Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The Epilogue


*5 years later*

Caity’s P.O.V

“Niall are you ready to go? We’re late for our reservations!” I yelled up the stairs with the child balanced on my hip. Spencer grabbed my hair and yanked, hard. For a 6 month old child she can pull hard enough to rip out somebodies hair, trust me I have had experience.

“I’m coming! Are the boys here?” Niall hopped down the stairs on one foot trying to get his left shoe on. His hair was in its regular quiff, which I find quite sexy. His shirt was unbuttoned revealing his drool worthy six pack.

“No, Louis just texted me saying they were stopping at Nando’s to get some food. They will be here in five minutes.” I walked into the living room, placing Spencer on the floor with pillows surrounding her.

She looked frazzled with her blonde hair, which was so blonde you could barely see it, stuck up every which way. And her cute little sun dress bunched up to the side. Her cute button nose came from me, her big blue eyes came from Niall. Her hands were 3 times as small as mine, while on the opposite end of her body has ginormous feet.

“We’re home!” A British accent called from the front foyer of out lovely home.

“Take off your shoes, we’re in the living room!” I called back to the pack of men that barreled through the house just to see their niece.

“Look Spencey, It’s Uncle Tommo, Uncle Harry, Uncle Liam, And Uncle Zayn!” I took her hand and waved for her, when she saw her uncles her face lit up like a child on Christmas, which I guess is true because the boys spoil her whenever they can.

“Hey Spencey!” Harry got right down on his hands and knees and started to tickle her. That’s another thing she got from me, her ticklishness, if you touch her feet, her neck, or her knees she squirms like crazy. But somehow she loves it, don’t ask me why she just does.

I got up from my spot next to Spencer and started my babysitting speech. “So boys, you are lucky. We have never left Spencer with somebody before so this is a big deal.” I placed my hands on my hips and looked at Louis dangerously.

Niall came into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist while balancing his chin on my head, yes he was tall, no I’m not short! “In other words, if anything happens to our daughter, you will never see her again!” Niall chuckled lightly, but you could tell he was dead serious.

Niall was extremely protective over Spencer, it was crazy. He would only allow her to sit on the floor if she had pillows boxing her in.

I rolled my eyes and so did the other boys, they understood. They had children themselves.

Liam is married to Brianna, they have one child named Blair, she is two months older then Spencer. She is the cutest thing ever.

Zayn is married to Perrie, with a one year old son named Conner. Have you ever looked at a child and thought that they would be good looking when their older? Well that’s how we all feel about him. They also have an adopted son that is one and a half named Logan.

Louis is married to Eleanor, they have two children, twins actually. 4 months old, Stacy and Luke are already at each-other’s throats by taking toys.

And Harry is married to our best friend Marley. They have 1 son and one daughter. Tyler he is 11 months and already a player and preschool. Madelyn, or Maddi for short is born in the same month as Spencer May.

“Where are the kids tonight? Shouldn’t you be home watching them?” I asked, with such small children you need all the help you can get.

“We dropped them off at the sitters; we couldn’t give up a chance to spend time with Spencer!” Liam leaned his body against the wall and looked at us.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be gone for two hours! How bad could it be?” He giggled like a school girl.

“You could kill her, or drop her. You could blow up the house!” I started rambling. But I got cut of, Niall’s lips were pressed to mine.

“Get a room!” Louis shouted.

“You’re going to scar Spencer!” Zayn said, covering Spencer’s eyes.

“Forget Spencer, what about me?!” HArry slapped his hand over his eyes and ran to Liam hiding his face in his chest.
Liam let go of Harry and pushed him towards Spencer, then he came over to Niall and I and pushed us out the door, “Have fun! Remember, No PDA!” Then he slammed the door in our faces, lovely boy he is.

On the way to the Restaurant, we talked about random funny things and cute little memories. Also kissing and maybe making out a bit, but hey! It's our first anniversary!
We arrived at the restaurant and were ushered into our seats by a woman who was clearly interested in Niall but I'm used to it. I held onto Niall's hand the whole time while he rubbed little circles onto it.

We were in a private section of the restaurant because the boys were still followed around by the paps and we wanted this night to be special.

We got settled and then 'little miss cleavage' showed up again to take our orders for drinks. Niall spoke up, "My wife and I will take a bottle of your finest red wine."

You could tell she was upset at hearing that I was his wife but at least she buttoned up her shirt a little.

She came back with the bottle and two glasses. She then took each of our orders. Niall ordered first, "I'll take the chicken parmesan with meat sauce and pasta." I ordered next, "Can I have a Caesar chicken wrap and fries?"

'Little miss not so cleavage now' quickly jotted down our orders without a word and hurried off. What a bitch.

Once she left us alone Niall didn’t waste any time grabbing my hand and trying to be romantic. “You look beautiful tonight.” His blue iris caught hold of my boring green ones, a blush formed on my cheeks.

“Really? Because I swear Spencer ruined my hair!” I said laughing, my hand found my hair and started to make sure it was in their clips properly. Thank god they were, that would have been a disaster.

Miss cleavage came back with our wine, she shot me the dirtiest look. Like honestly get some class. Once she left though Niall pulled something out of his pocket, it was a small velvet box that could fit in his hand. I was confused, we were already married, he couldn’t propos again. Could he?

“Caity, I love you. I will always love you, I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with somebody else.” He opened the blue velvet box revealing a beautiful diamond infinity necklace.

“Oh My God! Niall!” I got out of my chair and walked over to Niall calm and collected, but when I got to him I threw my arms around him and planted my lips on his. “Niall, thank you so much. I love it!” He clasped it around my neck and it hung just below my collar bone.

“I have something for you too.” I reached into my clutch and pulled out my own velvet box. His eyes widened with shock and confusion but I just continued with what I was doing.

I opened the box slowly for affect, and waited for his
reaction. “Oh my god! Caity!” I took the guitar pick out of the case and placed it in the palm of his hand. His fingers ran over the pick, and then his eyebrows bunched together, “You engraved it?” He held up the guitar pick to the light and chuckled lightly. “Really Caity? I love you moron?”
I laughed, “I thought it suited this occasion! Do you not like it?” I rushed, “I can take it back!” I kept rambling and rambling but then got cut off abruptly by his lips.

“It’s alright Caity calm down!” I sat on his lap worriedly, what was he talking about?

“Then why are you laughing?”

“Look at your necklace!” I grabbed the necklace and felt the back with the pad of my thumb. My skin got caught on a little edge, I flipped over the neck piece and saw something engraved into it, I love you idiot don’t ever forget that.

Tears started pooling in my eyes, my lips quivered but stayed in the grin that had been plastered on my face all night. “I love you Niall, forever and always.” I pecked his lips affectionately.

“I will always love you too Caity, Forever and ever”


“What the hell happened in here?!” There sat Spencer, in the middle of the kitchen, covered in flower. The boys were nowhere in sight. Niall strolled through the kitchen then stopped suddenly in his tracks.

“What happened? Spencer… what did you do?” Spencer gurgled in response. Her hands clapped around her father’s cheeks.

I stomped out of the kitchen and into the hallway towards the intercom, “BOYS! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!” I yelled into the speaker.

You could hear soft thuds coming from upstairs. They knew the rules, if they make a mess they clean it up. It’s so unlike their lives where they have a maid, and a butler, and a cook, and a nanny. Because the boys are still famous and making money they needed people to take care of their families, so they hired people. But in our house we don’t have any of it, when Niall brought up that conversation I put my foot down.

My daughter won’t be spoiled as a child, besides I’m at home most of the week and we have a nanny that comes. That’s all we really need, yes with Niall selling out arenas and me being a professional dancer, we get along great. Most of the money goes into savings for Spencer or just to charity. I want my daughter to try and live a normal life, and if we have to, which we probably will, we’ll get hired help as needed.

“No! We can jump! It’s only 15 feet! You pussy just go!” Louis pestered Niall about jumping from our second story window, and he wasn’t doing it quietly either. If I were in china I would be able to hear it. That boy needs to learn how to whisper.

I slipped off of my heels and became ninja like and made my way up the stairs. I got to the top of the stairs almost colliding with Louis’s back. “Hurry up! She’s coming!” He was just about to turn around, but before he could do that I grabbed his ear and dragged him down the stairs. “Help! I’ve been captured, boys save me!” The boys being boys weren’t smart and followed us to the main floor toward the kitchen.

They noticed where I was going, and stopped instantly. “You will come with me or else you will never see your niece again.” My tone could have killed somebody, but thankfully the boys noticed how angry I was and followed me.

I angrily yanked out the cleaning supplies from the cupboard and threw each of them some. “You will clean up my kitchen then; come talk to me in the living room.” I gave each of my family members a glare that would probably sting if they didn’t know me, luckily they did.

When I was waiting for the boys to finish cleaning so I could give them a piece of my mind, I thought about the past.

If I hadn’t agreed with Niall to go to England, then I wouldn’t know the boys. I wouldn’t have a one on one relationship with each of them, I wouldn’t have them over for dinner every Sunday. If I hadn’t gotten feelings for Niall and Brianna hadn’t flown over then she wouldn’t have a family with Liam.

But the most important thing, if the fans hadn’t sent hate then I wouldn’t be married or have a family with Niall. So thinking about it, where I am today is because of the One Direction fan’s. And I hadn’t thanked them either, so I grabbed my phone and sent a well-deserved thank you to the fandom that has changed my life.

‘@CaityMoore123: To all the Directioners, Thank you so much. Without you I wouldn’t be where I am today, with Niall raising a child. Thank you all. xxxx’

And I meant it, I wasn’t one of those celebrities that tweet something that would be heartfelt to the fans but mean nothing to them. Before I detested the fans, they broke me and made me run away from my boyfriend and best friend.

But now, they are a huge part of my life, I meet a few of them every day because I feel like I owe them.
I owe them because if they didn’t create the drama that broke us up, and if they didn’t force me to forgive him I wouldn’t be here.

Because of the fans, I wrote this story. I wrote it so they could have a look into my life, so they could understand what I was going through at that time.

So fans, here is the story. I hope you liked it and understood me better than before. This is dedicated to you, never forget that.
♠ ♠ ♠
And it finally arrives!!

I know, I promised this last piece of writing 2 weeks ago, but I have been busy having a life! I have been extremely busy with homework and crap, plus this is the time of the year that grade 8 girls get ready for grad.

Yes, grad is 3 months away. But you have to get a dress, and shoes, and accessories and more! Better to be safe than sorry! So right now I feel like writing, which is a good thing for the both of us. I will be writing tonight and tomorrow hopefully. Saturday I will be going dress shopping, and Sunday I could do a little bit and Monday is homework.

Because I feel like writing, I have started the second story of the One Direction series. It is called The Bucket List and features Louis Tomlinson in it.

This while One Direction series will have Caity and Brianna in them. They will not be connected like some series are, they are totally separate but with Caity and Brianna in it.

I would like to thank a number of people, first I should probably say a huge thanks to Caity. Without her motivation and threats I would have no motivation to write. Plus her and I worked on this Epilogue together, that means she wrote part of it. Thank you so much Caity! This was dedicated to you, as will the while series. Because Caity is a huge part of my writing life, she is now my editor for the whole series. She will make sure the stories are up to par.

And the other person I would like to thank is you. That’s right, you the person who is reading this. I would like to thank you for sticking to the end of NHBF. I know it is not the best, and it isn’t so don’t bother lying. It is my first complete story so I tried, and I found out I love to write. I will continue till the series is done, fans or no fans. I was just writing this for Caity but then people started to like my story so I continued.

That is all, Caity will probably stop in this AN and give her own little comment.

Thank you all. TBL will be up hopefully sometime in May, I will write the chapters ahead of time so I can upload them so they won’t be late.

Again I hope you liked it, and please read the rest of the series that is coming soon. Kiss Kiss,
