Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

My Side Of The Story

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

*PG-13 language parents cautioned*

Chapter 30: My side of the story


“Then he just shows up! Did he even think that his presence could ruin my night?! He can’t just sit there expecting me to tell him everything!” I stopped to see what Maura was thinking, did I strike a nerve? She didn’t say anything, on the contrary she got off my bed and strutted out of my room with a smirk playing on her lips. I didn’t know why till I saw it.

“Well, you didn’t tell me. Turns out I just had to listen.”

Niall’s P.O.V

Her jaw had fallen, her eyes had narrowed and her fists were clenched to her pillow like she was about to murder it. Thinking about it know, she looked like she was about to kill something, most likely me.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” She spat like I was nothing to her. She threw the pillow to her bed and slowly but yet dangerously walked over to me.

She approached me like I was something she didn’t want to touch with a 20 foot pole. Her expression, was scary I had never ever seen it before. Her eyebrows were furrowed together, her lips were pursed into a super straight and tight line with her jaw clenched. Her eyes, revenge was dancing in her eyes taunting me. Her hands were clenched into fists which stuck to her sides like they were glued there. Her foot falls were coming my way slowly, I didn’t have time to react until the palm of her hand met my cheek.

“What the hell?! What was that for?!” My hand instantly went to my red swollen cheek, she left her mark but that’s not what I was worried about. Her hand reared up again ready to take a swing, but my hand found hers and clutched it for dear life.

She ripped her hand away from mine then narrowed her eyes, she was going into the kill. Normally when somebody saw Caity like that, they would turn and run the other way. But for one, being her best friend, and two her ex-boyfriend, I knew that you had to stand your ground.

“What the hell was that for?! Are you really asking me that?! You know what that was for, so don’t you dare go around asking why!” If I was still dating her, or even on friend level I would laugh at her expression until she calmed down. But now, if I even chance a giggle my life would be over in a blink of an eye.

The cocky arrogant side of me wanted to show and ask her what she was talking about, but the sensitive side of me pushed it away. What good would it do? She wouldn’t even talk to me as it is. “How are you feeling?” Well that was a stupid question, I mentally slapped myself, of course she isn’t alright.

“Are you really that much of a dumbass to ask me that? After listening to me?!” Her hand met my face again, I couldn’t feel the stinging because of the anger bubbling inside me. Screw the sensitive boy.

“Ok! I know you aren’t fucking alright! But at least I’m here trying to apologize!” I screeched, she stood silent so we could here whispers down stairs-probably about us. She knew that if I swear I’m in a bad mood.

“What if I didn’t fucking want you here?! What if I told you that I dreaded this day since I left you!” Well that surprised me, why would she dread it? And didn’t she say she wanted me?

“So you didn’t want me at the funeral?! Don’t take it back, I heard you!” Her face twisted in pain at the mention of her father’s funeral. But honestly, I didn’t care, she needed to hear my side of the story.

Silence, you could hear a pin drop. All whispers down stairs seized. This was my chance, I had to tell her now. “You want to know why I didn’t come after you? You want to know why I didn’t come to the funeral? Why I just showed up here?!” My voice started to rise again, Caity’s face contorted into scared and helpless look.

“I tried to run after you! You saw me! You could’ve turned around and stayed! But you didn’t, that’s what has lead us here! So don’t go around saying I didn’t come after you, because that is bullshit!” Caity didn’t say anything, but you could tell that she was in pain. She thought my story was totally different, well she was wrong.

My voice lowered, I wasn’t yelling anymore. Instead it was calm and level but you could tell I wasn’t happy. “So, when you got on that plane, I went back home. Upset, confused, angry. I didn’t know why you left me, all I knew is that we were over. I got home, and got in trouble for running after the girl I love.”

She somehow made it over to her bed, her knees were up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. She was rocking back and forth. “The boys tried to make it better, but it never worked. Eventually I just wouldn’t move, I sat on the couch and did nothing. I wouldn’t eat, I would only drink.”

My voice had lowered drastically, I sat down on the bed but not too close to Caity. I needed her to feel comfortable, or else this would have been a waste of time. “I sat on that couch at least 3 weeks without moving or eating. I had lost weight too much weight for management, I needed to be my happy, peppy Niall again. But I couldn’t, I had no motivation. Then Zayn and Brianna came here.”

“I knew they were going, and I was hoping they would come back with good news. But they didn’t, I knew I had to get better and I tried. But it wasn’t enough, the fans noticed, the paps noticed, but worst of all management noticed.” I cringed, my talk with Simon was awful.

Flash back

He walked in and asked the boys to leave the room, that was the first clue that this wasn’t going to go well. He sat on the love seat across from me, hands on his knees, sunglasses hanging from his shirt. He meant business; him and I both knew it.

“Niall, it seems we have a problem.” His British accent hinted that this was a conversation that was supposed to stay between us.

I didn’t say anything so he continued, “Since Caity left, you haven’t been the same. I have seen your latest interviews, and unfortunately they’re not up to managements standards.” I gulped, if he brought management into this, then it’s serious, I was in trouble.

“They are giving you two options, you either get your act together, or they will kick you out of the band. You have 2 weeks to convince everybody, then I will return and we will chat.” He had but his sunglasses back on and stood up, I stood up too. We shook hands and he had left. The boys wanted to know what it was about, but I heard the threat in Simon’s voice. If I told anybody I was worse than dead.

Flash back over

“They sent Simon over to talk to me, they have me two choices. I could either return to my former self and act like nothing had happened or affected me. Or,” I gulped, tears grouped in my eyes. I couldn’t cry it would ruin the moment. "Or, I would be kicked out of the band.”

Caity sucked in air through clenched teeth, she was angry, her eyes flashed and her fists clenched. She was about to punch something, but I cut her off. “I tried my best, I did. But it wasn’t enough. When Simon came back two weeks later, well we had a little spat.”

Flash back

The boys left again, but I could hear them leaning against the door trying to listen. This could either break them, or make them jump for joy.

“Niall, you were warned two weeks ago that you had to become yourself again, and you had to convince everybody about that. The consequence, you would get kicked out of the band.” He sounded sympathetic, I knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“I am sorry to say, you didn’t try hard enough. Management has asked you to leave for a month, on a “family vacation” to Alaska.” They asked me alright, we all knew it was a forced leave. At least till I got better.

The door burst open and there were the boys, angry as hell.
“You cannot kick Niall out of this band! He’s just trying to get over heart break!” Liam sounded angry, so angry that he turned around and punched the wall.

“If he goes so do I!” Zayn shouted, all the other boys nodded their heads in agreement.

“I am sorry, but that cannot happen, you signed a contract saying you will be with us until you guys break up. We can ask you to leave whenever we feel like it, Niall please go pack we are sending you home for a while.” I walked out of the room tears falling down my face.

Flash back over.

“I got asked to leave the band”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my extremely patient readers,

It was been two weeks, yes two weeks since I have uploaded. I have been having major writers block, plus a truck load of homework, which still isn’t done. I decided that you needed an update, well Caity has been sending me dirty looks at school so that motivated me to.

I lied, this is not the last chapter! I was going to add more, much more. But I cut it short for two reasons. I need to do my homework, it’s due Thursday and I’m only on my rough copy oh and did I mention it’s a huge part of my mark?! Oh and I wanted to see your reactions about the managements idea, caity text me.

Anyway, the next chapter will be up hopefully in the next 2 weeks, in 2 weeks it’s march break so I can write then k? That will hopefully be the last chapter, then the epilogue! Then I am starting a new story, with Louis Tomlinson, The tommo, he is starring in The Bucket list!

I will have to go, damn homework! Why do they have to pile it on right now?! Like I am so stressed it’s not funny, I just about had an emotional break down this week, scary shit. Plus I am about due to kill Mother Nature so that is also an issue.

Well I hope you liked it, please comment, subscribe, and recommend! In that order (;


(Text me Caity)