Sequel: Destroy Everything
Status: Active;; as long as I get comments

City Lights

3. An ex boyfriend has arrived

I tried moving around but I couldn’t. I felt like I was suffocating. I opened my eyes and saw Chris laying there. He was still here. We hadn’t even known each other that long and we’ve already cuddled. He made a funny noise then pulled me tighter into him. I looked up and saw him looking down at me.

“Morning.” He laughed. I nodded but just laid there. I didn’t want to move. I was somewhat comfortable but it ended when Chris climbed out of the bunk and held his hand out so he could help me out. I took his hand and jumped over the bunk.

“Thanks and morning to you.” I smiled. He nudged me then walked up front. I heard whistles and just shook my head.

“Phoenix, you little bitch. Get out here.” I heard Cameron shout. I shook my head and changed real fast then walked out and saw everyone sitting around.

“We’ve got to set up now.” Cameron said. I nodded.

“Show me the way, gay boy.” I said. Cameron glared at me then laughed.

“You’re just jealous that I can get dick better than you.” He said. I looked at him, shocked.

“I’m so jealous. Fuck.” I said. He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the bus. I waved bye to the others. We sat up the merch table and took a little break before the crowd was let in. I walked past All Time Low’s merch when I heard someone shout my name. I looked over and saw Jess standing there. I walked over to her.

“What’s up?” She asked.

“Not a whole lot of anything. I’m just waiting for the gates to open. What’s up?” I asked.

“My lame ass brother told me that I had to help out with the merch because the other guy is sick. So I’ve came to Vinny’s rescue. Thank me, Vinny, you dirty bitch.” She shouted. Vinny looked up.

“Oh, thank you, my sweetness. I’ll show you how much it means to me later, okay.” Vinny said walking over to her and kissing her cheek. She shook her head and shoved him away.

“If Danny saw you doing that then he’d kick your ass.” She said. I laughed. She was a hoot.

“Well I better get back to the merch table. I’ll talk to you later, right?” I asked.

“For sure, you will. See you later, babe.” She said hugging me. I waved bye to Vinny then headed back to Motionless In White merch tent. I saw all the guys standing there.

“Where have you been?” Ricky asked.

“I was talking with Jess at the All Time Low’s tent.” I said.

“Right, so since you’re a fan then. We’ve decided that you’re going to watch us perform today.” He said hugging me.

“Oh sweet tits.” I said. Ricky laughed at me. I shoved him away.

“Well, you’ve just turned into a douche bag, Ricky Horror.” I said. He only laughed harder. I glanced over at Chris and he was just looking at us.

“You love me.” Ricky said.

“I’m obsessed with you. You’re my husband after all.” I said with the straight face. Ricky quit laughing and looked at me, scared.

“Shit, dude. I’m kidding.” I laughed. He shoved me.

“You are too much, Phoenix.” He said. I started talking to the others after a while. Soon, the fans were coming in and screaming that the guys were standing here.

“See you later, wife.” Ricky shouted. I laughed then looked up and saw a few girls glaring at me. They can’t be real fans if they’re going to be like that.

“Are you and Ricky…married?” One girl asked. I looked at her, strangely.

“That would be so cute. You two are adorable together.” The other girl said. I shook my head.

“No. No, we’re not. We’re friends, I think. I’m just the silly little merch girl.” I said.

“Little, my ass.” A blonde said.

“Excuse me, what was that?” I asked pretending I didn’t hear her.

“You’re a fat piece of shit. Why would any of the guys in Motionless In White like you or even want to be your friend?” She said.

“Oh excuse me, bitch. You better watch what you say. See this shinier I have here, she gave it to me yesterday. So I’ll ask you to kindly fuck off, whore.” Cameron said. The crowd cheered.

“I’m going to have you fired.” She said before spinning on her heels and leaving. I rolled my eyes.

“Stupid bitch, she is.” A guy said. I looked up and he looked oddly familiar.

“What can I help you with?” I asked. He looked up, smiling. fuck

“My, my, Phoenix Gibson. You sure have changed a lot since I’ve seen you last.” He said.

“Go away.” I said. He shook his head.

“I don’t think I will. I’m going to stick around. You are my girlfriend after all.” He said.

“Tyler, I am not your girlfriend anymore. Go away.” I said. He grabbed my wrist.

“Shut the fuck up. We’re going somewhere.” He said pulling me.

“I’m working. I can’t leave.” I said. He gripped my wrist tighter.

“Cameron, I have to use the restroom. Can you handle it?” I asked. Cameron looked at me, smiling.

“Hurry on back here.” He said. Tyler dragged me through the crowd and I was thought I was going to die. I was crying I know that. I didn’t know what he was going to do with me. He almost killed me last time. Someone grabbed my other wrist and held me in spot this caused Tyler to jerk back and turned around to look at why I stopped. I looked up and saw Bert McCrackin standing there.

“Phoenix, how the fuck have you been?” He asked.

“I’m good. I’m working merch at a tent.” I said.

“Yeah, working for Motionless In White. Those are some rad dudes. Who’s this guy?” He asked. I looked behind him and saw Quinn, Jepha and Danny standing there.

“I love your band dude. I’m Tyler Douglas.” He said. I was smiling. I talked to Quinn and Jepha both about Tyler when I spent a month on tour with them because of my uncle.

“Oh Tyler, dude. I’ve heard so much about you.” Quinn said grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. This caused Tyler to let go of my hand. Quinn shoved me behind him and he grabbed Tyler by the shirt.

“You fucking touch Phoenix again. I will fucking destroy you.” Quinn spat. Tyler looked like he had shit his pants. Quinn let him go then turned around and walked away as he grabbed my hand.

“Thank you so much.” I said. Quinn looked at me then hugged me again. Soon, fans noticed them and they were pushed away from me. I quickly made it back to the tent before Tyler could find me. I saw Chris standing there.

“Where were you?” He asked.

“I had to use the restroom and the line was fucking huge.” I said.

“Well, I came here to get you so you can watch us perform on stage.” He said. I nodded. I notice another guy standing there.

“He’s going to fill in for you.” Chris said. The guy turned around, smiling. My stomach dropped.

“Not for the whole tour, right?” I asked.

“Well, he’s the merch dude for Aspire and Create.” Chris said. I felt like throwing up. He was going to be on the whole tour. Tyler
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Sorry, it's taken me a while to update on stuff. I've been kind of sick or not feeling like writing much. Super sorry. I hope you will still continue to read this.


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Enjoy! <3