On the Edge


[Gerard’s P.O.V.]
I sat there in shock. I couldn't believe. I am going to be a dad, but I was only 19.
"Wow." Was all I could put together at the moment. I seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside I was so scared.

"I think I am going to put him or her up for adoption."

"You are?"

" Well were both far to young for a baby. Unless you want to keep it."

"Well you’re not positive yet are you?"

"I only took that one test, so it could be wrong."

"OK. That’s good. I'll take you to the doctor, and see if you really are."

"Yeah. Gerard are you just as scared as I am?"

"Probably twice as scared." I said.

"I guess this means were going to have to tell the guys."

"Why would we?"

"I think they will notice me getting huge, and in about 9 months popping
out a baby."

"IF you are."

"Well IF I am. We're going have to tell them."

"I know."

"Gerard if we weren't as young as we are would you be happy?"

"Of coarse! I am happy right now. I’m just scared shitless." I said. She
smiled, and laughed a little.

"I am glad that I get to share this great experience with you Gerard." She said kissing me.

"I’m glad to be in this too. You mean the world to me." I said making her smile.

"Well I am tired, so I am going to bed now."

"OK night." I said kissing her good night, as she walked back into her
room. I was tired to so I laid in my bed thinking. Would I be a good dad, if she is pregnant, and if she keeps it? What will she do in school? I would need to get a job, soon as possible. This was unbelievable. I eventually fell asleep.

*Morning. *
I woke up really early, but I had no reason. I just woke up, which isn't like me at all. I woke up, and thought I should make a doctors appointment. I got dressed, and went downstairs and started looking for a doctor’s office. I would probably have to send Jen in alone. If I walked in with her, that would give it away, and I would be screwed. I was down stairs looking in the phone book for a doctor nearby, and shit. I finally found one, and made an appointment for today at 12. I was so nervous. What if she was? What would I do? A few minutes later Jen came down stairs with Mikey right behind her.
"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Gerard." Jen said sitting on my lap.

"I got the appointment." I whispered in her ear.

"What time?" She whispered.

"12,but I am going have to make you go in by yourself."

"OK." She said.

"What are you two whispering about?" Mikey asked while pouring coffee
into his cup.

"Nothing." Jen said in a little kid voice.

"Well 'Nothing.' must be something." He said in a little kid voice.

"I'll tell you but it’s not official yet so don’t go saying anything to anyone yet." I said.

"OK tell me."

"I think Jen should tell you this one." I said.

"OK then… Um Mikey yeah I might be pregnant." She said. Mikey’s mouth dropped.

"You're kidding right?" He said.

"I'm not. I took a test last night, and it had a plus sign, and my you know what is late by almost 2 weeks." She said.

"I am taking her to the doctor today to see if it’s official." I said.

"Holy crap that’s scary."

"Tell me about it." Jen, and I said.

"Well if it is true I am happy for you two." He said giving Jen a hug, then
me a hug.

"Thank you Mikey." We both said. We sat there talking about what it will be like, and before I knew it, it was 11:55.

"Shit Jen. We have to get going."

"OK let me get changed." She said running upstairs.

"So are you scared?" Mikey asked.

"More then you can believe. I will be happy if she is pregnant, but if she’s not I wont exactly be in tears forever."

"Understandable, but you will be a good dad."

"I think she said last night to me something about adoption."

"Would you be OK with that?"

"I’m not sure." I said as Jen came down the stairs.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yeah lets go." I said getting up, and walking out to the car with her. We
sat in the car quietly.

"So Jen. If you are pregnant are we going to keep it? Or put it up for adoption."

"Honestly I say I want to put it up for adoption, but I know if I do I could
never get it back. I mean I could, but it would be hard."

"Well do you want to keep it?"

"Of coarse I would love to, but who would be able to take care of it? I mean we both go to school, and I am going to start working soon."

"Well I only have school every other day, and Mikey doesn’t work all the time. If you want to keep it we can."

"Its not just my choice Gerard, its your baby too." She said putting half the bargain on me.

"I don't know. Lets find out if it’s for sure first."

"OK." She said as we pulled into the parking lot.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Yeah just scared."

"Well I have to let you go in by yourself. I can’t go in with you."

"I know. I love you bye." She said pecking my lips, which made me smile.

"Bye. Love you too. Take Mikey’s cell phone, and call me when it’s over."

"OK." She said as I handed her the phone. I watched her walk into the
office, and I drove off.

[Jen's P.O.V.]
I walked in, and sat down. I checked in, and did all that insurance crap. I sat in the waiting room looking around. I saw many girls around, all probably in the same situation as me. Young, and scared. One by one girls were called in. Finally they called my name. I followed a nurse who led me to a room, and gave me a dress like thing.
"Put this on, and the doctor will be with you in a moment." She said leaving. I stood there for a moment then put on the stupid dress thing. I sat on the table chair thing, waiting for the doctor to come in. Finally a woman with brown hair came into the room. She looked at the chart left for me.

"Hi Jen. I am doctor Smith."


"I’m going to ask you to lay on the table real quick." She said. I lay down,
and waited. She took out this jelly stuff, and put it on my stomach. I started flinching it was so cold, and squishy. She turned on what looked like a TV monitor, and then she took out what looked like a weird remote thing, and put it on my stomach.

"Do you see that big black spot?" She asked me. I looked at the screen,
and saw a black spot in the middle. It wasn’t much, but I could see something there.


"That’s the start of your baby." She said.

"So I am really pregnant?"

"Yes you are, I would say about a month or so pregnant." She said

"Oh my god!" I said excited.

"Congratulations. I will like to see you back in about a month to see how
things are going."

"OK thank you." I said getting up, and changing, as she left. I pulled out
Mikey’s phone, and called Gerard.

"You're done?" He asked.


"OK I will be there in a few minutes. So is it positive."

"I will tell you when you get here." I said walking outside. I saw Bill
walking towards me.

"Congrats." He said sarcastically.

"Get away from me now." I said backing away from him.

"What I just wanted to wish my best friend a congratulations." He said
going to give me a hug, but I slapped him in the face before he got to close."

"Who ever said you were my best friend, and why are you congratulating me?"

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

"How do you know?"

"I heard your doctor say it." He said smirking.

"Why the fuck were you listening in on my personal business?"

"Walls are thin. What can I say?"

"You can explain to me, and Gerard why you’re following me!" I said walking away.

"I'm not following you its just luck."

"Its luck that your in the same exact spots as me all the time?"

"Fate works in interesting ways."

"Well fate should be telling you to get the fuck away from me." I said
looking for Gerard's car.

"Just know that when that asshole Gerard screws you over I am here for you no matter what."

"He’s not an asshole, and he wont screw me over."

"That’s what you think with your young mind."

"No. That’s actually what I know."

"Just keep telling yourself that." He said walking away, as Gerard’s car
pulled into the parking lot. I ran into his car.

"So what is it positive or not?" He said as soon as I got in the car.

"Its positive. I am pregnant for sure." I said smiling.

"Really!" He said giving me a big kiss.

"Yeah I am so happy."

"Me too. Come one lets go tell the guys."


"This is amazing. I am so happy to be sharing this moment with you." He
said holding my hand.

"I am glad to share it with you too." I said. We talked about how we would tell the guys about the baby. I kept thinking about that Bill kid. I had to tell Gerard, but not now he was too happy. I didn’t want to ruin it for him. I would tell him later.