Status: I couldn't get into my last story so I wrote this. I apologize to any who read it and hate it.

Close My Eyes

Chapter eleven

I kept running and running until I was out of breath. Which meant that I had been running for nearly three hours. Another sure sign of my blood line. That thought stopped me, in all the commotion I hadn't really thought about what it all had meant. I was an Elvern. A killing monster.
Tears prickling the edges of my eyes I sat down on the root of a tree that was sticking out. I couldn't cry. There was too much a stake now. I stood up after a moment and surveyed my surroundings. I was in a part of the wood that I had never been before. Looking I couldn't tell which way to go. I had run blindly for those three hours letting my feet and my sense guide me. Blindly. Blindly! I couldn't see which I why I got so far in the first place without running into anything dangerous.Carefully I pulled out my blindfold, after all these years I finally could go without it and now I needed it more then ever. Carefully I drew it across my face and tied it in a knot in the back. When it was on I dropped my hands and listened. Fifty feet away from me there was a troll just coming out of his cave. He wore shoes that thudded against the earth which told me nearby there was village. Inside the wood I had heard it was possible, but since barely anyone made it through the wood they would be suspicious if I just suddenly showed up. Tonight I would have to go when the village was asleep and find shelter for the night.
"Okay I think I can find something to eat." I said getting up and grabbing a nearby stick in place of my staff.
I placed my hand against the trunk of a tree and let my consciousness seep through the bark. It took a few moments for the tree to get over it's surprise of me, but when it did it gave me permission.
"Thank you." I whispered.
It lowered one of it's branches and I climbed on. Once it had returned to its original height I started climbing until I was near the very top of the tree. I found a sturdy branch and sat down so that I was in reach of the fruit that hung from the tree. As night fell I finished off my second fruit and leaned back against the tree. I wanted to take off my blindfold, I wanted to see the stars. But I couldn't risk letting myself get caught off guard. Instead I closed my eyes and let myself slip into a light doze.
* * * *
"Do you smell that?"
"A human? This far into the wood? How is that even possible?"
"I don't know but we'd better find them before the giants do."
Air rushed past the pair as they followed their noses. The smell grew stronger and stronger the closer they got. When it was nearly overpowering they stopped.
"I don't see any human."
"They must be around her somewhere. Listen."
A slight snore penetrated the air above them. Both looked up and saw a young girl with a blindfold across her eyes sleeping in the tree. It struck both of them dumb how she had gotten up there in the first place and how she'd managed to stay up there without falling. The girl turned over as they watched and they saw the tree move slightly so that she would not fall.
"That is not possible."
"You were born here, nothing should be impossible. Strange maybe. Incredible, definitely."
"The elders will want to know about this."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!!!! What will happen to our heroine now? The horror!