‹ Prequel: Pride
Sequel: Without You

Dark Paradise


As soon as everyone was seated around the dining room table, a dead silence fell amongst the group with the exception of silverware clanging against the plates. Emma couldn’t help but feel some lingering irritation that Quinn was so adamant about trying to set her up. “So uh, how do you like Chicago compared to Philly?”

Daniel Carcillo leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair, subtly flexing his bicep, “It was a good change. Chicago is a great city but I still miss Philly. There’s just something about it, you know?”

“Yeah, I know... I grew up in Jersey so I ventured down there pretty often.” Emma explained trying to pull her eyes away from his bulging muscles.

Dan nodded, “Right on, real cool place.” The conversation died down once again. Jonathan awkwardly tried to bring up similarities for the two to talk about but nothing really stuck until Emma’s phone started ringing from the other room. Axel Rose’s crooning voice echoed in the empty living room causing Dan to smile, “GNR, you must have good taste in music.”

“You can tell just from a thirty second ring tone?” The brunette smiled, “I’ll be right back.” She excused herself from the table and hurried into the empty room to answer the phone.

Luca studied the unfamiliar man at the table as his mother left the room. The three adults made small talk whilst Emma took her phone call. The toddler cocked his head to the side a bit and took a monstrous bite out of his bread roll. “I don’t like your hair, and what happened to your teeth?”

Quinn’s face broke out in a light blush, “Luca, sweetie, that’s not very nice. You need to apologize to Dan, right now.”

Dan, however, found the child’s statement to be quite funny. He let out a bellowing laugh and ruffled the boy’s own full head of hair, “I’m sorry you don’t like it, buddy. Should I go get a haircut? As for my teeth... they got knocked out by Mikkelson.”

“You should cut it.” He stated, “It looks like my daddy’s and I hate him.”

Jonathan nearly choked on his chicken, “Hey Lu, why don’t we go see what your mom is up to in the living room.” He watched the little boy stare longingly at his bread, “You can bring it with you.”

Luca quickly snatched the bread from his plate and hopped out of his chair. He followed his god father into the other room, blissfully unaware of how rude he was. Meanwhile, back in the dining room, Quinn and Dan sat in silence before the hockey player spoke. “Thanks for inviting me over, Q. I didn’t know she had a kid though...”

Quinn sighed, “I’m sorry... I thought I told you. Are you not interested in her anymore? I know kids aren’t exactly your thing but I just figured you two would really hit it off.”

“Eh, I don’t think it’ll be too bad.” Dan shrugged and flashed the blonde a toothy grin, “She’s still banging so I’ll make an exception to my ‘no kid’ rule.”

Jonathan and Luca found Emma sitting on the couch with her phone pressed to her ear. The hockey player noticed the way anxiously chewed on her bottom lip. He signaled to Luca to stay quiet as they took a seat on the love seat opposite Emma.

The brunette let out a heavy sigh before running a hand through her hair, “I understand that you’re his father and you want to spend more time with Lu, but I absolutely will not allow him to stay with you for an entire summer. You’re mental if- No, TJ I’m not trying to keep you from seeing him... Who gave me the right? The fact that I have full custody of our child gives me the right to make that decision Timothy. It just isn’t a good idea. No, I’m not saying you aren’t a good parent. What I’m trying to say is once you take a more active role in his life, maybe he can stay with you for a few weekends or something. It isn’t happening, TJ and if you have a problem with that, take it up with my lawyer. Of course... I don’t want to fight either it’s just- Alright. Have a nice holiday.”

Six months pregnant, Emma’s aching body reveled at the feeling of plush cream sofa. There were men and women in business suits bustling around the lobby and secretary with her hair pulled back so tightly it could pass as Botox. She ran a gentle hand across her swollen stomach and smiled as the baby gave tiny fluttering kicks. The brunette was just about to pull out her cell phone to see where TJ was when she heard the all too familiar mop of blonde hair go flying past her. Emma stood up and called out his name.

The hockey player stopped short and turned around. His eyes widened at the sight at her growing stomach. His child... it was his child growing inside the woman before him. TJ felt his stomach drop at he got closer. The gold band around his ring finger never left; it was the band with a diamond that had moved. Her stomach looked even bigger in person. The monthly photo didn’t do it justice whatsoever.

“Ready to get this over with?” The brunette asked rubbing the small of her back.

TJ felt his hand twitch to reach out and rub the sore spot for her, “Yeah.” He muttered. To restrain himself, TJ kept his hands in his pockets as they walked down to their lawyer’s office. He followed Emma through the hallways. She let out a low groan as the baby punted her side. “You doing alright?”

Emma nodded but refused to look her ex-husband in the eyes, “I’m fine. I just want to finish this stuff and go back to Chicago.”

“You don’t have to go. Kayla and I have the guest room or you could even stay with Bergie.” TJ suggested, not wanting the brunette to be so far away.

She turned and stared with a cold hard look in her eyes, one he had never seen before, “Fuck you.” Her voice was low, slicing through every fibre of his being, “You just don’t get it, do you?” TJ knitted his eyebrows together, trying to figure out what he had said to set her off. “Of course not.” She continued as they turned down yet another hallway, “You must be mental to think I would want to stay in a home that only reminded me of the world’s longest lie. Seven fucking years and you had someone else on the side.”

“It wasn’t the whole seven years...” TJ muttered more for himself than anyone else.

Emma finally stopped short and stared at him, “Oh, well gee, I guess I can’t be mad at you anymore since it wasn’t the whole relationship... just most of it.”

TJ just kept his mouth shut knowing he would only dig himself in a deeper whole. They finally kept moving and eventually reached their lawyer’s office. The brunette knocked twice and began muttering under her breath about custody while the hockey player pretended he couldn’t hear what she was saying.

TJ knew it was wrong to feel upset and used all his will power to keep from completely breaking down. He had to keep reminding himself of his beautiful wife waiting for him at home and that the brunette before him was merely someone he used to know.

Emma pulled the phone away from her ear and covered her face with her hands. Looking over at Jonathan and her son, Emma gave the boys a small smile and moved to sit beside them. Jonathan wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled the brunette close. He dropped a kiss to the top of her head, “We’ll get through this, I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so we finally see Emma break down a little bit after the divorce. thank you to all my 63 subscribers! i would really appreciate if you guys would comment and just offer a little input. i would really love to hear your thoughts on what's going on in the story.