Sequel: Destroy Everything
Status: Active;; as long as I get comments

City Lights

9. You disgusting piece of shit

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Chris growled as he stepped in front of me. I looked around Chris and saw Tyler was smiling.

“I thought…wait. I’m so confused.” Jennifer said.

“He shouldn’t be here. Why is he here?” Chris asked.

“He is Matt’s cousin. What is going on? I thought you and Tyler were together.” Jennifer said. I shook my head stepping away from behind Chris.

“Jennifer, he was the one that did all those things to me.” I said trying to hold back the tears. Jennifer stepped away from Tyler then looked at me, shaking her head.

“No…that…that can’t be. How? What?” Jennifer asked stumbling over her words.

“It’s true.” I said.

“Tyler is so nice. How is this possible? I’m so confused.” Jennifer said. I shook my head.

“Tyler is the one that left me with this scar, Jennifer. He stabbed me.” I shouted.

“That’s not possible. Tyler, he is so nice.” She said. Did she really not believe me?

“Do you not believe me? Jenifer, we’ve been best friends since sixth grade. You’re just going to believe this asshole over me.” I said, now the tears were really falling. I felt Chris grab my hand to hold me back.

“I’m sorry, Phoenix.” Jennifer said.

“You just totally fucked yourself then. Have nice rest of your wedding.” I said then turned to look at Tyler, who was smirking.

“I know what you did and you will not get away with it. You’re nothing but a disgusting piece of shit. You can rot in hell.” I spat then yanked my arm away from Chris’s grip and walked quickly out the door. I got back to the rental car, opening the door, and sitting in the seat. I kicked off the heels. I dug in my bag from the back seat, grabbing the hoodie, and pulling it over my head. I looked up when I saw Chris storming out of the house. He looked pissed. He walked over to the driver side, flung open the door and sat in the seat. I looked at him, his lip was busted.

“What the fuck happened in there?” I asked. I didn’t need him fighting my battles. I didn’t know him at all.

“It’s nothing.” He said, starting the car. I shut my door and put my seatbelt on.

“It sure doesn’t look like nothing. Did you get in a fight with Tyler?” I asked. He looked down at his hands on the bottom of the steering wheel.

“What happened, Christopher?” I asked. I knew he hated it when someone called him by his full first name. He looked at me.

“I fucking hit him, okay.” He shouted. I flinched away. He shouted so loud being in a small space.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

“Let’s just get the fuck out of here.” I said pulling my feet up on the seat, hugging my knees, and staring out the window. I just lost my best friend. I have no friends whatsoever. I’m friendless. The tears fell down my cheek and I knew that Chris would glance at me every once in a while but I wish he’d stop. He stopped at a gas station.

“Use the bathroom or something. I gotta fill the car up.” He said. I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt, putting my heels back on then stepping out of the car. It felt like I was being stared at. I knew I was because I was in a god awful dress and heels. I walked into the store and searched the bathroom. I walked and notice it was only one stall so I locked the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was shit and my hair was following. I wiped off the smeared eye liner and took down my hair. I couldn’t wait to get back to the bus and change. I heard a knock on the door.

“Phoenix, are you in there?” I heard Chris ask. I unlocked the door and opened it. I didn’t get the chance to exits the bathroom before Chris pushing me back in the bathroom.

“What the…” I asked. Chris locked the door and I was getting scared because he still looked pissed off.

“I’m sorry.” He said. I looked at him, confused.

“You’re sorry for what?” I asked.

“The way I acted back there. It’s everything from the other day at the bus and now. I’m just really sorry.” He said.

“It’s okay.” I said looking down. Why was he in here? Couldn’t he just wait until we were back in the car to talk about this?

“Phoenix.” He said. I looked up at him. When did he get so close? He was leaning in. I knew he was going to kiss me. I didn’t want it to happen. Not here anyways. I looked away, making his kiss my cheek. I heard him sigh in frustration.

“Can we just go?” I asked. He nodded before stepping away. We walked out to the car and got inside. The ride was silent. I couldn’t wait to get back to the bus. We arrived in the parking lot and I grabbed my stuff from the backseat. I walked towards the buses faster than normal. I climbed the steps to the bus and notice the guys and a few others sitting around playing a game of harmless poker.

“Whoa. Phoenix, is that you?” I heard Ricky ask. I looked around and notice him sitting between Balz and Devin.

“Who else would it be?” I asked, smiling.

“You look gorgeous.” He said.

“I look like shit.” I said before walking into the back to change. I pulled the hoodie over the head then tried to unzip my dress. Fuck those zippers in the back. I poked my head out, only to see Chris standing there.

“Can you help me?” I asked. He looked at me strangely. I opened the door more then turned around. I felt his hand pull down the zipper then let go. I turned around.

“Thank you.” I said before shutting the door and continued to change. Once I was done, I threw the dress in the corner because I was never going to wear that shit dress again. I opened the door and notice Chris was still standing there in his tux. I stepped aside thinking he just wanted in here to change. He walked in and I went to walk out but he grabbed my hand, holding me back. I looked up at him.

“Don’t run away.” He said softly. I shook my head. His head was leaning close to mine. He leaned in close to my ear.

“You really did look pretty tonight.” He whispered before kissing my cheek then pulling away completely. I backed away from him then walked out of the room and into the main room. Ricky wasn’t sitting in between Balz and Devin anymore.

“You look tired.” He said. I nodded.

“I am. I was just going to tell you goodnight.” I smiled. He pulled me into a hug then kissed my forehead.

“Sleep well, PG.” He said. Well that was strange. Ricky and Chris were both acting strange. What was going on? I climbed into my bunk not really caring that I was in jeans. I closed my eyes and was almost asleep when Chris spoke.

“Goodnight, beautiful.” He whispered then kissed my forehead. I rolled over and faced the wall. Why was Chris saying all this stuff? I’m far from beautiful or pretty. I’m just ugly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my goodness, guys. How many of you thought they were going to kiss a couple of times in this chapter? What do you think is up with Ricky? I'm so proud of this story. I really am. I love this story. I want to be able to finish this story and I just might if you all continue to leave me love. I just want to let everybody know how much I enjoy all of the comments. Thank you so much.

Recs: 13 Readers: 131 Subscribers: 56

I'm just so happy with the subscribers. Thank you so much.


Thank you:
steph goes rawr.

I have been writing this chapter for three hours. I finally finished this at 4:30am. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep.
