Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

Morons and Idiots

Niall Horan’s Best Friend


Chapter 31: Morons and Idiots


“If he goes so do I!” Zayn shouted, all the other boys nodded their heads in agreement.

“I am sorry, but that cannot happen, you signed a contract saying you will be with us until you guys break up. We can ask you to leave whenever we feel like it, Niall please go pack we are sending you home for a while.” I walked out of the room tears falling down my face.

Flash back over.

“I got asked to leave the band”

Niall’s P.O.V

She looked like a deer caught in headlights, her jaw had fallen, her eyes were wide and shocked, and her fists were clenched at her sides. Why would that be though? She doesn’t care for me anymore, she told me that.

“No, that’s not true. The tabloids said you were on a trip with your family in Alaska.” She breathed out. She cared enough to check the tabloids, but not enough to check what my family was up to. I should probably say that it stung, but it didn’t.

“Have you seen a picture of me in the tabloids for these last 3 months? Have you seen how unhappy the boys are these last 3 months? Have you even checked where my family was for the last months?!” She stood there, speechless and helpless; her head shook numbly from side to side, “That’s what I thought!”

My voice rose again, “You don’t know what I’ve been through in the last 3 months! You haven’t had everything, and I mean everything, remind you of your first love. You haven’t been trapped in a depressed world because your first love broke your heart.” I started to calm down, it wasn’t her fault, wait yes it was.

“You don’t know what I’ve been through either Niall!” Her hands clamped into fists again and she slowly and dangerously walked up to me, challenge dancing in her eyes. “I doubt that you were in bed for 3 weeks straight only leaving to pee! I doubt that you gained 20 pounds from peanut butter ice cream! I doubt that when you went to school you were what everybody was gossiping about! I’m sorry if you had it tough, but so did I!”

What? She gained 20 pounds? She didn’t leave her room? She got laughed and gossiped about?! Nobody told me any of this, mind you I never asked, but I still should have been notified!

But Caity wasn’t done, she probably wanted to make me feel worse about myself. She saw what her words did to affect me, and now she’s using it to her advantage. “Every time I turned on that TV I had to endure all the painful remarks the interview hosts said about me! Every time I opened up my twitter I saw bucket loads of hate sent towards me! Every time I dared to look out my own window I would go blind because of the flashes of the cameras!” She was even angrier now, she was tugging on her hair, a bad sign she was about to punch something. I stepped backwards away from her, but she was quicker. Her hand met my cheek for a third time.

“I don’t know if you knew this or not, but being an ex-girlfriend or even a girlfriend of a famous person is hard! Your life changes, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. Some days you just want to hide under a rock and die so nobody would bother you. But others you want to be with them, they make you happy enough to be out in public holding hands. Somehow they convince you that nothing will happen to you, that they’ll protect you, but their wrong.
Everything happens to you, they can’t protect you in this world it’s impossible! People judge you and your mistakes, even if they’re the tiniest possible mistakes ever. They make up rumors about you that you didn’t even know about yourself. But worst of all once you date somebody famous, you want your old life back. The life where you can go hang out at the mall without bodyguards, or just go for a walk by yourself.”

She took a deep breath and sat herself on the edge of her bed. I followed her careful not to do something that would make her explode. “But you can’t, you can never go back to the old life. You traded it in for the new one with the one you love. Someday the news about you will die down, you think you’re in the clear, that nobody is watching you. But you’re wrong, they’re always watching you, and someday you will pop back up in the news.”

“But it doesn’t even matter if you dated them, being associated with them messes up your life too. Your best friend goes off and becomes a part in this world known band, even if nobody knows about you at first they will. Old pictures of you and them will begin to circulate, it doesn’t matter how hard you try to keep them to yourself, it won’t work. Then when people find out that you’re best friends they start talking about you. Not as much as if you were dating, but enough so people would recognize your name. But what sucks about that, is that you didn’t pick that life. When you’re dating you chose the life to stay with the one you love. But being associated with them, you have no choice. You just get pushed in.”

“Everybody fantasizes about being famous, they want to have fans follow them around, they want a lot of money, they just want people to know them. But they don’t know what happens behind the scenes! They don’t know that if you have a difficult day, it won’t just stay secret, it will become public. They think they could trade their new life for their other one. But they won’t ever get their old life back.” She looked at me, and my eyes caught hers. She wasn’t angry, she wasn’t sad either. She was relieved, she was relieved that she got that off her chest.

“I didn’t know you felt that way.” It sounded much smarter in my head. She looked at me, tear stains on her face. Honestly, I didn’t know that she felt that way. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought she was happy with her life, but after hearing that I’m not so sure anymore.

“Like hell you didn’t! Haven’t you seen the tabloids yourself?!
You’re not the only one in them! There was an article about how depressed I was! With really bad pictures of me as a twig, which lead to an article about me being anorexic!” The tears were falling faster, and I didn’t know what to do.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“You promised me that you would protect me, you would protect me from all the hate, hell you would protect me from everything! But you broke that promise.” She looked straight into my eyes, betrayal, that’s what she was feeling. I betrayed her.

“I must be stupid, because even through everything that has happened, I still want you.” It came out as a whisper but I could still hear it. I wanted to hear those words since I stepped foot into her house.

“What?” Surprise was an understatement, I was shaking in my own skin. I almost started to hyperventilate, but after looking into her big green eyes I stopped.

“You heard me, I’m an idiot! After all these months and everything I’ve been through I still want to be with you. I want to spend every second of everyday with you! I want to be called yours, I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want! After all these months when I tried to convince myself that I didn’t need you, it wouldn’t work! My feelings for you just kept on getting stronger. I am a complete idiot!” She threw her face down into her pillow.

“If you’re an idiot that means I’m a moron. Because I still love you, I love you a while fucking lot. You would never get off my mind! Everything I did, everything would remind me of you! It wasn’t even funny! So if you think you’re an idiot that I’m a huge ass fucking moron!” I screamed, I had to make a point that I still love her.

She removed her face from her pillow, a smile playing on her lips. “Guess what I heard?” She seemed to be in a better mood then before, that had to be a good thing right? She moved closer to me, waiting for me to answer.

“And what did you hear?”

“That morons and idiots belong with each other.” Then her lips were on mine.

They were so soft and working quickly, she wanted to make up for the time that we lost, and I agreed. A burning sensation was making its way all over my bod. My hands got tangled in her hair, while her hands were under my shirt. I groaned with pleasure, and she giggled.

“Somebody’s excited aren’t they?” Then she sat on me, she sat on me! And she started to grind, which didn’t help my little problem at all.

“Caity, get up!” I was desperate now, this couldn’t happen.

“No! It’s fun! And it feels good!” She giggled then continued to turn me on. A moan at my lips, I stopped it.

“If you don’t stop, I am not responsible for my actions.” I huskily whispered into her ear. A moan was the reaction I got.

She giggled innocently, if her parents thought she was innocent, they need to think again! She turned around but yet continued to grind, “What if I want you to do what you’re thinking…” She giggled, then proceeded to trail kisses up and down my neck.

“Kids?! Are you ok? We haven’t heard yelling in a while!” Bobby was on the other side of the door, “I’m coming in!” Then he barged in without a warning.

He took one look at us then covered his eyes. Well ya, he just walked in on his son practically having dry sex with the girl he loves, he should cover his eyes! “Guys, please! Keep it PG-13!” He yelled jokingly, which caused a number of laughs from downstairs.

“Go away, we will be down soon!” I yelped at my father, thank god Caity was sitting on me or he would have seen how turned on I was. That would be the death of me.

He left thank god, but Caity still didn’t move. “Hey idiot, can you move? I need to get rid of him.” She looked at me as if I had two heads.

“Him? How do you know it’s a him? It could be a girl you know!” She looked at me offensively.

“Want to check and find out?” I wink at her and she nods excitedly, “You can find out later, maybe for new-years.” I gave her a tiny kiss then pushed her off my lap, she wouldn’t help if she was in here anyway.

She noticed what I was doing and left the room, thank god, she wouldn’t help me at all. A couple minutes later I was downstairs with my arm wrapped around Caity, my idiot.

“Caity, I love you so much. So I have a question…” I was scared, doing this in front my whole family, what if she said no?

“Will you be my idiot?” I said softly, the adults gave each other strange looks not knowing what I meant by idiot, but Caity did.

“As long as you’ll be my moron”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello guys,

How are you? Did you like it? Overall opinion of the story? Because it is over! That’s right, no more!

There will be an epilogue, it will hopefully be posted today but I have homework again, like I whole flipping truck load of homework so ya.

I tried uploading throughout the week, cuz well it’s march break!!!! Here in Canada all students get a week off in march, in America they have spring break and stuff so ya, it’s march break.

I will try to upload the epilogue, but again homework, I have devoted this day to homework but I might as well keep writing. So I will do the epilogue and then start on The Bucket List.

I have started to post these stories on my wattpad account, my writing one erneb0171. Please check them out, vote and comment or just read. I’m trying to get the popular but it’s not going well.

I found it easier to right this well, because I broke up with him. Somehow when I wrote I didn’t want to because I already had what I was writing. Like when I write I imagine myself wanting it, but now because we are through it’s easier to write. If that makes sense to y’all!

I hope you liked it, please I am begging you to leave a comment about how you liked it, it would mean the world to me!! PWEEEEEEEEESE

Lots of love, hoe for comments, hunger, ipods, homework, cats, phones, texts, boyfriends, French, beds, wattpads, And most of all, LOVE.


(You will be getting a much

((Caity text me))