Status: ANNNNND We're Back To Pull Heart Strings xD

A Little Piece of Heaven in My Solitary Hell

Drunken Daze

We pulled into the parking lot, and I could feel my head pounding from so many thoughts. I can't let myself break. I've done enough breaking in my life. Scar smiles over at me and starts a light, happy conversation as we make our way up to the apartment.

"No, you're completely wrong. Superman could eat Batman for breakfast," she says, holding her hand up in an attempt to dismiss my argument.

I roll my eyes and say, "Superman's greatest weakness is a rock!"

"Yeah, but Batman is human and completely dispensable!"

"I'm done arguing about this. My opinion is set and you won't be able to change it," I say, attempting to laugh slightly.

Scar laughs and says, "You know, this apartment complex has this neat little bar. Do you think we should go get a few drinks before we head back? You seem like you'd need it."

My interest sparks. Alcohol is kind of one of my favorite things. "Of course! Which floor is it on?"

A smile spreading across her face, Scar grabs my arm and pulls me into an elevator. "It's on the roof. Let's go!"

Less than three minutes later, we're on the roof. The only other people up here are the bartender and a few girls who seem to be on a "ladies night". I look over at Scar and ask, "Have you ever don Never Have I Ever?"

"Um, no. What is it?" she asks as we take seats at the bar.

"We go back and forth, naming things we've never done. And if the other person has done it, they have to take a shot."

"Alright, let's do it," she says, turning to the bartender. "Can we get a bottle of Jager and two shot glasses?"

~45 Minutes Later~

I've taken six shots, and Scarlett's done one. I can barely walk without her helping me, so we decide to call it a night. She helps me into the elevator and down to the floor she and Mason's apartment is on.

"Geez, Allie. I had no idea you were so... experienced," she says, laughing and unlocking the apartment door with her key.

I giggle and mutter, "You have no idea."

She opens the door and I stumble in.

I look up.

Just the face I'd been hoping I wouldn't have to see.

Steven starts to bolt up, but Mason holds him back. "Ryan, she's drunk. Do you really want to have this conversation with her now?"

"Ryan", I suppose he's going by it now, pushes him off. "I don't care." He runs over to me and pulls my stumbling form against him. "I'm so glad you're okay," he whispers, his voice weak. He seems so frail to me right now.

I blink and try to talk without slurring too much. That doesn't work. "Hey, what're you doin' here? You should be back with my mummy and daddy." I break off into a giggle and lean my head back.

Mason looks over at Scar and asks, "What was she drinking?"

"Five shots of Jager, straight up," she says, trying not to laugh herself.

I turn over, attempting to correct her and then forgetting what I was going to say. "What was I gonna do? Oh yeah, nope, Scarry boo. It was six! An upside down nine!" I break off into another giggle.

Ryan, or Steven or whoever, looks horrified. "Alex, what's happened to you?"

I laugh again. "What's happened to you? You're like a male me now! That's a little sad, baby." I make a pouting face and break off into a snicker. "Maybe I can fix you up, once I work on myself a wee bit." More giggling.

Mason looks at Ryan/Steven and says, "Ryan, you should take her into the guest room. Get her to lay down and try to sober her up."

Ryan nods and pulls on me. "Sweetheart, come on. I don't like you being like this."

I cock an eyebrow and make a whine. "So now you don't like me? Well, why do you care if I'm sober or not then? Just let me drown the pain away in my liquor!"

My eyelids flutter and my brain becomes fuzzy. People are saying things but I can't hear them. I laugh again, and I'm unconscious, in a drunken daze once again.
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