On the Edge

Secrets Are Out!

[Mikey's P.O.V.]
She was really upset about something, and I just couldn't get it out of her. I called Frank, Katie, and Stephanie over. Told them to try, and get a hold of Gerard for me. I pulled Jen into my room, and I started talking to her. Asking her questions about what happened.
"Did something go wrong with the baby?" I asked.

"What baby?" Bob, and Ray asked walking into the room, with Katie Steph and Frank. She looked at me, and hit my head. She got up, and walked away.

"What’s going on? Is Jen... pregnant?" Bob whispered, as she left the room.

"Yeah, but you didn’t hear it from me!"

"OK." They all answered.

walking back into the room.

"It was an accident Jen! You were going have to tell them eventually!"

GERARDS THE DAD! AND YEAH WERE DATING! SO JUST BEFORE MIKEY BLURTS ANYTHING ELSE OUT THATS ABOUT IT! " She screamed to them. She left the room. Katie, and Steph ran after her.

"Dude she’s really pregnant?" Frank asked.

"You heard her." I said. I sat back on my bed.

"Jen, and Gerard are going to kill me."

"When were they going to tell us?" Bob asked.

"When Jen got big enough for you guys to notice." I said.

"Holy shit." Ray said. Then Gerard walked in.

"Why the fuck did you call me home from school?" He said in my doorway.

"Um well Jen came home from school hysterically crying." I said.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
As soon as Mikey finished his sentence I left his doorway, and went into Jen's room. I saw her on the bed with Kate and Stephanie. Jen got up and ran to me. Tears started pouring down her face.
"We'll leave you alone." Kate said standing up taking Stephanie’s hand, and closing the door behind them.

"Jen what happened?" I asked.


"What did he do Jen?" I said trying to stay calm, when deep inside I wanted to kill him.

"The other night when I came home crying, it was because he threatened you and the baby, and kissed me." She said crying more.

"WHAT!" I said loosing my cool.
"He held a knife up to my stomach, and said if I refused he would kill the


"Today in school he cornered me into a closet, and he told me that he listens outside my window every night, and then he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away and ran home."

"Oh my god." I said holding her close to me.

"Gerard I am so scared."

"Jen you will be fine."

"Its not me I am worried about. Its you..."


"Because he said he would kill you."

"Yeah please. If that little brat wont touches me, or you I will kill him." I
said holding her. She looked up at me with heavy thick lines flowing down her face from her eyeliner. I wiped the tears from her face and kissed her.

"It’s going to be OK Jen I promise."

"Thank you Gerard. I feel so safe with you."

[Bill's P.O.V.]
I followed Jen out of the school, even though she thought she had lost me I was always close behind, whether she knew it or not. I watched her run into her house hysterically crying. I stood just below Mikey's room so I could try and hear what she was saying. I heard her scream to every one she was pregnant. I heard her run into her room, and her friends follow her. I slid along the house to where Jens window was. I heard Gerard’s voice, and now was the test to see if she would tell I listened closely. Then I heard her say "BILL'! HE'S WHAT HAPPENED!" I knew she was going to tell him the whole story, which she did.

I couldn't help but grin as I heard Gerard scream "I AM GOING TO KILL HIM...” Honestly it made me laugh a little. He thinks just because he’s older he has more of an advantage over me? Yeah bull shit. I can kill him in two seconds, and when I do Jen will have no place to go, and she’ll come running to me. That’s when I will finally get what I want. I couldn’t help but keep a smile on my face. Just knowing I could finally have the girl I have always wanted made me smile.
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