Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Breakfast in bed

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 3: Breakfast in bed

I wake up to the sun in my eyes; I turn over and see that Niall wasn’t there. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it was noon. I was about to fall asleep again when I heard footsteps then the door opened.

I turned over and saw Niall carrying a tray of half eaten pancakes toward me. He smiled when he saw me awake, we quickened his pace and got to the bed a lot sooner.

“You’re awake, I brought you breakfast in bed since it was your last day ish here.” He said smiling while placing the tray on my body. I sat up and started eating.

“Why is there only half the amount of pancakes on here?” I ask already knowing the answer.

“I kinda got hungry on the way up here so I just had a small bite.” He said shamelessly.

“You’re always hungry, now come here I want to feed you.” I sat patting the spot on the bed next to me.

“But I made the food for you!” Niall protested forcing me to eat a piece of pancake.

“But I’m not hungry so come here.” I said after finishing the pancake.

“Alright, here I come!” He said caving in.

We started feeding each other bite by bite but somehow got into a conversation about dreams.

“I had a weird dream last night…” I said trailing off wondering if I should tell him. His eyebrows rose telling me to continue.

“We were dating…” I said wondering how he would take it.

“Really, were we cute together?” He asked teasing me while I shoved some more pancake in his mouth.

“Stop the dream really bothered me.” I said dropping the fork on the plate and turning away.

“Why, you wouldn’t want to date me?” He asked me showing real concern on his face.

“No I honestly wouldn’t. You are a great guy but you deserve somebody better. Plus I don’t want to risk or friend ship.” I answered honestly.

“I don’t wanna risk our friend ship either.” He told me kissing my forehead.

We just sat there and eat until we couldn’t anymore. Niall looked over to the clock and then told me we had to go.
We crawled out of bed, turned around, and started getting dressed. I changed into bright red jeggings, and then threw on a form fitting tank top that made my boobs look bigger than they really are.

I turned around and saw that Niall didn’t have a shirt on. I took him in and saw that he has been working out. Before he had a little bit of muscle but now wow. He had a full six pack and nice V-lines.

“Take a picture it will last longer.” I heard his deep chuckle.

“I know it’s weird but can I touch them?” I ask pointing to his six pack.

He motioned to me that I could so I walked over and put my hand on it. I don’t know how to describe it, amazing was an understatement. I ran my hand up and down biting back a moan.

I took my hand away and walked out of the room to go downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw my parents at the table with their morning coffee in their hand.

“Mom, it’s time for me to go.” I said bluntly getting my point across.

They both stood up and walked towards me. I walked into their open arms and stood there for a while until they spoke.

“Call me when you get there, we will send you anything you forgot. Oh and you can come home whenever you want.” My mom babied me.

“We love you and remember always use protection.” My dad lectured me.

We got interrupted by Niall clearing his throat behind us.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but we have to go Caity or we will be late.” Niall spoke.

I let go of my parents and walked to the door knowing they would follow me. I put on my heels and jacket then turned to them.

“Bye mom. Bye dad. I love you.” I said giving them one last hug walking out the door before they could cry.

Niall was loading my entire luggage in the trunk of the limo. I got into the limo and made myself comfortable. Niall came in a few moments later and grabbed the remote then turned on the T.V.

The T.V was turned to a group of boys getting interviewed. I noticed the blonde hair blue eyed boy in a second. Niall stood out but I didn’t know who the other boys were.

“Niall who are the other boys?” I asked pointing to the T.V.

“Those are my band mates, haven’t you listened to us?” He asked surprise written on his face.

“No I haven’t, I just thought it would kinda awkward so I never bothered. Of course I have heard some of the songs on the radio but that’s it.” I said shrugging.

“Oh, well that one on the left of me in Zayn, Zayn is dating Perrie and he loves looking at himself in the mirror. We like to call him vain Zayn or the Brantford bad boy. The one on the Right of me in Liam, Liam just broke up with Danielle and he is the most mature one if you could call us that and he is afraid of spoons. We call him Daddy Direction. Have that so far?” He asks then continues when he sees me nod.

“Then the one beside Liam is Harry, Harry is single and a huge flirt. We call him Hazza. Then the one beside him is Louis. He is talkative and is random. Probably the most immature one of us, and we call his Lou. When we get there they will all eye rape you so be careful.” He said smirking.

I nodded then laid my head on his shoulder watching the rest of the interview in silence.

The interview ended right when we pulled into the airport. Talk about perfect timing. We got into the airport and did all the normal things to get to the plane. Thanks to Niall’s celebrity status we got first class seating and we were the only ones there. I sat down next to Niall of course and laid my head down on his shoulder. I was awake for 3 hours and I was still tired. I could feel my eyes start to close, I tried to keep them open but I couldn’t. The last thing I remembered was Niall singing a lullaby for me to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
I know I am completely late. I haven't updated for a couple days and I am extremely sorry. I have this huge project due next week and I have work tomorrow. Yes I suck I will try to update LWOD tomorrow
, for you guys I am waking up so early!
I haven't been in a writing mood, maybe it's the Tv in my room. I Have the ideas I just don't feel like writing.
I haven't been upset or overly happy to get many ideas though so please bear with me.
Again I will try to update LWOD soon and maybe this one again.
I know it's short but it's all I have.
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lots of love
