On the Edge

All alone

[Jens P.O.V.]
It was another morning I could hear the cars flying past the alleyway rushing to where they had to go. I opened my eyes and looked at my wrist and the piece of glass I used last night. I saw there were scars all over my arm from last night and other nights. I was in the clothes I had been in for almost a year. Which was a black tee shirt and jeans with a black hoodie. It was my stupid crack head mother’s fault. She kicked me out because I wasn't living up to her standards. She told me never to come back unless I had made something of myself. The only thing I was able to grab when I left was my dads Iron Maiden bag and the clothes on my back. I heard the cars going past the alley where I slept.

I got up and started walking to school, which was a good 2 miles away from the alley. It was about 6:30 in the morning I had an hour to make it to school. There was a boy on the other side of me he looked a little bit older then me, and I saw him almost everyday, we never spoke we were just strangers passing through the same town.

I felt like I was being followed. I turned around and saw a guy who also looked homeless following very close behind me. I started to walk faster. All of a sudden the man was right behind me he shoved me into an alley that was right there. I tried screaming as he pinned me up on the wall. He tried to move in towards me for a kiss when all of a sudden he was pulled away from me. I heard someone else now. I ran out of the alley when I had the chance. I hid behind a dumpster near by and waited to see if the person who saved me would come out. The boy who was on the other side, of the street walked out. He looked around for me and I came out from behind the dumpster.
"Hey there are you OK?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you so much." I said very grateful.

"Its no problem. Where are you going? I'll walk you there so nothing else happens if you want?" He said concerned.

"Um sure if you want...?"

"Its no trouble I have no where important to be. I am just going to get coffee. By the way I'm Gerard." He said extending his hand.

"Hi I'm Jen." I said shaking his hand.

"So where are you going?" He asked as we started walking.

"Kennedy High. Its like 2 miles you don't have to walk all the way with me."

"No it’s fine I went there. What grade are you in 12th?"

"10th." I said correcting him.

"Wow you look a lot older then that. How old are you 15?"

"Yeah. Why how old are you?"


"You look a lot younger then that."

"Oh thank you. So 2 miles is pretty far to walk all by yourself."

"Yeah... but I'm used to it its not a big deal."

"You don't get a bus?"

"One doesn't come to around my house."

"Oh OK. I see you like Iron Maiden." He said looking at my bag.

"Yeah but this was my dads."

"Your dad has good taste."

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"No problem. Well I'm going to stop into the coffee shop do you want anything?"

"I have no money..."

"It will be my treat." He said taking my hand bringing me into the shop.

"Oh no please-"

"Don't worry about it." He said pulling out money. He ordered me a small coffee. I sipped it trying to save it as much as I could. I hadn't had anything so tasty in a while. We continued towards school we talked for a while and found we had a lot in common. Our music our movies it was all the same. We reached school finally.

"Well I got to go." I said

"OK bye."

"Bye thank you so much."

"No problem maybe we can do it again."

"Sure." I said smiling and walking into school. I looked back and saw him smiling as he walked away. I had a very strong feeling he liked me. Which was a little weird, but the weirder part was I think I had a little crush on him too. I shook the though from my mind and walked to class.

I felt my classmates staring at me like I was a monster. Everyone in school knew about me cutting myself and being homeless, but they never did anything about it. I didn't care though I was an independent girl.

I went to the table where I sat. All the way in the back, by myself. The jocks sat in front of me and threw food at me knowing I couldn't eat. They accepted me to pick it up off the floor and eat it just so they could mock me. Sometimes they would sit next to me and take my stuff and try to take my jacket so they can make fun of my scars. Today I got so fed up with it I just got up and left. One of them stood in front of me, and another one stood behind me and they pushed my back and fourth as hard as they could. The teachers saw what was happening and didn't do anything. They never care. All the money I had fell out and they took it and ran. I walked back to my table, and sat down defeated. I wanted to cry so badly, but I couldn't show them that they had won. I was broken already inside but I couldn't let them break me even more.

*After school*
I started on my walk home and I noticed the boys who bothered me in lunch were following me. I walked past the coffee shop Gerard brought me to I looked in and saw he was there. I walked in and noticed they left. Gerard waved to me and signaled for me to sit down with him.
"Hey Jen." He said when I sat down.


"How’s school going?" He asked nicely.

"Sucks thanks." I said.

"I know what you mean high school kids are the worst. I was always made fun of."

"Really? Why did they make fun of you? You seem like a great guy."

"Eh I was a freak. I made comic books in school I was a punk and you know kids don't really take those kids nicely."

"Yeah I know what you mean." I said.

"So what do the kids do to you?" He asked curiously.

"You don't want to know." I said looking down.

"That bad?"

"Yeah. I just have 2 more years left and it’s all done."

"What about college?" He asked.

"Can’t afford it." I said looking up at him ashamed.

"Do good in school and you could get a scholarship, But what ever you do try your hardest to go to college."

"Why? I'm not going to be anything any way." I said looking down again.

"I haven't known you that long, but I know your have potential definitely be somebody."

"Like what?"

"I can’t tell you that, but you can be what ever you want. Don't ever let money or stupid people stop you from doing what you want." He said. I smiled when he said that.

"Gerard what do you do for a living?" I asked curiously.

"I am a aspiring comic book artist why?"

"Oh just wondering. You sound like a motivation speaker."

"I am both." He said smiling really stupidly. I laughed and so did he. A guy with brown hair that was in his face, and glasses walked into the shop. Gerard knew him. He acknowledged him and signaled him to sit too.

"Mikey this is my friend Jen." Gerard said introducing me.

"Jen this is my brother Mikey." He said introducing Mikey.

"Hey." He said politely

"Hi." I said.

"So Jen do you have a curfew or anything?" Gerard asked.

"Um no I basically stay out till when ever I want." I said. Both of their jaws dropped.

"Your how old and your allowed to do what ever you want?" Mikey said.

"I'm 15 and my mom is just one of those people who doesn't care." I said.

"Wow I wish my mom was like that when I was 15." Gerard said.

"Yeah well she’s never around so I basically live by myself almost."

"Oh well then that’s different from your mom not caring. What does she do that shes away so much?" Gerard asked.

"Photographer." I said thinking of anything.

"Oh well that a really cool job." Mikey said.

"Yeah it is." Gerard agreed.

"Yeah it is cool I guess."

"Shit Mikey we got to get home." Gerard said.

"Oh yeah! We got practice."

"What are you guys practicing?" I asked.

"Our music, were trying to get a band together."

"REALLY!" I said very interested. Music was my favorite thing in life.

"Yeah. You seem really interested. You should come listen to us one time." Gerard said smiling.

"Oh that would be fun but cant tonight maybe another night." I said.

"Can do well I got to go will I see you tomorrow morning?" Gerard asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. He smiled and left the coffee shop. I just sat in the coffee shop until it got very dark outside. I always waited till it got really dark out so no body would see where I "lived."
The clock struck 11 at the shop and that was my signal to head to "home." I walked about a half a mile and came to the alley where I had been sleeping. I walked down the dark alley my only source of light was a flickering light at the end, which lead into an old restaurant. I laid my bag down on the ground and sat next to it. I found a piece of glass on the floor that I had been using for a while. In the dim lights I rolled up my sleeve I ran the glass across my arm until I felt the warm thick liquid run down my arm. I did it once more and felt the blood really come pouring out now. I felt the salty tears flow down my face. Finally I finished and waited for the blood to stop. Then I rolled my sleeve back down and laid my head on my bag. I closed my eyes and didn't know how much longer I could go on.