On the Edge

A Special Girl

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
As Mikey and me walked home I couldn't help but smile.
"How did you meet that girl?" Mikey asked.

"This like homeless guy was trying to rape her and I helped her."

"Wow that’s a weird way to meet. Don't you think?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I walked her to school and we talked and we have a lot in common and stuff. She's a really great girl."

"Yeah she seems it, but Gerard just remember she’s only 15."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"I'm just saying don't get anything to get you in trouble."

"Are you kidding me? I just met her and I know she’s 15." I said.

"I'm just saying Gerard."

"What do you think I'm some pedophile?"

"Yeah." He said with sarcasm.

"Your an asshole." I said hitting his arm. We walked up to Frank's house, and knocked a couple times. Frank came to the door.

"Hey guys we were waiting for you." He said inviting us in.

"Sorry I was talking to a friend." I said smiling a little.

"Really who?" He said pushing his black hair out of his pale white face, and walking down stairs.

"A girl I met today." I said as me and Mikey followed him to the basement where we practiced.

"Really? How did you meet her what’s her name?"

"Jen and some guy tried to rape her and I helped her."

"Wow that’s not awkward. How old is she?"


"Damn. She’s young." He said.

"Whose young?" Bob asked butting in.

"This girl Jen that Gerard met today." Mikey said, sitting on the couch, next to Bob.

"Really how did you meet her?" Ray asked also butting in.

"Some hobo tried to rape her and Gerard helped her and she’s only 15 ha ha." Frank said.

"Wow Gerard it’s never normal for you is it?" Ray asked.

"Well you know me Ray." I said laughing. They laughed a little too.

"Alright lets start the practice. We only got an hour." Frank said picking up his guitar. The Ray and Mikey picked up their instruments and Bob sat at the drums and I walked over to the microphone stand. We practiced until 11 then we all headed home. Mikey and me only lived about 5 minutes from Frank.

When we got home for some reason all I could think of was Jen. I know I shouldn't be thinking of her, and I only met her once but she was amazing. I just felt something whenever I looked into her, beautiful blue, eyes I just felt something strong. I knew I would never have a chance with her. She probably thought I was just some weird guy who helped her out. I eventually laid my head on my pillow and fell asleep.

I heard my alarm ringing in my ear. I opened my eyes and bashed my hand down on the snooze button. I got up and got dressed and I walked down stairs and Mikey was sitting at the table eating cereal.
"Hey what’s up?" He asked.

"Nothing I got to go see you later." I said grabbing my school bag and walking out. I got around the area where I saw Jen yesterday and I saw her right away. I crossed the street and came up behind her.

"HEY THERE." I screamed tapping her shoulder. She screamed and, turned around ready to hit me.

"Oh my god Gerard you scared me."

"That was the point." I said. She laughed and we continued walking.

"So how did your practice go?" She asked smiling.

"It was good we are almost finished with one song were working on."

"Really? That’s cool." She said again.

"Yeah it just needs a little more work and it will be done basically."

"That’s so cool! What’s in the bag may I ask?" She asked curiously.

"Its my art school stuff."

"That’s also cool. What kind of stuff do you draw?"

"I draw like comic book stuff."

"For the 10th time that is so cool!" She said smiling even wider. We continued to talk about stuff mostly just life and what’s going on in the world. We reached her school and we finished up our little conversation.

"Well I have to go now bye." She said giving me a hug.

"Bye." I said hugging her back. She walked away smiling. She waved to me and walked up the stairs to her school. I also walked away smiling. I had really liked Jen. Even though I have only known her a day and a half but we just connected on so many levels. I couldn't wait until later to see her.