Status: This is for you Caity!! I hope you all like it. COMMENT, RECOMMEND, SUBSCRIBE

Niall Horan's Best Friend

The fight

Niall Horan’s Best Friend

Chapter 6: The fight

Niall’s P.O.V

I probably sat in my room and thought about the fireworks for about an hour. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t hear the knock on my door; I didn’t even notice Liam come into my room.

“Dude, you’ve been up hear for like an hour what’s wrong?” Liam asked with concern written on his face.

“Nothing, I’m ok…” I said hoping he would buy my lie, but unfortunately he didn’t.

“Nialler, we have been best friends for 2 years. Yes I know that isn’t long, but I know when you are lying to spill.” He sits down and puts a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s really hard to explain.” I tell him looking into his eyes hoping he will understand.

“I won’t tell if that’s the problem. You know I would never tell Nialler.” He knew I would trust him and just open up.

“So, I didn’t kiss this girl but I felt fireworks go off when our lips accidently touched.” I finally told Liam knowing he wouldn’t tell anybody.

“So what’s the problem?” Liam said confused.

“The girl is Caity, we are best friends.” I said ashamed.

“Oh ya, that is the problem.” He mutters rubbing his hand through his hair.

“Thanks Mr. Obvious.” I said slapping his arm that was closest to me.

“Just ignore it. You don’t like her so ignore it. Just don’t put your lips to hers.” Liam got up from the bed and walked out of the door. Then another body replaced his. A body I thought was sleeping.

“Hey, how was your nap?” I moved to the end of my bed and leaned on my pillows.

She yawned before speaking. “It was good, I had a weird dream though” She told me crawling up to me, and then snuggling into my side.

“What was it?” I ask stroking her hair knowing she would tell me since it’s a routine.

“I was kissed by somebody and felt fireworks. And what was weird was it was somebody unexpected.” She told me honestly.

I started getting scared; I didn’t want to ruin our relationship.

“Who was it…?” I asked trailing off praying to god that she didn’t say my name.

“It was Dave… he is my ex.” She started to tear up so I gave her a big hug. We stayed like that for a while until my door burst open.

“Is this a group hug?!?!?!” Louis screamed from the door way then ran and jumped on the bed. Our screams were muffled but I guess the other boys could hear it since they came running.

“Guys get off me I can’t breathe! I almost died don’t kill me again!!!” Caity screamed from underneath Harry’s butt.

They all heard her but didn’t move so she put on an act. She started to do her famous fake crying act.

“Guys, I want to go home. You guys are hurting me.” She said but this time tears were pouring down my face. When the boys saw the tears on her face they moved immediately.

“Ha, thanks guys. I will be downstairs making a snack.” She jumped up and ran from the room. Louis followed her probably trying to apologize. I laugh knowing she won’t talk to him.

Caity’s P.O.V

I followed the stairs downwards and came to the ground floor. I found my way to the kitchen and looked around in the cupboards. Louis cleared his throat telling me he was there.

“I don’t want to talk to you Louis. You almost murdered me.” I said sticking my head in the freezer finding the pizza pockets.

“Look I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to please forgive me.” He said emotion in his voice.

I ignored him and started placing my pizza pocket in the microwave. I heard the boys coming down the stairs and into the living room. Louis joined them since he wasn’t getting an answer out of me.

Of course I’m not mad at him. Revenge is sweet.

Louis’s P.O.V

“Guys, she isn’t talking to me.” I crawled into Harry’s open arms and cuddled him.

“Well, I wouldn’t either if you almost drowned me.” Zayn spoke up flipping through the channels on the T.V.

“Give it some time mate, she will come around eventually. I know she will.” Niall spoke patting my shoulder.

“I just can’t do it, I hate when people are mad at me.” I said tears forming in my eyes.

Just then Caity came into the room with a pizza pocket on a plate.

She sat on Niall’s lap laughing while she tried to feed him.
I couldn’t take it. I got off of Harry’s lap and walked out the sliding door. Harry knew I needed somebody and followed me outside.

“Boo bear what’s wrong?” Harry asked me running to catch up.

“I hate when people are mad at me. Especially when she is mad at me.”

“What do you mean?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“I care about her; she is like my little sister.” I said running my hands through my perfectly styled hair.

I ran back inside and got down on my knees in front of Caity.

“I am really sorry, please forgive me!” I asked hoping she would say yes.

“I was never mad at you… It was revenge.” She said laughing.

“Now help me should I have another pizza pocket, I don’t want to be fat…” She trailed off. Me and all the boys looking at her in horror.

“You are not fat!” I tell her shaking her shoulders trying to get sense into her.

“Yes I am see?” She said showing me her belly.

I ran up to my room, I was going to prove to her that she is not fat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys.
I know i suck i havent updated for a while:( i will update this weekencd ok?!
So i have the new one direction album and thats what i listened to while i wrote this. I absolutey love it im about to die listening to those sexy voices.
I know its short but oh well.
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