‹ Prequel: Pride
Sequel: Without You

Dark Paradise


Two cups of coffee and half a pile final research papers gone, Emma rubbed her tired eyes as she stood to get a refill. With a fresh mug of french roast with light cream, the teacher returned to the comfortable arm chair in the back corner of cafe. The brunette felt bad leaving a heavily pregnant Quinn Toews with such a rambunctious child but justified it with the ‘practice makes perfect’ argument. Once baby Toews arrived, Quinn would be thankful for all the preparing she had done watching Luca.

The muffled sound of her cell phone vibrating from her briefcase caused her to look away a poorly written literary analysis of Shakespeare’s greatest works. Emma rolled her eyes at the name popping up on the caller ID.

“Two minutes, Oshie.” She cradled the phone between her shoulder and her ear.

TJ sighed, “I just wanted to let you know Kayla and I are finalizing our divorce.”

Emma dropped her shoulder and held the phone in her hand, “That’s lovely.”

“Is that all you’re going to say?” The hockey player asked staring up at the ceiling.

The brunette sighed, “It’s ten forty-five on a Friday night. You’re a nearly single man again. What the hell do you want me to say?”

There was a moment of silence as TJ ran a hand over his face, “I just...”

“Listen, TJ... I’m sorry I don’t have the answers you’re looking for. You just got divorced from the woman that ruined our marriage. What I have to say on the subject matter sure as hell won’t make you feel better.” Emma began packing away her papers.

TJ furrowed his brow slightly, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Emma took a deep breath, giving a smile and silent ‘thank you’ to the barista behind the counter, “You want me to be honest?” Her voice dropped slightly to avoid stares from the rest of the late night cafe patrons.

“By all means, lay it on me.” The hockey player sat up in bed slightly feeling agitated.

“It means I’m glad you and your blow up doll are getting a divorce. You deserve a taste of your own medicine, Oshie.” Emma tucked a few pieces of stray hair behind her ear as she threw her heavy briefcase over her shoulder.

TJ frowned slightly and crossed his arm over his chest, “Hey, don’t spare my feelings or anything.”

A gust of warm spring Chicago air bumped into the tired teacher as soon as she stepped outside. With only a single car on the road that looked far off, Emma stepped into the street and began crossing, “Why should I? You didn’t think to spare my feelings when you decided to get married and play house with your mistress as soon as we got divorced.”

The athlete opened his mouth to make some nasty remark when he heard her scream. There was some static before more voices faintly joined in. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just listened. A panic stricken voice called out for someone to dial 9-1-1. The line went dead soon after.
♠ ♠ ♠
honestly, this story has been such an incredible ride. i can't thank each and every one of you guys who commented, subscribed, or recommended this story. i know it was shorter than all the other chapters, but it just didn't work if I expanded this. as of now, there is no sequel in the works. but if enough people want one, who knows!

if anyone has any questions about the story, feel free to comment or message me and i'll back to you! i'm sure some of you don't like the ending, but i like to leave things up to interpretation of the reader.

love you all so much <3