Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The introduction

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 4: The introduction
I got awoken by Niall whining in my ear.

“Caity, wake up I’m bored.” Niall whined in my ear in a husky voice.

I grumbled in annoyance swatting his face away from me. I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. We were halfway there, I could’ve slept another 3 hours. Niall saw that I was awake and started jumping for joy.

“Niall go away I wanna sleep.” I mumbled closing my eyes again.
That’s when I felt it.

“Niall what did you just throw at me?” My eyes snapped open and gave him a death glare.

“Nothing” He said smirking then throwing popcorn into his mouth.
I got out of my seat and found a flight attendant. I told him what I wanted. They placed it in my hands then I made my way back to first class. I looked around and saw Niall sitting there eating his popcorn. I put my popcorn in the plastic spoon and bent it backwards then flung it.

It hit him square in between the eyes, he looked over at me and said the words that caused our popcorn war.

“Game on!”

We started flinging popcorn every which way, I remember Niall hitting a flight attendant. We probably had the war for 2 hours until a flight attendant told us to stop and sit down.

We sat down and turned on the T.V, he told me to pick a movie so
I chose tangled. We cuddled up to each other and just sat in silence. I looked over and saw the flight attendant give me a death glare. I chuckled to myself then closed my eyes.

The plane landed and when we got off it went by in a blur. The next thing I know I am sitting in a black SUV with Niall next to me.

I sat there looking out the window until the car came to a stop. I looked up and saw this 5 story house. *I know they have separate houses but they are living together in this story*

Once the car came to a stop I got out and grabbed my luggage then made my way to the house. I opened the door and walked in since his hands were full.

I heard some yelling and screaming so I followed the noise and found myself in a living room with the boys. It looked like they were playing a game on the WII.

I laughed, Niall was pouting since he lost. They turned toward me with shocked looks on their faces.

“Stranger Danger!!!!” Louis yelled pointing at me.

Niall came in before I could say anything.

“Guys this is not a stranger, this is Caity I told you she would be staying with us.” Niall spoke in his Irish accent.

“Hi I’m Caity, and I will be living with you for the summer…” I said

“I’m Louis.”

“I’m Harry.”

“I’m Zayn.”

“And I’m Liam.” They all introduced themselves while waving.

They all eye raped me just like Niall said they would.

“Come on Caity, I’ll show you to your room.” Niall said trying to grab my hand but couldn’t since his hands are full.
I followed him up to the third floor.

“So the third floor is where your bedroom and my bedroom are. Louis and Harry’s bedrooms are on floor four, and then Liam and Zayn’s bedroom is on floor two.” Niall told me leading me to my room.

He opened my door and it was beautiful, it was lime green and bright sky blue, almost like you were in an ocean. I walked in and it was smaller than I expected. The bed was in the middle on the wall opposite the door. A desk, a TV, bean bags, and a book shelf lined the wall making the floor spotless. I noticed a white single door on one of the walls. I opened it and took note that it was a walk in closet.

“I love it! Thank you so much Niall.” I said jumping into his arms.

“You’re welcome, and I couldn’t get a bathroom in here so your bathroom is down the hall. I will leave you to unpack come downstairs when you are finished.” He said giving me a hug then walking out of the room.

I start to unpack when I hear something that makes me stop in my

“Harry, you’re cheating on me with Liam?!” Louis cries out in alarm.

All I could think about was how I got into this mess. And more importantly, how am I going to survive?
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys,
I got begged to finish and post this by my friend Caity so it does suck. I might delete it and redo it but idk yet.
I hope you like it, i wanted it to be fun since the last ones havent been.
i know it's short but as i said before i got begged to post and finish it so to my problem.

(caity dont you dare complain I did this for you)