’s going to be harder than before.

“If I tell you all the reasons we will be here for a while.” She crossed her arms leaning her body against the door frame. Of course she didn’t want me to come in. I rolled my eyes and imitated her.

“We honestly need to talk about Niall, can I please come in?” Her jaw clenched and eyes narrowed when I said Niall. She looked just about ready to kill somebody but I ignored it.

“NEVER SAY THAT NAME AGAIN!” She screamed, well somebody hasn’t gotten over him. She was clearly in distress and pain, and because of that she let her guard down. I took that opportunity to make a move.

“Caity, listen.” I gently grabbed her chin and brought it up so she could look into my eyes. She flinched but didn’t pull away, well she didn’t have a choice. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. She gasped but looked back at me waiting for me to continue.

“I see that you are in pain, but have you ever thought how he is doing? Can I please come in.” Silence, that was either good or bad. She was either thinking of a plan to slap me, or to let me in. I took a deep breath and let go of her chin.

She stepped back from the door frame muttering something under her breath. She crawled into bed tears leaking from her eyes. I gulped, what have I gotten myself into? I was just going to convince her, now I am her shrink. Just great.

“I know what he is feeling, I saw an interview.” Those words left her mouth while I placed my butt on her bed. Questions started flowing through my mind the second I heard that sentence. How did she feel? Has she changed her mind? What’s going to happen now?

“Well you have seen the interview, and he was extremely depressed. But you don’t know how he is outside of all the publicity do you?” I place my hand around her fist, it uncurls instantly. I looked up and saw her shake head.

“Why don’t you look at this then?” I opened my hand up and sitting in the palm of my hand is the memory stick. Or as I like to call the secret weapon.

Her laptop was sitting on her bed so I quickly grabbed it and plugged the memory stick in. I looked over at Caity and saw that she was freaking out. I took my hand in hers then started rubbing circles into her back. She took deep breaths in and out finally calming down.

A window popped up on the laptop showing all the videos me and Brianna put on. It took a grueling 4 hours to put everything on, I hope she looks at all of them. I put my finger on the track pad and find the video I think she should watch first.

It took me a while to find it, but I finally did. I clicked on it and another window popped up. I glance over at Caity, I raise my eyebrows. She nods before pressing play.

“Come on Niall! You need to eat.” I saw myself wave his favourite piece of pizza in his face hoping to see a reaction.

But he didn’t move, not even a muscle.
I couldn’t stand to watch the video even though it was only two minutes. It just sent another knife deeper into my heart.

I watched Caity out of the corner of my eye. She looked calm and first, nothing was wrong she just sat there with a glazed look over her eyes.

But then I realized that the glazing that was happening to her eyes were from tears. She took a deep breath and wiped the tears away with her sleeve. Then she gasped, she looked at the screen in absolute terror.

I scooped her up into my arms rocking her back and forth till the video ended. I was about to press another file to show her an interview when she yelped out.

“No, please. Don’t I can’t stand it.” Newly shed tears soaked my shirt.

“One more please? You need to see this one the most.” I pressed the file before she could answer me. This time the file wasn’t an interview it was a rehearsal.

We all sat on suitcases filled with rocks, don’t ask it was Paul’s idea. But anyway, we sat there singing our knew single. We all went through our solos with no problem, which made rehearsal much easier. But when it came to Niall’s famous ehart melting solo he broke down. He sang but tears were falling down his face, he couldn’t breathe properly which broke up the lyrics. His body shook causing the suitcase to break beneath him which made him fall. Let’s just say that show wasn’t our best, the fans didn’t notice though so I guess that’s ok.

It ended so I took the memory key out and shut the device down, I didn’t want to but I still had to talk to Caity even though I just put her through pain.

This feeling was stirring in my stomach telling me to stop before anybody got hurt. But I couldn’t, I told the other lads that I would do this and get her back to London.

“Caity, how are you feeling?” It was a stupid question but I had to ask it. I needed to know how she was doing to I could convince her, it all came down to how she was feeling at that moment.

“Disgusting, awful, depressed, lonely, suicidal.” She muttered the last word quickly hoping I wouldn’t hear, but much to her luck my ears heard it.

“What do you mean suicidal?” *AUTHORS NOTE* I was shocked, she was always so upbeat and fun. But now she depressed and just awful.

“Look what I have done to him, he can’t do anything anymore. Plus look at you and the other boys. You guys are obviously trying to stay strong for his sake but failing miserably.” Her voice rose as she continued her rant. She looked angry but most of all hurt.

“I didn’t want to do this! I didn’t want to have to leave the love of my life or my best friends! But fate made me! That means it was never meant to be!” I shouted at me hoping that I would get her point.

I did get her point though, I understood her point of view. But she has to understand how all of us are feeling. “If it was never meant to be then why am I standing here? Why is Brianna sitting on the couch waiting for an answer? And why would I promise the boys that you would come back to London with me?!” Anger got the best of me, but I couldn’t help it. Sometimes she didn’t understand that her actions can affect other people to.

“I never wanted this Zayn! I promise I want to be in Niall’s arms right now! I want to be behind the scenes at your concerts! But most of all I promise I want to be back in London with all of you guys!” She shook with fury, she was on her feet now just yelling at me while I was sitting on her bed.

“Then why aren’t you?” I didn’t yell this time, instead I got up from my spot and walked over to her. I stopped an inch before her and stood there. I stood there for the answer, hoping she wasn’t lying.

“You’re fans hate me! The management hates me!” She took the level of her voice down to a regular indoor voice. This was the feeling, the feeling that you have lost one of your best friends with a stupid action that you didn’t even do.

“That doesn’t matter! All that matters is that we love you!” I placed my hand on her shoulder trying to show affection but she didn’t like that. She shook off my hand instantly breaking my heart.

“You don’t understand! I’m not good enough!” Her voice rose again. I took a step back making sure she couldn’t hit me.

“Please, just come back to London and we will show you that you are better than good enough.” She took a minute to think, her face went into her thinking face. Her nose scrunched up, her eyebrows together. It made her look absolutely adorable.

She sighed then looked straight at me, her eyes connected with mine. She looked upset about the words she was going to say. And trust me the words upset me to.

“I’m sorry Zayn but no.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

Before I begin I will tell you that I am hiding somewhere in the world hoping not to get hate or threats because of what I did in this chapter. I know you all probably hate me right now but it had to be done! My heart broke while writing this it took all my will power to follow my plot.

Um, again you can talk to me ok?

I will be leaving Thursday. That means I will not be updating for a week or more. I know I have done that before but I hate doing it. So... I think I will try and write some chapters for my co-author to post. But I honestly have no time. This week I am packing and crap so this will be the last chapter from me till I get back. You will hopefully get two while I'm gone.

But because Caity is updating the story I expect that all my rules applies to Caity as well. You have to be nice and caring, besides I wrote the chapters. She is just the one to post them! Actually I think I'm going to write a chapter then let Caity write one... remember same rules!!!

My hair, oh my god! My hair still looks like it did yesterday! I am so happy.

I haven't had that feeling that I should write, but I should because I am having boy problems! I know, it sounds like a typical 13 year old girl. But this guys, we had chemistry then we stopped talking. So I know have feelings for this damn guy AGAIN!!!

Um, this is the only chapter that I have written today. Because my sister had her championship finals for hockey today, another silver. and I wasn't feeling well, got writers block! I hate that!!

I will write one more chapter and Caity will post it Sunday. Then she will write a chapter (With my direction) and post it wensday (in two weeks) You won't get much but dude, I'm gone I will try to upload when I get back but I might have a lot to catch up on so please calm.

That's about it. I will post a big authors note later this week explaining more about the trip and stuff but ya that's all you will get.

Lot's of love, hiding places, nice hair, silver medals, chapters, cruises. homework, sickness, tiredness, lazyness, and more LOVE!!


(And soon Caity) (Caity text me so we can go over scheduling)