Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The fireworks

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 5: The fire works

I walked downstairs and followed the noise into the living room.

My eyes were drawn to Louis doing the splits under Zayn who was doing the crab.

“What are you guys doing?” I ask in a curious tone with a smirk on my face.

“What does it look like we’re doing?” Louis asked in a duh voice.

“Um getting friendly?” I ask hopefully, but already knowing I was wrong.

“No ew, that is for the bed room.” Zayn said wiggling his eyebrows at Louis.

“We are playing twister. Now shut up you are distracting us!” Louis shouted motioning with his head for me to leave.

“No I wanna control just this once. PWEASE!!!” I ask in a baby voice batting my eyelashes.

Niall shoved the spinner in my hands mumbling something that
sounded like food. I spun the spinner and it landed on right foot green but I didn’t say that.

“Louis left hand Zayn’s crotch.” I said giggling. Louis was shocked and fell which caused Zayn to win.

“I win!! Thank you Caity!” Zayn yelled running over to me giving
me a hug.

“She cheated!!” Louis said running after me with an angry look on his face.

“Somebody help me! Louis is going to kill me!” I screamed hoping somebody would hear me.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Niall eating a slice of pizza while Harry and Liam were playing on the phones. Most likely on twitter.

They looked up and saw me out of breath then they motioned to me to hide under the table.

I ran to the table and curled into a ball under it. I heard Louis run in short of breath.

“Is she in here?” You could hardly hear what he was saying.

“Ya, she is under the table. Uh forget I said that…” Liam said hesitantly turning back to his phone after noticing his mistake.
I cursed under my breath trying to quickly and quietly crawl away but that couldn’t happen.

“AHA! I got you!” Louis shouted throwing me over his shoulder.

“Louis put me down!” I screamed hitting his back squirming trying to get out of his hold.

“Not until you say ‘Louis has the best butt, and is my favourite from one direction’” Louis sang to me walking out in the backyard.

“Louis has the best butt and is my favourite from one direction.” I mutter then I felt myself being lifted off of his shoulder. I didn’t know what was happening but then I knew. I was being thrown into the pool.

The water was cold but somehow refreshing. I knew Louis would wait till I resurface. So I stayed down there for a little bit since I had strong lungs. I heard Louis yelling for somebody to come help him, but that was all I heard before it went black.

Niall’s P.O.V

I heard Louis screaming for help so I ran outside with my pizza in hand. I walked out into the backyard and saw Louis screaming at the pool.

“What’s wrong Lou?” I ask wondering if he has finally lost it.

“I threw Caity in the pool and she hasn’t come up yet. It’s been 5 minutes.” He rushed out the yelled at the pool again.

I took off my shirt, shoes and socks. Then I removed the things from my pockets. I located Caity and saw that she was in the deep end. I dove in and my skin met the cold water, I then swam down to the bottom of the pool grabbed Caity and swam back up.

By the time I got to the top all the boys were there so they lifted her out of my arms and laid her on a towel that they must have placed there.

They all looked down at her not doing anything so I pushed past them and started doing CPR.

“What are you doing Niall?” Harry asked in his deep British voice.

After I came up from giving her air I answered him.

“I’m doing CPR, she isn’t breathing.”

They stayed quiet after that comment and gave her more air, but this time our lips touched. I was caught off guard about what happened and jumped back. I quickly regained control and did it again. This time the fireworks were stronger but I pulled away knowing that her stomach needed to be pumped.

After another 5 minutes I saw her eyes flutter open.

“Hey Caity, how are you feeling?” I ask hoping she was ok or Louis was going to be a dead immature boy.

“My head hurts but that’s about it, what happened?” She asked trying to sit up but couldn’t. So I picked her up and started off for the house.

“Louis threw you in the pool and you didn’t come up for five minutes so I got you and have been doing CPR for a little bit now.”
I answered as if it wasn’t a big deal.

I grabbed the pain killers and then walked up the stairs towards our floor. We got into her room so I put her down, then turned around telling her to change.

“Ok you can turn around now.” She said crawling into bed.

I walked over to the bed and saw that she changed into pyjamas. I gave her the pain killers and water and then sat on her bed while she chugged them down.

“You sleep since you aren’t feeling well and I’ll be in my room ok?”

I asked not waiting for an answer so I got up and walked to the door. I didn’t hear anything so I closed the door and walked to my room.

The only thought on my mind was why were there fireworks when I was doing CPR?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
I know I haven't updated for a while but the upcoming chapters will be delayed.
I have a huge project to do so ya.
it's kinda short but ya.
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