On the Edge

Can I Ever Be Happy?

[Jen's P.O.V.]
*Next Morning. *
I opened my eyes, and realized today was the guy’s show! I got up and ran into Gerard’s room. I jumped on his bed, rudely waking him.
"GET UP SLEEPY!" I screamed in his ear.

"What the fuck. Its only 9 in the morning."

"That’s a long time." I said smiling widely hoping he wouldn’t kill me. He laughed a little and sat up.

"Why are you waking me up so early?"

"I’m excited."

"For what?"

"YOUR SHOW!" I said. He laughed.

"Yeah I know I could barley sleep last night, I am so excited, yet so nervous."

"Don't be nervous. When you guys practiced last night it sounded amazing."

"That means a lot to me, but what if the audience thinks different?"

"Oh come on. Stop being negative, you guys will do fine." I said holding
his hand trying to comfort him.

"Thanks Jen you help a lot." He said smiling.

"Always here for you." I said kissing his lips.

" I really hate hiding this." He said pulling me close to him.

"So do I... I want to tell them, but I know I cant."

"Listen I want to tell them just as badly as you, but honestly it’s a big risk
to take. I mean I am a little unsure about telling Mikey."

"I hate lying to them, and everyone."

"So do I, but it kind of has to be done."

"I understand." I said. He leaned in and gave me a kiss. I felt so happy with him. We heard people voices so I jumped off him and sat at the end of the bed. Mikey walked in, and I felt relieved.

"Hey Gerard can you drive me to the book store? I need to talk to my manager tell him I can't work tonight."

"OK let me get changed."

"OK thanks." He said closing the door.

"Do you want to come?" Gerard asked me.

"Sure. I'll go get changed." I said walking out, and going to my room to get changed. I came back into his room, and he was getting his belt on. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped a little then smiled.

"Hey Gerard I have a question."

"What is the question?"

"Do you think I could talk to Mikey about getting a job at the book store?"

"I’m sure you can, but why do you want a job? You're only 15."

"I just do." I said. The truth was I wanted to start getting money to pay
Gerard, and Mikey off. I knew it would never be anywhere near close to what I truly owe them, but it's worth a try.

"OK sure talk to Mikey about it."

"I will." I said walking downstairs to see him waiting for us.

"Hey Mikey I have a question for you."

"I probably have an answer for you." He said.

"Would you be able to talk to your boss about getting me a job there?"

"Yeah of coarse I can."

"Thank you so much Mikey!" I said hugging him.

"No problem. Why do you want a job though?"

"I just do honestly."

"OK yeah I'll definitely talk to my boss."

"Thank you Mikey!" I said smiling.

"Lets get going." Gerard said. We got into Gerard’s car. The boys sat in
the front, and I sat in the back. I looked out the window just thinking about how grateful I was to be with them, and have a place to live.
We pulled up to the store, and I started looking around, and just looking. It was such a nice place. I would be lucky to work here.

Gerard and Mikey found the manager, and I saw them gesture over to me to come over by him. I walked over by him, and the manager.
"Sean this is my friend Jen." Mikey said.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hey there Jen. Do you have any experience in a book store?"

"No this would be my first job."

"OK come back on Monday with Mikey, and I can start training you for the job."

"Wait so I got it?"

"Yeah Gerard, and Mikey put in a good word for you." He said. I smiled so big and hugged them both. I was so excited.

We stood around talking for a while, then we head back home so My Chemical Romance could practice one more time before there first show.

*5 O'clock at night *
All the girls went to Knitting with the boys, to help set up, and things. They were just unloading their instruments. They started to do a sound check, before we knew it was almost show time. Kate, Steph, and I were back stage calming the boys down. Gerard, and I were in the back of Knitting by our selves. He was so nervous he was already sweating.
"Calm down Gerard, its all going to go great. You guys practiced non-stop, and it sounds amazing. I'll be in the front row cheering for you don’t worry." I said holding his hands.

"You being her seriously calms my nerves so much. I am so glad your

"I am glad to be here too. I'm so glad that you guys are getting the
chance to get out there."

"Thank you so much Jen." He said kissing my lips. We heard a door open and we backed off from each other. I saw Frank, and Katie waiting there.

"We're about to go on." Frank said also nervous.

"OK let’s go." Gerard said walking in.

Katie Steph and I walked to the front row. I saw them take the stage, and we all started screaming. Some guy introduced them. They started their first song they called 'Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough For The Two Of Us.' It was such a kick ass song. I scanned the crowd looking to see how they were all enjoying it. They all seemed to like it just as much as Katie, Steph, and I did.

"They are amazing!" Katie said.

"Yeah really!" Steph said.

"This song is like incredible." I agreed. We were all screaming our heads off! The song ended, and the crowd went nuts. Gerard took the microphone, and announced their next song, which was called 'Demolition Lovers.' That was also an amazing song.

*2 Hours later. *
The show was unfortunately over. We went backstage to meet the boys. They were all sweaty, and they looked really happy.
"YOU GUYS DID AMAZING!" The three of us said together. I jumped on Gerard, and Katie started like making out with Frank, and Steph did the same to Mikey.

"You did so good." I whispered in his ear.

"I probably couldn't have done it with out you here." He said smiling. We
all started loading the truck back up to go back home later.

"I will be right back." I said. I had to go to the bathroom so badly. I walked
back in. I was searching for the bathroom, and I saw a familiar face. I couldn’t tell who it was then I saw it was that kid Bill. He looked at me, and gave me that weird smile. I figured act like you don't see him, just walk away, but before I knew it he was like next to me.

"Hey there Jen."


"That was an awesome band that played before right?"

"Yeah they were amazing." I said trying to get away from him slowly.

"Was the singer your boyfriend Gerard?"

"Yeah why?" I said getting annoyed.

"Oh I just thought you had to be 18 years or older to perform here."

"Yeah so?"

"If he’s 18 years or older, and your only 15 I believe that’s illegal. Am I
right?" He said. The little fuck! He could tell someone now. I am an idiot! What do I do? Tell him or lie? I stayed silent. He gave me a stupid smile.

"That’s what I thought."

"I never said he was older then 18. He’s going to be 18 in like 5 months." I said trying to lie.

"That’s bull shit! He would go to high school."

"He does. He goes to another school."

"Stop bullshitting we both know your lying."

"I'M NOT!" I said walking away from him really pissed off and scared. He could tell someone, then we would be screwed. I couldn't let him tell anyone. Of coarse just when things start going the right way for me somthing messes them up. Can I ever be happy?
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