Sequel: Destroy Everything
Status: Active;; as long as I get comments

City Lights

6. Fake Boob McGee

1 week later…

Chris and I hardly talked since that night. I think I just scared him off with the whole story. I tend to do that a lot. Austin and I hung out every day. It got so bad that fans were asking if we were dating. We would only laugh it off until someone mention that I was cheating on Ricky since we were married. Ricky and I both took to the internet to let people know that we weren’t married and it was only a joke between us. Some believed us and some didn’t. I didn’t care until now when some blond girl with fake boobs comes up to me and slapped me in the face.

“You are a two timing slut.” She screamed. I just stood there holding my cheek.

“What are you talking about?” Austin asked, pissed off.

“She’s married to Ricky and you two are over here being all cuddly and cute. Stop whoring around. Ricky deserves better than a slut like you.” She said. I was angry, no I was fucking furious. I really wanted to jump on her and kick her ass but that’s the old me. The new me would just shrug it off and explain to me.

“Ricky and I both explained this in a blog earlier this week. Ricky and I are only friends. I’m not married at all to anyone. I’m single. I’m not doing anything wrong here. Austin and I are only friends but if you don’t believe me then maybe you’ll believe it coming from Ricky’s mouth.” I said as I watched Ricky walk up behind the girl.

“What’s going on?” Ricky asked. The girl spun around and squealed.

“Oh My God, you’re Ricky Horror. I love you.” She said. I rolled my eyes.

“That’s nice to know now what’s going on. Why are you harassing my merch girl?” Ricky asked. The girl frowned.

“You think I was harassing her? I wasn’t. I was just asking her some questions. Like what it’s like being on tour with you guys and how cool it is to be with everybody on tour.” She lied. Austin and I both looked at each other, laughing.

“That’s bullshit. She called Phoenix a two timing slut because she thought that PG was married to you and supposedly we were all cuddling up together.” Austin said. Ricky laughed and waved the girl off. She stood there for a second then stormed off and saying how we were all bitches.

“Isn’t the first time I’ve been called a bitch and I’m sure it will not be the last.” I mumbled. Ricky sat next to me and we watched people walk by. Surprisingly, none of Austin fans or Ricky fans came up to us so we just sat around, talking.

“So I heard from Cameron the other day that you were arrested once.” Ricky said. I looked up at him then laughed.

“Do you have a secret life that we don’t know about?” Austin asked. I shook my head.

“No, it was…Oh God, it was when my uncle was driving the bus for The Used one year and Bert dared my uncle and I to dress in animal outfits and go into Wal Mart. We tipped over cart full of food. We were causing so much shit. They had us arrested. I was completely shit faced at the time.” I said. Austin and Ricky both busted into laughter.

“I can’t see you doing such a thing.” Austin said.

“I was such a little shit back then and when I was fucked up, I was even worse than sober. I don’t drink anymore nor have I ever done any drugs. “I said.

“You don’t drink at all?” Ricky asked. I shook my head.

“No, I don’t see the point in getting drunk. You can have just as much fun as you would drunk.” I said. Austin nodded. My phone vibrated. I dug it out of my pocket and saw it was from Cameron.

From Cameron:
I know it’s your day off but Kuza is sick as shit. I need help, baby. xoxCamCam

I laughed then showed the text to Ricky and Austin. I stood up and we all made our way to the Motionless In White tent. Austin hugged me, telling me that he had to get ready for the stage. I told him, I’d see him later. I stood behind the table but watched Ricky do the work since he had a little free time. I had to take over when he had to leave to go do a signing at the Fuse tent.

“How you doing, baby?” Cameron asked. I looked at him and he was smiling.

“I’m okay. Hot as fuck but I’m good. How are you doing?” I asked. He laughed.

“Hot as fuck, you are. I’m gay so I’m allowed to say that. I’m alright. Hot as fuck, as well.” He said. I laughed at his hyperness. I took my shoes off. Wrong day to wear heels, isn’t it. I usually don’t wear them but I felt the need to and I didn’t think I would be working.

“Why in the world were you wearing heels? Were you trying to impress a certain singer?” Cam asked. I shook my head.

“No, I just felt like wearing them because I didn’t think I would be working today.” I said.

“So have you talked to Chris lately?” I asked curiously. Cameron shook his head. Soon, it was time for two of the members to take over the merch for a while.

“Ghost and Balz, if you need anything just call or text one of us. I think we’ll be together so just yeah.” Cameron said. Balz shoved us away and we walked around. I told Cameron I was going to go back to the bus and change my heels into my Toms since I was carrying my heels around anyways. Cameron followed me. I totally forgot that if Matty Mullins saw me without someone then he’d kick my ass. I laughed at the thought. I grabbed the door handle, opening the door. I climbed up the steps and headed for the back of the bus until I heard some giggling. I looked back at Cameron and he looked at me strangely. I step aside so he could walk by and into the back to the bunks.

“Yo, what the fuck? Chris, get some fucking clothes on, man.” Cameron shouted. I dropped my shoes and ran out of the bus. I don’t know why I ran. I shouldn’t care that Chris was in there fucking some girl. What if he has a girlfriend? Why do I care? I don’t. I shouldn’t. Why? I ran until I collided with someone. I looked up and just my luck, it was Matty Mullins.

“Where are you going, PG?” He asked helping me up.

“I…uhh…I…just…nowhere, I uhh…suppose. Are you about to head on stage?” I asked. He nodded. I smiled.

“Can I watch?” I asked.

“Well, of course, my love.” He laughed before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stage. I stood side stage and watched Memphis May Fire put on one hell of a show. My phone had been vibrating but I ignored it until Matty heard it when we were walking towards the Memphis May Fire tent. How he heard it, I will never know.

“Answer that.” He said. I dug it out of my pocket and saw it was Ricky. I sighed in relief.

“What’s up, Ricky?” I asked.

“PG, where are you?” I heard Chris ask.

“Oh please, like you give a shit.” I said. Right before I hung up someone shouted ‘I love you Matty Mullins.’ Well shit, he’s going to know where I was now and Matty wasn’t letting me out of his sight. I knew this wasn’t going to end well. Minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Chris towering over me, looked quite angry.

“Where the hell have you been?” He asked. I shrugged.

“Phoenix. Come on.” He said grabbing my arm and pulling on it. I looked back at Matty. He smiled, then waved goodbye. Thank a lot, Matty. Chris pulled me all the way back to the bus and it was empty. Great.

“What is your fucking problem?” I asked trying to get out of his grip.

“You can’t just fucking run off like that. I…we were all worried sick about where you went or if you were okay.” He screamed. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t fucking pretend like you care. You’ve been ignoring me for a fucking week.” I said trying to hold back the tears. I’ve grown close to these guys and it sucks to know that one of them is mad at me for something I have no clue why.

“I haven’t been ignoring you, Phoenix. You’ve been ignoring me.” He shot back. I shook my head.

“That’s bullshit. I tried talking to you but you’d completely ignore me.” I said.

“That’s because you were ignoring me first.” He said.

“I don’t think so. You wouldn’t tell me what was wrong last week.” I said.

“It’s hard to explain to you.” He said.

“It’s hard to explain? Explain fucking what?” I asked. I was getting really frustrated with this. What the fuck was going on? Why was he being so damn confusing?

“I can’t explain it to you. I suck at explaining shit.” He said.

“Well try, fuck.” I said. He shook his head then a girl walked out from the bunks.

“Chris, baby. Who is this?” She asked. Baby?

“I’m Phoenix. I’m the merch girl. It’s nice to meet you…”I faded off because I didn’t know her name or what she was.

“I’m Nikki, Chris’s girlfriend. It’s nice meeting you, Phoenix. I heard a lot about you.” She said. I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She took it and we shook hands. I looked at Chris and he was just staring at the ground.

“So how long have you and Chris been together?” I asked.

“It’s been almost two and a half years.” Nikki said. I faked a smile.

“That’s so sweet. Sorry to cut this short but I’ve got to go find Ricky.” I said spinning around on my heels and headed for the door.

“Phoenix…wait.” I heard Chris say right before the door shut. I shook my head, shoving my hand in the pocket and walked away. He had a girlfriend. I knew he wouldn’t be single. No one that good looking can be single. I didn’t have a chance. She was beautiful. I was just plain ol’ me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh shit! What do you think of that shit right there? So I was going to have them kiss but then I still think it would of been too soon for that so I just had Chris have a girlfriend. Also, I keep writing Chris as Christ. I don't know why. :( Okay, so if you find anything wrong with my chapters please feel free to let me know. I'm not a big grammar freak so I don't really pay attention to that shit. I just write so if you see any mistake just let me know and I'll fix them.


You guys don't realize how much all your comments mean to me. Well maybe you do but seriously, it means a lot to me. I just don't say that to get comments. I love you all. I could more response on the last chapter then I have. Thank you all so much.

Leave some love or if you hate then that's good to, I suppose.