On the Edge

Is This Right?

[Jen's P.O.V.]
I came out of the doctor room, where they checked on the baby, and I went back into the waiting room. I saw Gerard wasn't there. I saw a woman who was sitting there when I went in.
"Excuse me?" I asked her. " Do you know where the guy, who was sitting, with me went? He has like long black hair he’s pretty tall?"

"Oh yeah I saw him. Some other guy walked in and he got up and started talking to him, then they went outside." She said.

"What did the other guy look like? Do you know?"

" Oh yes he looked about 16 or 15. He had black spiked hair and bangs that hung in his face." She said describing the guy to me.

I quickly realized it was Bill. I wanted to scream right then.

"Did you see where they went?" I managed to ask.

"I thought I saw them walking towards the back of the building."

"OK thank you." I said running outside.

I ran to the back of the building. I heard someone laughing, and sounded like someone was almost crying. I ran and saw Gerard on the floor, and Bill running towards me. He ran over to me and kissed me. I stood shocked. When he ran away I screamed and ran next to Gerard. He was bleeding all over.

I started screaming for help as loud as I could. Tears started pouring down my face. Finally a guy came running into the back.
"What happened?" He said.

"JUST GET HELP." I screamed. I held his blood covered hand and repeatedly whispered his name. The man came back with a couple of other people.

"I called 9-1-1 they said they will be here soon." He said.

"I will go wait for them out front." Another man said running out front. I heard everyone’s voice speaking, but I was trying to listen to Gerard’s heart.

The ambulance arrived and everyone was trying to pull me off of Gerard, but I was so scared I just could not let go. They got me off him and put him on the stretcher, and into the ambulance. I hopped in the ambulance with them. I watched as they put a breathing mask on him. I sat in the corner holding his hand. My heart had never been racing so much.

*10 Minutes later*
We arrived at the hospital, and they rushed him into the emergency room. There went behind big gray doors, and I was stopped by a security guard. I walked slowly into the waiting room. I had about 50 cents in my pocket. I walked over to a nearby payphone, and dialed Mikey’s number.
"Hello?" He answered.

"Mikey? It's Jen."

"What’s up?"

"Gerard’s in the hospital." I managed to get out.

"WHAT? WHY? WHAT HAPPENED?" He screamed into the phone.

"Just come here. I will tell you when you get here." I said as tears started flowing down my face. I hung up, and sat down. I sat crying for about 10 minutes.

"Awe why are you crying?" I heard a voice above me say. I looked up, and saw it was the devil himself, Bill.

"What the fuck do you want scum bag?" I said wiping tears off my face.

"Hey young lady just asked a question here." He said grinning.

I got up and pushed him as hard as I could against the wall. I raised my hand to go hit him, but someone grabbed my hand from behind me. I turned around and saw Mikey holding my hand and everyone else with him.

"Don't waste your energy on this piece of shit." Mikey said. He started pulling me away.

"Baby's." Bills said laughing. Mikey turned around, and Frank, Bob, and Ray had to hold him back. Mikey started screaming and fighting the guys trying to get to the little bitch. Bill would try walking towards Mikey trying to get in his face. The security guards came over, and pushed them away from each other. They told Bill to get out of here. He left and we all sat in the waiting room.

"So Jen what happened to Gerard?" Frank asked.

"Well I'm sure Gerard told you all about Bill?" I said

"Yeah." They all said.

"Well he showed up at my doctor appointment, and started with Gerard. They went to the back of the building and they started fighting, and I’m guessing Bill pulled out a knife on Gerard. When I got there he was covered in blood and I was having a hard time hearing a pulse." I said as tears started down my face.

Katie and Steph came and gave me a hug. Mikey got up and left, and the guys followed him.

"Where are you guys going?" Steph asked. They remained silent.

We started to follow them. We turned around the corner, and we saw Mikey grab Bill by the back of the neck and push him out the door. The guys followed right behind. Katie, Stephanie, and I ran outside. We saw Mikey and the guys kicking Bill's ass.

I stood there watching. Katie and Stephanie tried pulling the guys off of Bill so they didn’t get in trouble, but I just stood there thinking, and watching. I finally stepped in and stood in front of Bill.

"JEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" Mikey screamed as Stephanie held him back.

"Mikey, Frank, Bob, Ray don't waste your breath or energy on this idiot. Also you could go to jail for beating him up so just go." I said.

"Yeah guys listen to Jen she’s right." Katie said.

"Come on Mikey will see how Gerard’s doing." Steph said pulling Mikey inside.

"Yeah you guys too." Katie said pushing Bob, and Ray inside with Frank. I turned around to Bill, who had a smile on his face.

"Have I ever told you your great at lying?" Bill said. I rolled my eyes and spit on him.

"HA! That’s funny! Do it again!" He laughed, and I did spit on him again. I started walking inside, but I stopped once I heard him laughing still.

"You know you didn't stop them for their sake. I know you just couldn't stand seeing me get
hurt. I know it!" He continued. I heard him getting closer up behind me so I started walking again. I sped up my walk and went inside.

I sat with the rest of them again. I sat in the waiting room. Thinking, and wondering. I had a feeling deep down that I wasn't the best for Gerard. I mean look where I got him! In the hospital, in critical condition. I tried not to think like that, but I couldn't help it. I sat there with all this doubt in my mind I was so lost and confused...