The Regret


The tears he thought he could hold back ran freely down his reddened face. It was an unconscious occurrence every time his arm came up to dry the salty tears from his cheeks. He had been this way for days; it was now a pattern.

Unstoppable and destructive. He didn't get to tell her. That's all that had raced through his scattered mind for the past four days. "I didn't get to tell her", and "She'll never know" were common words he'd repeat to himself.

His heart was heavy with regret. His fingers grazed along the cold stone that stood somberly before him. He couldn't do this. He couldn't live life without her. As the cold flakes of snow hit his tear stained cheeks he made his choice.

His hand moved from the cold stone to reach into the pocket of his trench coat. The snow crunched beneath his boots as he took a step back. His eyes scanned over the cool white stone once more, then he shut them.

"I love you." He whispered. In the next few seconds, the pure white snow was splattered in red. His blood painted the pale ground and dripped from the cool white stone. He had made his choice.