Status: Feed back 1/1



“This is it, its all over.”

She thought in her head as she looked down the loaded gun, it was in here face point blank range. All he’d have to do was pull the trigger and she’d be gone, dead. Just like that her life over… she closed her eyes and the flashes started.

She was all smiles, he’d brought her several gifts trying his best to cheer her up, the frown upon Cindy’s face was making his guilt show, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said to her as she questioned him about the box she’d found locked and sealed..

“Either it’s a ring, or you’re hiding something.” She demanded, wanting nothing but answers from him, answes which the man just couldn’t give. He looked her in the eyes and just started to cry slowly he was falling apart right before her eyes..

“What is it you’ve done?” She asked still she got nothing, he just grabbed his chest and she could almost see the young man before her’s heart beating out. Soon it was over before she even had the chance to call he was gone…

The man had never gotten the chance he’d meant to tell her to run, to get away while she could, to make better of her life… But he didn’t get to and now because of that she stood there looking and wondering had he been living a double life? Making changes she’d have never gotten used to.

She left his house that night with a heavy heart, not because a mans he loved had just died in front of her, but because the being growing inside her would never know. Neither of them would never know what he’d tried to do either..

“Where is he lady?” A man asked Cindy, as she walked the streets a look of sadness on her face her hands on her stomach which lucky for her didn’t grow much, she’d hid it well for seven month. “He who?” Cindy asked.

The man who was now yelling obstinacy’s at Cindy was fairly large, in dark clothing, his face featurs where hard to see but he looked muscular in his jaws, and the rest his body for that matter… but she wasn’t scared even as he pulled the gun. Even as she realized they was in a poorly lit ally and she was all alone as she now stared down the barel of a loaded gun.

“45 caliber?” She asked her attacker as if it where something she’d do every day. Her question took the man by surprise, he lowered the gun for all of a split second, she could have done something then, but she didn’t. She could have done anything before finally the trigger was pulled.

The loud pop of the gun going of was all she could hear as the flash’s she’d seen just moments before stopped her world was going black, crashing to an end and all she could do was think god he’d went for the face.

The bullet hit, her cheek just a bit under the eye it could still kill her but it would be a slow death and so as she lay cold and bleeding, on the ground of the dirty ally, she just kept thinking and sending the message to her unborn child ”Mommy loves you
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so umm let me know if I have any mess up, I have trouble with tenses sometimes so I might have some stuff wrong and thanks for reading

Much <3 Kat