Sequel: Destroy Everything
Status: Active;; as long as I get comments

City Lights

1. Meeting Ricky Horror and Chris Motionless

The band that my uncle was driving for was going to meet us at the first stop of Warped Tour. I was extremely nervous about meeting them because I know there are a lot of weird looking bands on this tour. Not that I hated that, it was more like they looked scary but if my uncle was address to one of them then I’m sure things will go fine. I stepped off the bus into the heat. This was one of the things that I will hate about being on Warped Tour. I didn’t wear shorts just because I didn’t like my legs so I wore pants all the time. I guess, you would say I didn’t like any part of my body. There were too many scars and too much ‘fat’. I hated the way I look because I never fit in with the others. Now I’m older and I realize I just don’t care anymore. I am me and that’s all that matters.

“Fuck.” I said once I stepped off the bus. I glanced around hoping to see someone I might know but I knew no one. I knew most of the bus drivers here just because of my uncle. I’ve met some of the bands that are on tour just because of my uncle. I met one of my idols, The Used because of my uncle driving their bus. I looked up when I saw someone’s feet. He was tall, dark hair, and had tattoos.

“Hi, I’m Austin Carlile.” He said sticking his hand out. Oh, I knew who he was. I was a fan of his music. He was an inspiration.

“Hi Austin, I’m Phoenix Gibson.” I said.

“That’s a very unique name. Your parents must be awesome.” He said. I frowned.

“I wouldn’t know.” I said. He looked at me for a second then realize something was up.

“Oh, PG, I’m sorry.” He said.

“PG?” I questioned.

“Yeah, hope you don’t mind.” He said. I shook my head.

“Nahh, I like it.” I said. He smiled then I heard his phone go off.

“Well it was very nice meeting you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you since you were just off Motionless In White’s bus. Girlfriend?” He asked. I shook my head. Motionless In White bus. My uncle was driving for one of my favorite bands.

“My uncle is their driver and they needed a merch person.” I said. He laughed.

“Well I’ll see you later, merch girl.” He said then walked away. I shook my head and started to walk around. I didn’t have a clue where I was going or where I was at. I don’t even know if I was still on the grounds that held Warped Tour. All I really know is that I was getting really hot since the sun was burning down on me. I headed back the way I came from and I began to see the buses. Just as I was approaching the bus I left early, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I dug the phone out of my pocket and saw it was uncle.

“Hello.” I answered.

“Where are you at? I’ve been looking for you.” He said.

“I went for a walk. I’m right by the bus.” I said opening the door to the bus.

“Who are you?” I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Ricky Horror standing there.

“I…I…I’m Phoenix.” I said.

“Oh hey, you’re Phoenix. I’m Ricky Horror.” He said sticking his hand out. I was a little scared at first but shook his hand anyways.

“Yeah, would you have any idea were my uncle is?” I asked.

“Who’s your uncle?” He asked.

“I…I..uhh..never mind.” I said then quickly turned around only to collide with someone else. I looked up at saw Chris Motionless. fuck

“Oh fuck…” I said nearly falling backwards. I heard Ricky chuckle behind me.

“Please tell me a fan didn’t sneak on the bus already.” Chris said.

“Nahh dude, this is Phoenix. She’s the new merch person.” Ricky said. Chris smiled. Wait, Chris just smiled. That hardly ever happens.

“Oh sorry, I’m Chris Cerulli but it’s Chris Motionless to you and everyone.” He said. I nodded. My phone vibrated in my hand. It was a text from my uncle telling me to meet him at the band’s merch tent.

“Do you all know where your merch tent is?” I asked. Ricky laughed then grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the bus and I guess, towards their merch tent. This summer is going to be very interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
A very short first chapter but I hope it was enough to get you hooked. This is my first Motionless In White story so please bear with me if it sucks.


I'll post a picture of the ideal girl I choose later on.

Thank you to LadiRainiCarm for the title idea and a little idea for the plot. <3 Everybody should go read her stories because they're pretty bomb ass good.

Also, if anybody could make me a layout. I would really appericate it. Credits to you.