Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The Videos 2

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 27: The Videos


“You don’t understand! I’m not good enough!” Her voice rose again. I took a step back making sure she couldn’t hit me.

“Please, just come back to London and we will show you that you are better than good enough.” She took a minute to think, her face went into her thinking face. Her nose scrunched up, her eyebrows together. It made her look absolutely adorable.

She sighed then looked straight at me, her eyes connected with mine. She looked upset about the words she was going to say. And trust me the words upset me to.

“I’m sorry Zayn but no.”

Caity’s P.O.V

“I’m sorry Zayn but no.”

His face fell, you could hear his heart break, and his face went pale. He wasn’t expecting that answer, he thought that I would say yes and we would go off to London to fix everything. Well no.

After seeing those videos I learned that Niall is better off without me. He doesn’t need a piece of crap like me following him on tour. It would just give him too much stress.

“But please, tell him I still want to be best friends?” I whisper before taking a step back from Zayn, His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. He just got super angry super-fast, never a good sign.

“You want to be best friends with him after you have hurt him this much?! He isn’t going to forget his feelings for you Caity, and you won’t either!” His fist clenched, he turned and punched the wall right next to the door frame leaving a dent.

“Do you know how much pain you put him through? You saw those videos, you put him in a lot of fucking pain!” Anger seethed out of Zayn, you could feel the hotness on your skin.

“I left him because of the fans, I was never good with hate.” A tear slipped out of my eye. He didn’t know what it was like in my shoes, he still doesn’t.

“Fix the fans then I will think about it.” I crossed my arms proposing my final offer. It was a big thing to ask, but if they cared about me they would do it.

He ran his hands through his quiff messing it up. He would never touch his hair which either means two things. One he is still angry or two, he is thinking.

“You know how hard that’s going to be!” Zayn said almost whining like a little child who didn’t get a sucker.

“It will be hard, but if you guys care about me you would find a way to do it.” That was all I said before he left.

He stalked out of the room grumbling things under his breath, but he suddenly turned and walked back to me. He opened my palm and dropped something. Then all I heard was the front door slamming shut.

I opened my palm which somehow closed, inside was the tiny piece of information that was supposed to win me back. But it didn’t, Zayn only showed me two videos. I plugged it back into my laptop straight away before clicking on some random video.


Niall was sitting on the couch doing nothing like normal, he was still in the same clothes as he was before. The boys walked through the front door and into the living room.

“Hey buddy, wanna speak for us today?” Liam sat beside Niall rubbing his back lightly trying to coax a movement out of him.

“She left me.” Niall whispered lightly, the boys heard him but only slightly. But they didn’t care, their life less friend finally spoke.

“She left me because of something I didn’t do!” He stood up, angry at the fans. His fist clenched, he stormed off to the fridge to grab a beer.

He chugged it within five seconds. He then stormed back into the living room and punched the wall. Tears leaked from his eyes.

“I lost the person I love because of fame”


I felt something wet and salty sliding down my cheeks and into my mouth. I realized that I was crying, I was crying because of what I saw in that video. I saw pain, tears, anger, my best friends, and the person I love the most.

I hated to see him in pain, it pissed me off. But knowing that I’m the reason for the pain, made me sick. I never thought of it from his point of view, I never even considered how he felt because of this.

Sobs came from my throat unwillingly. I clicked another random video hoping it wouldn’t be as painful as the last.


“So boys, who’s single and who’s taken?” The interviewer asked. The boys were sitting on a long couch big enough for all of them. Liam sat next to Niall trying to comfort him but failing miserably.

“Taken!” Zayn shouted enthusiastically.

“Taken!” Louis said with a glazed look in his eyes.

“Single and ready to mingle!” Harry shouted squirming in his seat.

“Taken, by Brianna” Liam looks back stage to look at Brianna blowing her a kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers from the cute gesture.

“And you Niall?” Niall hadn’t spoken at all. He had this glazed look in his eyes.

“Um, single but my heart is taken.” That was all her said before bursting into tears, then got comforted by Liam.


My heart was torn up into little tiny pieces, it felt like it got
stomped on. Then ran over by a steam roller. I couldn’t believe how much pain I have been causing him.

This time, I was more careful with how I chose my videos. I honestly wanted my heart in one piece and back into my body. I browsed around the window and saw one named when you’re gone.

*Video in third person*

The door to Niall’s room was closed but you knew he was there. Whenever Niall is upset he would pick up a guitar and
sing songs that were related to his mood.

I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd need you there when I cry

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now

Niall’s voice started coming through the door, his beautiful angelic voice sang When you’re gone by Avril Lavigne. It matched his mood very well.
I've never felt this way before

Everything that I do reminds me of you

And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor

And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now.

Niall strummed the last chord then put the guitar down. Then he noticed the camera was sitting right in front of him. He got up extremely angry and started yelling at the boy who was holding it. Then everything went black.

*Video over back to Caity’s P.O.V*

My body was shaking violently, like it was about to explode.
And it did, it exploded with tears.

What had I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my lovely readers,


That’s right, I am back from my cruise! You guys probably want me to tell you about it but… I guess I could tell you the big details… sure let’s do that. But I don’t really wanna tell anyone about it FYI!

The weather was amazing. Shorts and tank tops and swimming. I am a Canadian babe just so you know, so I love warm weather. I love when I can escape from the snow. Um, I met some amazing people. I made about 10 friends. 5 boys and 5 girls. They are amazing, we went through everything together, especially eating five ice cream cones every night.

That’s all I am going to tell you. But I may have had a crush on a boy or two;)

I know you have been waiting for this chapter for about like, 2 weeks? Well here it is. I hope you like it, it’s a piece of crap in my opinion. But that’s probably because I am reading the Hunger Games for the eighth time so, ya.
I am going to be swamped tomorrow and this week, then next weekend I am totally booked. So you might have to wait again. SORRY!!!

I will be working after school now, at least I am accepting the job. Every day after school. And that’s the time a write so, I need a schedule.

OMG I HAVE AN IDEA FOR A NEW BOOK!! It’s called bucket list. It will be about Louis Tomlinson. I will be writing a One Direction series with one book for each boy. And the main character will always be Caity, and me as her best friend. If you would like to be in them please contact me!

That’s about it, more info later!!!

Lots of love, sunburn, crushes, amazing friends, snow, shorts, tank tops, chapters, texts, EVERYTHING!!
