Beyond Scared

Beyond Scared

I sat in his living room waiting for him to come running through the door telling me he was sorry for playing a trick like that on me.
“Blake, he’s not coming back.”
The man shook his head as he walked back into the kitchen with the other guys. I stood up and walked towards the front door and ran out of the house.
I heard the front door slam shut and ran into the living room to see Blake gone.
“Guys, she’s gone!”
“What are you talking about?”
“She’s gone. Blake left.”
“Maybe she went out to clear her head. I mean her brother did just die.”
I don’t remember much of last night. I know after I ran out of my house I went to the bars around my house and after about the 8th drink everything kind of went fuzzy. I woke up in a jail cell.
“What the hell am I doing here?”
“You’re here because you broke into a liquor store.”
I nodded my head.
I couldn’t believe this. Blake was being sent to jail for breaking into a liquor store and beating up the owner. The guys and I looked around the living room of her house and closed and locked up the house. She’s gonna be in jail for 5 years at least.
~~~2 years later~~~
I shook my head as I walked into the jail. I said hi to the guards’ as they passed by. While I was walking down the hall I saw a group of kids walking by.
“Hey Shadows can you come here for a second?”
“What’s up?”
“These kids are on our scared straight program. Could you tell them a little bit about why you’re here?”
“Yeah sure.”
I looked at the kids there and none of them looked like they could last a second in here.
“I’m here because my best friend is in here. She’s in here for DUI, breaking an entry, and assault.”
I shook my head and walked away toward the pod where some of the inmates were aloud to visit with family and friends.
“Hey Shads.”
“You hanging in there?”
“Yeah, they told me I might get parole if I’m good for the next month.”
“That’s good. Zack an Johnny wrote you some letters the other day.”
“They haven’t handed out mail yet so I might get it later.”
We sat there are talked until it was time for the teens to come in and see the inmates. I hugged her and walked out of the building.
I was lying in my bed when a guard came into my room and told me to come out and talk to the kids. There was a guy in the group that was like me. He lost his younger brother and started fighting and dealing drugs. I shut my book and walked out into the pod. The kids looked up at me as the other inmates shut up and looked at me with a smile. In the past two years I’ve beat the shit out of a guard, a new inmate and tried to commit suicide.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?!”
“They think they hard B!”
“Which one?”
I looked over at the girl named Rasey and saw she was smirking at me.
“What the fuck you lookin at?
She didn’t say anything but looked down.
“Hey I’m talking to you. You guys know what I’m in here for?”
They all looked up at me when I walked down the line yelling at them. I smirked and took a step toward one of the girls.
“I’m in here because the day my brother died I ran out the house and got really drunk. I was so drunk I broke into a liquor store and nearly beat the owner to death.”
“The reason she is still cuffed is for everyone’s safety.”
“A year after being here I beat the shit out of a guard. Then three months later nearly killed my bunk mate. I am not aloud to go outside, talk to other’s unless they pass by my room. I only get to see my family once a month if I get that!”
One of the girls in the line smirked. I glared at her and walked up to her and got into her face.
“What are you smiling at?”
She didn’t say anything.
“I’m talking to you!”
“That’s what I thought. I’m in here right now for beating the shit out of a man, don’t think I won’t beat the shit out of you.”
I sat down and watched as the other girls went up there and talked to them.
“Alright we’re gonna pair you guys off to someone we think will better help you.”
I walked over to a guy that was sitting in a corner.
“What’s your name? What are you doing here?”
“Mason, and because of smoking pot, fighting, and stealing.”
“What made you do all this?”
“My brother died and I didn’t know what to do.”
“I know what you’re going through. My older brother was my best friend, we did everything together. His friends were my friends and they were there with me when I found him in his bed. You think they like coming to see me?”
“You’re right. Only one of them comes up here to see me every month, and the only reason he does is because he’s my husband.”
“Do you hear what I’m telling you? Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Does she do this shit to?”
“Then you shouldn’t either. You think my husband likes coming to see me in here? He can’t even hug me most of the time.”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a picture and showed it to him.
“Do these guys look familiar to you?”
“Yeah, they’re Avenged Sevenfold.”
“Right, you think they want me to be here?”
“I’m about to get let out on parole in a few weeks. I want come look for you once I get out and introduce you to my family, but that’s only if you get clean and get your act together.”
We shook hands and smiled. I went back to my room and saw two letter’s on my bed. I smiled and sat in my bed to read my letters.
“The thing that changed my life was when the inmates came in and talked to us about all the things that they did.”
“The thing that most changed my life at the jail was meeting the inmate they call B. She seemed to understand what I was going through and I promised her I’d get clean and get my act together. Right now I’ve graduated high school and I’m going to college and I plan on asking my girlfriend to marry me in a few weeks.”
I smiled as I saw her walking out of the jail with her brother’s shirt on and some sweatpants. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. I was so happy to have her back in my arms and the guys are going to feel the same once they saw her tonight at the party we were having.
“I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Me to baby, but I do have one more thing I have to take care of.”
“What’s that?”
I smiled and got in the car and told him where to go. I wasn’t aloud to drive because of the DUI. We got to a small house and saw a boy sitting outside with a girl. I smiled because I knew it was Mason.
“Hey Mason, remember me?”
“Yeah, and I think I told you I’d do something for you if you got your act together.”
“I did, Blake this is my girlfriend, Mary.”
“Thank you so much for helping him. He’s suck a better person.”
“That’s good to hear. I also heard that you both listen to my favorite band Avenged Sevenfold.”
“Well Mason, Mary I’d like you to meet M. Shadows lead singer and my husband.”
“Hey guys.”
We sat there and talked to them for awhile and told them to keep in touch and went home. I smiled thinking about seeing my family again, but while driving we passed the cemetery. I told him to go there so I could talk to Jimmy. Everything was going to go right from now on.