Sequel: Destroy Everything
Status: Active;; as long as I get comments

City Lights

11. Adventure Park

I talked with Jessica after that day and she had to beg her brother for her to stay. She is currently staying on Of Mice & Men’s bus because after all that happened they still didn’t get rid of the two bitches. Jess was furious. I knocked on the bus door. It swung open, revealing a shirtless Austin.

“Welcome, PG.” He said. I laughed before climbing up the steps.

“Phoenix, it’s so good to see you.” Jess said pulling me into a hug. Something was going on. I don’t know what it is but something was going on. Jess was smiling and so wasn’t Austin.

“So what’s going on?” I asked. There was a knock on the door, Austin went over to the door and opened it.

“Chris, man, what’s up?” Austin asked. I looked up and saw Chris walk up the steps. We all just sat around with nothing to do since it was a day off.

“I’m fucking bored, man.” Austin said standing up and began pacing back and forth. I shook my head.

“Let’s go to the Adventure thingy amusement part I saw when we came in earlier.” Jess said. Austin smiled.

“That sounds like a great idea. Are you guys in?” Austin asked looking at Chris and I. I only shrugged.

“Unless this was going to be a date for you two then I’ll pass.” I laughed. Jess glared at me and Austin only smiled.

“Nah, let’s go.” Austin said grabbing Jess’s hand. Chris and I looked at each other then followed them off the bus. Chris and I both sat in the back of the car. The only thing you could hear on the way to the adventure park was the music playing from the speakers.

“Can you turn that up?” I asked just as I notice Whore by Get Scared started playing. Jessica reached up and turned it up.

“Oh hey, this is Get Scared. I like this band.” Jess said jumping up in her seat. Jess and I sang along to the words as Chris and Austin just laughed at us. The song came to an end all too quick and Turbo Swag by Attack Attack came on.

“Awkward.” I heard Jess mumble. Austin turned the radio down, shaking his head.

“Not awkward at all but really, turbo swag.” Austin laughed. Jess laughed.

“You were friends with them, not us.” She said. Austin glared at her then smiled. They were cute for not being together ‘yet’. Austin pulled into the parking lot of the place then found a spot. Jess was jumping around being excited. Austin, Chris, and I were just standing there.

“How can you guys not be happy about this?” Jess asked. Austin grabbed her hand and we all made our way to the gates. We walked around for a while then Austin and Chris wanted to go on the roller coasters. I wasn’t a big fan of the roller coasters. I’ve seen my fair share of disasters.

“I think I’ll just go ride the Ferris wheel or something. I’m not a fan of roller coasters.” I said, started to walk away.

“Hey wait…I’ll go with you.” Chris said, running up to me and grabbing my hand.

“It’s okay. You wanted to go on the roller coasters, go ahead.” I said. I looked back at Austin and Jess, they both gave me a thumb’s up and I flipped them off. Austin put his arm around Jess’s neck and they walked off.

“This might sound really fucking girly but I think Austin and Jess are…uhh…cute together.” Chris said. I laughed.

“I totally agree. They aren’t together just yet anyways.” I said. He nodded as we stood in line for the ride. I was nervous for this as well because I was afraid of heights. I was shaking when we started moving. Chris squeezed my hand. We climbed into bucket, Chris still holding my hand.

“Are you okay?” Chris asked as the ride started moving. I squeezed his hand tighter.

“I might have forgotten I was afraid of heights.” I said trying not to cry or panic. Chris laughed then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

“It’s okay, PG.” He said kissing the side of my head. I knew he was only trying to comforting me. I looked around and it felt like my stomach dropped. I buried my face into the crook of Chris’s neck. I felt him laugh. I pulled my face away from him and looked at him. I shook my head.

“It’s not funny. I could die for this panic attack.” I said, shaking even more. He shook his head then I felt him rub my shoulder.

“Is it almost over?” I asked.

“They haven’t even got on the passengers on.” Chris said. I frowned.

“If I scream, you think they’ll let me off?” I asked.

“I don’t think so, Phoenix.” He said.

“Keep talking to me, then.” I said. He shook his head.

“Fine then, I’ll just panic crazily.” I said. He shook his head again. I looked out in front of me at the view and it was actually beautiful.

“You’re looking.” He said softly. I nodded, and then looked at him. I never realize how close we were until I looked at him. I could feel his breathing on my cheek. It felt like I had stopped breathing all together. I wasn’t sure if it was because of how high we were or how close Chris was to me. He smiled a little. For a guy who doesn’t smile that much, he sure had an amazing smile. I looked at his lips then away. What was I doing?

“You know, you should smile more?” He said. I looked at him.

“You know, I was thinking the same thing.” I said. He laughed. I looked out at the view again feeling a little bit calmer but still felt like passing out.

“Phoenix.” He whispered as I felt his lips brush against my ear. I squeezed his hand to let him know it was okay to talk but he didn’t. He pulled away from me and I felt panic coming on. He pulled my face to look at him. I looked down at our hands.

“Will you look at me, PG?” He asked. I lifted my head slowly then our eyes met. Nothing was going to happen. I don’t think it was going to happen.

“You’re beautiful.” He said as he leaned in close. He was going to kiss me. I felt his lips brush against mine in a soft kiss. He pressed his lips harder against mine and I rested my hands on his chest. I have been waiting for this day to happen for a long time. He pulled away after a minute or so and we just looked at each other. He smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips again.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since the wedding night.” He said softly. The ride jolted and I grabbed onto Chris. He laughed as the bars in front of us pushed forward and I looked around realize the ride was over. I stepped off the ride quickly. Chris followed after me.

“That was scary.” I said. He laughed and pulled me into a hug.

“It wasn’t so bad, was it?” He asked. I shook my head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along in search for Austin and Jess. We couldn’t find them so I pulled my phone out and text Austin.

Hello Mr. Austin Carlile. Where are you and Jess at? If you are ‘busy’ then just say busy. xxPG
We’re not busy. I’m actually waiting for her to get done with the dolphin ride.

“They’re at the dolphin ride.” I said. Chris and I started walking towards the ride but stopped a few feet away. Chris turned around to look at me then pulled me close, kissing my lips then let me go and we continued to walk to the ride. Jess was just running up to Austin. They hugged.

“What did you guys do?” Jess asked.

“We went on the Ferris Wheel.” Chris smiled. Jess looked at me and I knew she was going to be asking me about it later.

“What did you guys do?” I asked.

“Rode some roller coasters and then I watched Jess ride the dolphin ride five times.” Austin said.

“Why didn’t you ride it?” Chris asked.

“I don’t think it suites me.” He said. We laughed then we decided to head back. I was extremely tired. We arrived at the buses and Chris and I walked towards Motionless In White bus. I walked onto the bus and saw Balz, Angelo, and Ricky sitting there.

“Phoenix, did you have fun today?” Balz asked. I looked at Chris then glanced around at the others, smiling.

“It’s was cool. I conquered my fear…well sort of.” I laughed.

“She’s afraid of heights.” Chris said. I nodded.

“It’s true but I’m exhausted so I’m going in for a nap.” I said walking past the others and into the bunks. I took off my shoes as I felt someone pulled me into a hug from the back. I turned around and I thought it was Chris but was surprise to see Ricky.

“Did he kiss you?” He asked. I looked away and tried to ignore the question.

“That just answered my question.” He said stepping away from me.

“Get some rest, babe.” He said kissing my forehead then walking back into the living area and left me there, confused. I climbed into my bunk and just laid there. Sleep overpowered my mind and I was asleep in thirty minutes.
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Alright, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I think people are not liking this anymore. I'm trying to make it good but I've just had a lot of my mind lately. Sorry. So they kissed and what do you think is up with Ricky? I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I was really hoping it would turn out cute but I don't know. I honestly don't think it did. Let me know what you all think, please.


Non-related to Motionless In White but I'm seeing Every Avenue for the last time in 13 days. I'm going to cry, for sure. Does anybody like Every Avenue? <3

Thank you: