On the Edge

It's Not Stalking Its Love

[Bills P.O.V.]
I saw her stupid boyfriend get closer. So I started to walk away. I had known Jen a lot longer then she remembers. I met her a couple years ago just before her dad left her mom. She used to be my neighbor, but then I moved to New York. She doesn't remember who I am because she rarely ever talked to me. A simple 'hello, and good bye' was all I ever got from her. My mom never wanted me to go anywhere near her house, because her mom drank and stuff. The way my bedroom was I could see right into her bedroom, and every night almost I would see her mom come in, and yell at her. I always felt terrible for her.

When I moved I always thought about her, I had the hugest crush on Jen. I always wanted to talk to her, but I was always scared. When I moved back, we moved into the same general area where we were a couple years ago, but Jen didn't live in her house anymore. Her mother wasn't even there. I was hoping to see her in school when I started going again, and I did. When I first saw her with Gerard, I wanted to kill him. I hated him ever since I saw him with her. I had followed Jen a little since I saw her in town again. She never saw me, but I was there. I noticed her with Gerard all the time, and I noticed he was driving places, and going to collage. He had to be older then 18, which I could use to ruin their relationship.

I had spent the past month trying to show up where ever Jen, and Gerard was. Just to piss off Gerard. I knew he hated me more then anything already, which was good. I over heard Jen’s doctor say she was pregnant, so I could defiantly use that to my advantage. I couldn't wait to see how her being pregnant would turn out. I dont think its stalking, as most people probably think, I think its love.

[Jen's P.O.V.]
Gerard and I were discussing how we were going to tell the guys, and Stephanie about me being pregnant.
"I think we should wait a little while to tell them." I said.

"Why? So they can notice it before we tell them."

"No so incase something happens."

"Wait like a month to tell them."

"I honestly don't under stand why though. I mean they are going to find out. Mikey, and Katie already kind of know so I don’t know why you just don’t tell them now."

"Because if something happens to the baby like if something goes wrong, hopefully nothing will."

"OK I am not going to argue. You girls know better about maternal stuff then guys."

"Finally a guy admitted to a girl knowing more about something then them!"

"Yeah you got lucky!"

"Oh please." I said

"Be jealous!" He said mocking me.

"Oh I am don't you worry."

"I know." He said smiling. I smiled too and laughed.

"Would you wanna know what it is before?" I asked.

"Would I wanna know what is?"

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"

"I don't know I kind of do, but I kind of don't."

"Well if we were in the doctors office right now, and they asked if you wanted to know what would you say?"

"Probably I want to know."

"Good because I want to know." I said smiling.

"What do you want? Boy or Girl?"

"I don't know. I'll be happy with either one" I said as we pulled into Gerards
drive way.

"Same here." We walked into the house together. I saw everyone was there.

"Hey guys." They all said as we came in.

"Hey." Gerard, and I said together as we sat down in the living room.

"Where were you two?" Bob asked.

"Just taking a little drive." Gerard said. Katie, and Mikey both gave us a look. I gave them both the 'Shut the fuck up.' look.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Stephanie asked.

"That’s a good question. What are we doing tonight?" Bob asked.

"I say we go to-" Katie started

"The Mall? NO!" Ray interrupted.

"No the movies!" She said slapping Ray for interrupting her.

"That’s a good idea." Stephanie said.

"Yeah it is." Gerard said. I wasn't feeling well at all. I seriously felt I was going to
pass out.

"So is it positive?" Katie asked me when the others were in another room. I nodded my head, and smiled.

"OH MY GOD YAY!" She said throwing her arms around me.

"Yeah. I am so happy, but don't tell the guys yet."

"I wont don't worry."

"Hey Katie I have a question?"


"I am going to talk to Gerard about it, but im sure he'll say yes. Do you want to be the baby's god mother?"

"OH MY GOD I WOULD LOVE TO." She said hugging me. It made me smile to see her so happy. I was so excited. Now I wanted to tell the rest of them, but I wanted to wait and see what was going to happen.
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