
What is it that you believe in?

What is it that you believe in?

That's such a loaded question- one that sometimes has too many answers, and other times none at all.

There comes a point in every persons life when they have to look deep inside themselves and discover what exactly it is they believe in. What means more to them than anything else, what will they die for? What will they live for?

It's human nature, everyone needs to believe in something. Otherwise, we're just a couple million lonely souls walking around with nothing to hold on to.

Some people believe in good morals, saying please and thank you, good triumphs over evil, kind gestures. Some believe in religion, and a good deal do. A God, a savior, salvation. Some people believe in family, and friends, some people believe in the good of people.

And some people believe in love. Some people believe in the heart racing, heart breaking, passionate whirl-wind of love. The first dates and the sly glances and stolen kisses and held hands. The proposals and engagements and wedding days and honeymoons, the absolute faith in another person, and the unbearable need for each other. Some people believe in love.

And some people believe that these people -these people who believe in love- are the best kind of people. Because in believing in love, they believe in everything else as well, in a way. All you need is love, the Beatles said it right.

Our heroin believes in love, in every way, shape, or form. She believes in love at first sight, and eternal devotion, and hot passionate sex.

And our hero, he believes in our heroin.

Not yet, of course. They haven't met yet. At this point in time, our two characters are setting the stage for the wild and imaginative love story that is about to take place. Our heroin is making plans, promising her Saturday afternoon to friends, and our hero is taking care of business so that he can relax during the weekend. Everything is moving along smoothly, neither has any idea of what the future holds.

So, let's pretend you've never read a love story, never heard of Nicholas Sparks, and never watched a silly soap opera. Let's pretend, just for a minute, that you've never heard of love. Those are all cliches, and so is this story. But you'll need to throw away everything you've known before to fully grasp the pure escense of love as it will be shown to you. You'll need to open yourself up to a world of possibilities, a world of strange meetings and corny jokes, a world where it's okay to believe.

A world where anyone can believe in a thing called love.
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New Harry story!
It's part 1 in a 5 part series, so please check out the other parts I currently have out so far: When I See Stars and Tidal Wave!
I hope you guys like this, feedback would be nice!
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